Looking For a Job? Become a Taxi Driver!

When the world’s pandemic is at its peak and some industries have difficulties with employing people, everybody is trying to make money in any way possible, at least to make ends meet. Nowadays, a very popular way of making easy money among expats in the Czech Republic is being a taxi driver. The reason is simple – practically the only thing you need is a car and a driving licence. Wonder what are the requirements for becoming a taxi driver? Go ahead!

Bára and Mohy: Story of Successful Obtaining Residence Permit

Bára and Mohy are a couple living in the Czech Republic with truly a great zest for life. As you may have noticed, the couple is of mixed nationality. Bára is Czech and Mohy comes from Syria and they live together in Prague. Now this international couple may have a solution for those who struggle with finding a job in the Czech Republic or are not students anymore and may find choosing the right kind of residence permit difficult.

Tenant’s Manual: Feel at Home in the Czech Republic

Are you moving to the Czech Republic? Living abroad is an exciting but challenging experience at the same time. Sometimes, renting an apartment can be complicated and we certainly want you to feel at home abroad! That’s why it’s useful to have someone or something to help you out. We prepared the tenant’s manual to make it easier for you and we have summed up some important points.

Spooky Czech Stories and Tales to Tell on Halloween

The spooky season is here but the coronavirus makes it more difficult for us to truly enjoy it. Everyone would like to live their lives the way they had before the pandemic and there is no wonder many people feel like they are wasting their lives by being stuck indoors since the world has basically stopped. This might be the perfect time to escape the unpleasant reality by telling stories. And what could possibly be better than telling spooky stories now that Halloween is just around the corner?

The New Recruitment Project by Grafton Is Looking for IT Colleagues

Can you imagine a job full of sports legends, sports information and sports data? How would you feel about using your expertise and know-how to obtain the world’s richest sports data and turn it into the most in-depth insights through artificial intelligence (AI)?

Heating Season in the Czech Republic: How to Stay Warm in Your Apartment During Winter

Cold winter months are slowly but surely approaching and the heating season has come. Nowadays, a house or an apartment can be heated in different ways. How to heat as cheaply as possible? By using the heater correctly, you can also save money during the heating season. With today’s article, we will give you a few tips on how to deal with heating in the Czech Republic.

5 Tips on How to Feel at Home in Your New Apartment

Are you a student moving to the Czech Republic? Do you feel nervous? Or are you ready to experience something new? Moving time can be fun but also demanding at the same time. Your new apartment may feel empty and sad when you first come in. We come up with ideas, what is going to help you to make your new home more “homey”. 

Coronavirus in Czechia: Where You Can Get Tested for COVID-19

More and more people know someone infected or someone who was in contact with an infected person as the number of people infected with coronavirus still rapidly grows. With this, the possibility of catching the virus increases. So where can one get tested if they think they could be also infected?

Coronavirus in Czechia: Face Masks Mandatory in All Indoor Spaces

The Czech Ministry of Health decided to reintroduce wearing face masks in all indoor public spaces. They react to the fact that the number of people infected with coronavirus is growing with worrying speed in the Czech Republic. Since the situation is serious in the whole country, this will apply nationwide and not only in the worst-hit districts and cities such as Prague or the Hodonín district.

Coronavirus in Czechia: Changes on the Local Coronavirus Map

Despite many people’s original expectations that the pandemic situation would improve during summer, the number of new cases has been growing since most countermeasures were released. This and the fact that many experts are worried about the situation further worsening in autumn has led to some countermeasures being (re)introduced again in the Czech Republic. Some of them, like wearing face masks, were reintroduced nationwide while other countermeasures were reintroduced only in some regions.