Any big plans for the weekend? Or you have to stay in quarantine because you have met someone who was tested positive for coronavirus? We have several tips for you on how to spend this time in a cheerful mood and stay healthy despite being sort of locked home for working remotely or studying online.
Most of us are out of our comfort zone right now, because we have to live in new conditions. But I believe this time is a gift that gives us the opportunity to rest and look at our lives from the outside despite all the bad things happening around and take the maximum of it by spending this time productively.
Yes, the situation is difficult. Yes, we all get shocked every day by the news. And of course, most people are suffering because they have to stay home and cannot live how they get used to it. However, this situation should give us all a lesson. We should take advantage of the fact that we are living in this period of time. And maybe to spend it by not only lying on the couch and watching TV but also by having some quality time, taking care of our mental and physical health.
Let’s make this time better!
Most of us have probably more free time right now because if we can work or study from home, we don’t have to waste our time commuting as often as usual. Perhaps our days are longer because we don’t have long parties on weekends, or maybe, and not surprisingly, we have to stay in between four walls in quarantine and can’t go out at all. That’s why I have a few suggestions for you on how to fulfill your time and concentrate on being busy with useful things while not getting frustrated with the obligation of staying home.
“Keep busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair.”
― Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
My first suggestion is to use this time to learn something new or get inspired by great people. For example, I am a student and I am still looking for myself. Therefore, I am taking classes on the platform Masterclass. It’s a famous educational platform, where you could find lessons from the most successful people (as Samuel L. Jackson, Martin Scorsese, Dan Brown, and many others), working in a different field for people with all level skills. Unfortunately, this platform is not for free. But the internet offers us access to so many online courses. Links to most of them you could find on Instagram or Telegram. Maybe it is a good time to learn a new profession or just get some new skills.
Improve Your Knowledge of the Czech Language!
Another idea, which you could find interesting, is to spend quarantine time learning a new language. Also, this time might be useful for those people who just moved to the Czech Republic and don’t know Czech well enough. You could watch a Czech movie or have online lessons. I would like to recommend to you a Czech online school czech.annet. They will be happy to help you with your preparation for your university exams or just improve your language skills.
Learn something new!
And of course, the most important suggestion is to take care of your health right now even more, than you had before. First of all, vitamins! I would recommend you, if you are not obligated to stay in quarantine, go to the doctor and take a blood test, to know, which vitamins you should take. During autumn, the most important vitamins to take are vitamins C and D, but of course, it’s necessary to consult this with your doctor. I order vitamins online and take B, C, D, and Omega3. But be attentive to the gram quantities of vitamins on the package, buy in accordance with your needs.
Yoga and Dancing Are Always a Good Idea!
Another piece of advice, as might be expected, is doing some exercise. If you are working or studying from home right now, your back might be suffering, because you are sitting for so long. Yoga studios are the best places where one can slow down and simply relax. Of course, it’s the best solution for those people, who spend the whole day in a sitting position. In Brno, there is a fabulous yoga lecturer Yogalicious_nicol, our former colleague actually, whose lessons you can visit once the restrictions are not so rigorous. Meanwhile, during the quarantine, you can start exercising at home with Nicol’s suggestions. In Prague, there is a great yoga studio They are also preparing online courses for you, so you can get inspired by their advice and enjoy your yoga exercise at home.
Do yoga at home!
Perhaps you have always been dreaming of learning to dance or simply love dancing? Femme Dance Studio Prague is a wonderful option for you then! The studio provides different dancing genres classes – for women only. Get motivated by watching their video tutorials and once the quarantine is over, you are ready to train in the real-time and place.
Increase Your Water Intake
I bet only a small amount of people follow this suggestion from doctors from all over the world. I am talking about drinking enough water. Of course, if you are sick you should drink more tea with lemon and ginger. But it’s also necessary to drink enough liters of water according to your body. How about me? I have a morning rule to drink a few glasses of water with lemon, it helps your body to wake up and start working.
And my last, but as I assume the most important advice, is meditations! I truly believe that nothing helps our mental health as much as meditations. Even if you personally think that you don’t have anything to do with your mental health, it’s a good opportunity to keep the balance and stay in a good mood.
Let’s take the best from what we have! Let’s learn the most important things. Let’s think about what we have and who we are, how useless or important is what we do, how decent the person we stay with is, and how reliable are our friends when we need their help.
I am trying to be grateful for what we have, for the opportunity to stop, to stop and think, if everything we were doing and spend our time doing is worth it; worth wasting our lives. We all should see this situation as a privilege to have a little peace while we are all living in such a chaotic world and take care of ourselves.
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