More and more people know someone infected or someone who was in contact with an infected person as the number of people infected with coronavirus still rapidly grows. With this, the possibility of catching the virus increases. So where can one get tested if they think they could be also infected?
Getting Tested in Prague
In Prague, there are several places where it is possible to get tested for COVID-19, one of them being the Prague airport. There are two sampling points at the airport: One is situated in the connecting corridor between the terminals (available daily 4:00 AM to midnight), the other one is located in front of the passport control at Terminal 1 (available daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM). These two sampling points are, however, mostly intended for people arriving in the Czech Republic or leaving the country by plane. Other self-payers will be tested if the capacity of the sampling point allows it, with the exception of people, who have a test prescribed by a physician. Results of the test will be sent either via a text message or an email.
Other places where it is possible to get tested are, of course, hospitals, where it is necessary to register for a test in advance. People can get tested at the University Hospital Královské Vinohrady in Prague 10, where two sampling points are available. Both of them are available from Monday to Friday (from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM) and on weekends (from 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM). You can get in touch with the staff by calling 420 771 136 124 or sending an email to; registration is possible only via an online form.
Another hospital where testing is possible is Nemocnice na Bulovce (Bulovka Hospital) in Prague 8. Testing can be carried out every day of the week from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM and it is possible to register for a test via online form. For test results, it is necessary to call either 420 739 519 302 or 420 733 610 521 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
People living in Prague can also get tested for COVID-19 at Ústřední vojenská nemocnice in Prague 6 (ÚVN for short). It is possible to get tested from Monday to Friday (from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM) and on weekends (from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM) and it is necessary to register for the testing which can be done via an online form on the hospital’s website. For more details, you can call 420 973 208 333 or 420 973 208 334.
The whole list of sampling points in Prague is available here.

Getting Tested in Brno
In Brno, there are six sampling points in total. Two of them are hospitals, namely the University Hospital Brno Bohunice and U Svaté Anny University Hospital (FNUSA), however, both hospitals have basically no free dates for self-payers. The University Hospital Brno Bohunice has none and U Svaté Anny University Hospital has only two for the whole of October – specifically on October 2 and October 4. It is still necessary to register for the testing – the online registration forms (FNUSA’s online form is available here, the form of the University Hospital Brno Bohunice is available here). In case you were ordered to get tested by a doctor, you can come to the Bohunice Hospital without registration – getting tested is possible daily from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. At FNUSA, testing can be carried out daily from 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Test results are always sent via a text message.
There are also four private labs where people can get tested for COVID-19. One of them is IFCOR. IFCOR’s sampling point is located at the health centre on Dobrovského street and the testing can be carried out from Monday to Friday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM and it is also necessary to register via an online form prior to getting tested. The result is usually sent to the tested person via an email within 24 hours. The price depends on whether the tested person wants or needs a certificate with their results (for example for the purpose of travelling abroad) – without the certificate, the price is 1 750 CZK, with the certificate it is 2 000 CZK.
The second private laboratory in Brno where people can get tested for COVID-19 is the Cytogenetic Laboratory Brno. Self-payers first need to register prior to getting tested. All necessary information as well as the registration form are available in English on their website.
The third place where it is possible to get tested is on Veveří 64 at SPADIA’s lab. Even in this case, it is necessary to register for the testing via an online form. Self-payers can then get tested from Monday to Friday (from 8:00 AM to the afternoon), people with a request form can come from Monday to Thursday (from the afternoon to 4 PM) and on Friday (from the afternoon to 2:30 PM). Indicated patients can come every day from the afternoon to 2:00 PM. The cost of the test is 1 700 CZK without a travelling certificate, 1 900 CZK if the certificate is included.
The last private laboratory in Brno where testings are possible is Elisabeth Pharmacon. All the necessary information – including free dates – is available in English on the lab’s website.
Getting Tested in Olomouc
People living in Olomouc can get tested in one of the two hospitals that are there. The first hospital when this is possible is the University Hospital Olomouc. Before getting tested, it is necessary to register via an online form (UPDATED on January4: link removed – website not found). Self-payers can come for the testing from Monday to Friday (from 11:00 AM to the afternoon and from 0:30 PM to 3:00 PM) and on Saturday (from 8:00 AM to the afternoon). The total price for the test is 2 006 CZK and test results are usually sent within 24 hours from the testing.
The other hospital in Olomouc, where it is possible to get tested, is Vojenská nemocnice Olomouc (VNOL for short). It is necessary to register for the testing via an online form. Self-payers can come from Monday to Friday between 7:30 AM and 10:55 AM or on Monday from 8:00 to 11:55. People coming with a request form from their doctor can get tested from Monday to Friday between 11:00 AM and 14:25 PM. The total price for the test is 2 006 CZK.
Let us know and get your residence permit as soon as possible to be safe in the future in case the pandemic indeed returns in full force. Having a residence permit is the best way of making sure you’ll be able to return to the Czech Republic even if the borders are closed again.
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Hello! I entered the Czech Republic on 30th September and did my RT-PCR on 6 October from Anygence. The result is negative. Can I go out now? Where do I need to submit the RT-PCR report?
Hi Stuti,
It depends on which country you came from. But if you PCR test was negative, you should be able to walk around freely now.
And as far as I know, you don’t need to submit it anywhere, but you should have it on you in case someone wants to check it.