Are you looking for a professional pet sitter with individualized and personalized care? Are you not really fond of standard big hotels for dogs with cages where you never know who takes care of your beloved pet? Do you need someone to look after your four paws friend when you have an appointment or go on a business trip? We would like to introduce you to PetSitting5, an English-speaking pet sitting service in Prague.
Author: Joao Almeida
Mould in Your Flat Presents a Great Risk for Your Health. How to Deal With It?
Mould is a fungus and, as typical in these tiny organisms, you may observe it growing in humid corners despite your careful regular cleaning and maintenance of your house. As you might already know, it can cause a lot of damage to the walls and furniture, but worse than that, it can cause breathing and skin problems if you are in contact with it regularly. For these reasons, you should be mindful and try to prevent mould appearing in your house in the first place.
A Journey through Portuguese Cuisine
Portugal, a small country bordering the Atlantic Ocean, over the almost ten centuries of history, has created an extensive gastronomic culture. With the Atlantic and Mediterranean influences as a result of the great navigations, the Portuguese cuisine presents a wide variety that mirrors the landscape, cultural heritage and resources available in each region.
Coronavirus: How to Handle Anxiety
On one hand, we can’t simply ignore the present alarming situation and keep going like nothing is happening. On the other hand, we for sure shouldn’t fall into the other extreme and succumb to stress and anxiety. Inevitably, the recent events trigger anxiety in all of us, no matter how emotionally and psychically stable we (think we) are. We are outside of our comfort zones, mentally strained, unsure and wary of things to come. Therefore, it is of highest importance for us to brace ourselves with patience, discipline and kindness.
Coronavirus in the Czech Republic V: How to Proceed If You Feel Symptoms
There is over one hundred confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the Czech Republic. Here you find how you should proceed if you feel any kind of symptoms of this new type of virus and want to get tested for it.
Coronavirus in the Czech Republic II: School Closings & Bans on Events with 100+ People
The Czech Republic has 41 patients with the new virus for now, and the Czech Ministry of Health has announced some extraordinary measures. Therefore, from March 10, 18 PM, all public events with more than 100 people will be called off, while the previous ban covered only events with more than 5000 people.
Tips for New Tenants in the Czech Republic
Arriving in a new country, for most people, is not an easy task. You are leaving your comfort zone, and you have a lot of questions and uncertainties hovering in your head, right? However, for someone like me who has started living abroad recently, the first big question that came up was how to find a place to live during my stay in the Czech Republic. This process isn’t always easy. So, to simplify that, it is important to be as well informed as possible. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you some recommendations, rights, and obligations that concern you as a tenant to ensure that everything runs smoothly during your stay in the country.
Brexit: Measures and Precautions You Need to Take
On 31 January 2020, the formal departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union took effect. Subsequently, on 1 February began a transition period to reach an agreement on trade, aviation rules and other issues related to Brexit which will go on until the end of 2020.
5 Curiosities and Differences in Architecture in Prague and Portugal
Prague city, among other fascinating things, is known for its beauty and unique architecture, very typical of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. Its homes possess details that differ from other countries. In this article, I’ll try to compare buildings in Prague to those Aveiro, a coastal city in the center of Portugal, where I come from. For this purpose, I will be focusing on historical buildings.