5 Curiosities and Differences in Architecture in Prague and Portugal

Prague city, among other fascinating things, is known for its beauty and unique architecture, very typical of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. Its homes possess details that differ from other countries. In this article, I’ll try to compare buildings in Prague to those Aveiro, a coastal city in the center of Portugal, where I come from. For this purpose, I will be focusing on historical buildings.

Better Self, Better World Conference: How One Day Can Change the State of Your Mind

There come times in the life of every human when they simply don’t function well: sometimes we lack motivation or a nudge to finally make something happen and to get things in order. One cloudy autumn morning at the conference held by Foreigners brought lucky visitors the flow of inspiration and encouragement to make their lives more fulfilled and well-balanced.

3 Tips for a Happier Life Not Only when Being Abroad

There is a Czech proverb saying “as many people, as many tastes”, which means that everyone is unique and one of a kind, with various opinions and desires.
And yet, there is one goal that we all have in common and want to achieve in our lives – happiness.

Relocation Consultant Tat’ána from Foreigners: Now I Also Help Expats to Purchase Property

Tat’ána Raszková is one of the newly announced Relocation Consultant Seniors at Foreigners Brno. Get to know her a bit more in this interview, such as her passion for jazz music, or her love for cats. Taťána is the one who can help you to purchase a property in the Czech Republic!

Our Relocation Consultant Martin: The Proof that Doing What You Love Comes With Great Recognition

Martin Chudoba is one of Relocation Consultants at Foreigners Brno. His focused mindset, long-term hard work and easy-going personality have got him promoted to the senior position, just recently. Read more about his future plans and perspectives about life in the interview!

Jessica from Italy: I Love the Fact that Brno is Very Multicultural

Working in the Czech Republic can give a whole range of possibilities: starting from an entertaining job in a pleasant working atmosphere and ending with relatively low cost of living, dynamic environment and lush nature. Jessica from Italy sure knows that: she has been working for Lufthansa InTouch Brno for two years and couldn’t be happier about her decision of moving to Brno.

Domeq Operations Coordinator Veronika: What I Do Feels Very Meaningful

Job at Foreigners can be more than just a way to earn money: many employees describe it as challenging yet extremely fulfilling. Domeq Operations Coordinator Veronika thinks so too: thanks to her diligence, passion and hard work, tenants feel at home here at Domeq.

How Does Brexit Change Health Care in the Czech Republic?

In connection with the latest news regarding Brexit, rules of medical treatment in the Czech Republic will change. Previous access to health care for non-EU citizens may have differences if there is no-deal Brexit. Brits should get the new health insurance before October 31, otherwise, the previous one will not be valid.