Post-Quarantine: Better Days Are Yet to Come & Trips to Nature

My internship in the Czech Republic didn’t turn out to be quite close to what I’d expected when I was applying last year. I was looking forward to taking advantage of living in central Europe and traveling around. But who could predict such an outcome either way? A pandemic? Really? Are these the 90s or something?

Two months. Two months in complete lockdown, in a state of an emergency, with borders closed, masks, disinfectants, one-usage gloves, hospitalizations, even deaths, and many more repercussions. But every storm subsides. This quarantine did too. Patience was the key to it all. Patience, positivity, and a well-structured routine to get through your day. 

Obora Holedná, Brno

Now finally we’re turning a new page, we’re experiencing the transitional stage, where everything is not just black and white, but grey. The middle point that consists of more freedom than before but yet with a slight portion of caution. The stage of the adjustment into a new reality with cleaner hands and homes, with masks, with sunnier/longer days and smaller nights, with the warmer sun and long walks, with picnics, ice-cream, and local beer. A new chapter of hope. Hope that better days are yet to come. Let’s not forget that summer is ahead of us. Waiting to bring us joy, refreshing watermelon, the smell of sunscreen in the air, and tan-lines. 

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I welcomed this new period with some hiking near Brno, in a protected forest area called “Obora Holedná” full of deers and wild boars. A wonderland of different shades of green. The harmony and the serenity of more natural ecosystems always had an immediate effect on my mood, turning a rather dull day into something magical. 

Deers in their natural habitat

Hiking time

If you haven’t tried hiking yet maybe that’s the time for you to start. You will only need some water and a good pair of hiking shoes. You can start slowly and then gradually proceed on longer walks and higher difficulty levels. Nobody became a pro in a day, so you don’t need to stress too much about it. Just try to find your inner strength and stay persistent. After all, it’s just you and nature, nobody can judge your progress. And let’s not forget that in the end, you will get the ultimate price,  a spectacular view.

Nature is always a good idea for spending your free time

If you want to check more of my adventures click below:

Eight+ places to visit in Brno to be found in this blog article.


Photo source: Maria Daikou


Maria Daikou

Where's the beauty in already knowing what happens next? Embrace the mystery of your own journey and exceed your boundaries. The door is wide open.

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