A Little Guide to the Czech Independence Anniversary and Its Celebration in Prague

If you were wandering around the city of Prague on the previous weekend you probably saw a lot of excited people on the streets. Now, what was going on? In fact, the celebrations were about 100 years of Czechoslovak independence.

New to Prague but You Don’t Want to Miss Its Opportunities? Install Expat-1 App!

EXPAT-1 is a mobile application for expats, it covers many city around Europe, including, of course, Prague!. The app makes your life as an expat easier. We spoke to Marina Panko, the muscle and brain behind EXPAT-1 to explain what this useful tool really is.

How to Feel at Home Abroad

Living abroad is an exciting but difficult experience at first. Every expats has faced the culture shock, the feeling of being disconnected to your loved ones, and wondering if you have made the right choice… We know it but don’t worry, it won’t last forever! It’s not easy to overcome homesickness, but it’s possible. We have summed up some tools to begin feeling at home in your new city!