Underground Culture Scene in Prague

So, you found a place to stay, took the first tour to know the city, and met a lot of new friends in one of our MeetUps. Maybe now you are willing to explore Prague a little more, but sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to orient yourself in its cultural life. As always, we’re here to help, check this article full of artistic information!

New to Prague but You Don’t Want to Miss Its Opportunities? Install Expat-1 App!

EXPAT-1 is a mobile application for expats, it covers many city around Europe, including, of course, Prague!. The app makes your life as an expat easier. We spoke to Marina Panko, the muscle and brain behind EXPAT-1 to explain what this useful tool really is.

English Drawing Lessons Are Opening in Brno

“You have to go beyond your limits because it pulls you forward,” Helena Hermanová says, a teacher of drawing lessons in Ateliér pro kočku. She leads her students to get better. Now you have a chance to join the class. With the support of Foreigners Brno, the atelier is opening an English course for adults.

Why Healthcare Insurance service with Foreigners.cz?

When you apply for a visa you will be asked to present your Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners, which guarantees your access to the complete medical care, including both routine medical care and emergencies. You can arrange your Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners online or directly at our office in Brno.