The Government has introduced a plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions in a 6-package process. Every Monday, the government will decide on the next step. Every Thursday, these steps will be approved based on the current epidemiological situation. For instance, on Monday, 26 April, the government is reopening kindergartens for all children in three selected regions.
The easement of restrictions will always be decided based on numbers of newly-infected citizens per 100 000 inhabitants per 7 days. According to the Minister of Industry and Trade, it is necessary to reach the amount of 100 infected per 100 000. At the moment, it’s 177. According to the Minister of Health, Czechs should not expect restrictions to be eased every week.
The easement will be based on the amount of infected per 100 000 per 7 days.
What is the 6-package plan?
The 6-package plan is a new system of restriction relaxations introduced by the government. Their purpose is to help Czechia return to “normal life”. The old PES system will no longer be used.
Package no. 1: phase 1 from 12 April, phase 2 from 26 April
- Stationeries and stores selling clothing and footwear for children – already eased
- Zoos and botanical gardens (in a limited regime) – already eased
- Farmer’s markets (food only) – already eased
- Exteriors of museums and expositions
Package no. 2: from 3 May (will be decided on 26 April)
- Body-care services in the 1:1 regime (under the condition of negative tests and wearing of masks/respirators). Does not apply to services that in any way pierce the skin
- Animal care services
- All shops (under strict hygienic rules) – if <100/100 000 per 7 days
- Farmer’s markets (all sortiment, under strict hygienic rules) – if <100/100 000 per 7 days
- Spas for private payers who have gone through COVID-19 (no short-term stays, international visitors will be limited)
- Galleries, museums, and other monuments – no group tours – only in regions with the incidence of <100/100 000 per 7 days
Package no. 3: if <100/100 000 per 7 days
- All services under the condition of wearing of masks/respirators and with limitations
- Weddings and funerals (increase to 30 people)
Package no. 4: if <75/100 000 per 7 days
- Theatre plays and concerts outside under strict hygienic conditions
- Castles and chateaus under strict hygienic conditions
- Beer gardens (exteriors of restaurants) under strict hygienic conditions
- Hotels and boarding houses (maximum 25% capacity with a negative COVID-19 test, strict hygienic conditions with the exclusion of night events)
- Sports outside in groups of 20 with the exclusion of interior spaces
- Sports inside in the 1:1 regime with a negative COVID-19 test
- Sports with an audience with limitations and under strict hygienic conditions
- Weddings and funerals (maximum of 30 people inside and 50 outside)
Package no. 5: if <50/100 000 per 7 days
- Pools and wellness centers with a negative COVID-19 test with limitations and under strict hygienic conditions
- Theatre plays and concerts inside with limitations and under strict hygienic conditions
- Cinemas with limitations and a negative COVID-19 test
- Interiors of restaurants with a negative COVID-19 tests, limitations, and under strict hygienic conditions
- Sports inside with a negative COVID-19 tests, limitations, and under strict hygienic conditions
- Weddings and funerals (maximum of 100 people inside and 250 outside)
Package no. 6: if <25/100 000 weekly
- The government will address the wearing of masks and respirators
The 6-package plan for restriction relaxations introduced by the government.
Anxious to keep yourself informed about the current situation in Czechia? Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where we share all of the latest tips and news for expats in Czechia in English. You should also keep an eye on our blog in the upcoming days so you don’t miss any announcements of further restriction relaxations!
Are you an expat in the Czech Republic with no residence permit? We are happy to help you obtain one!
Article sources:,, ct24
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Hi Tereza,
Long time no hear from. Hope you are doing well.
A good list, good to know the schedule.
Let’s hope that the numbers keep going down, but of course, without masks and hygienic measures being taken seriously then the beer consumption in the Czech Republic will continue to decline. I used beer consumption in the Czech Republic only as an example. Obviously, and equally, if not more important, are all aspects of the Czech economy.
Stay safe and take care of yourself,
Hi Dwight! Glad to see you back in the comment section! I have to agree about the beer, haha!
Take care as well!
Hi Tereza,
I just read here:
“An antigen test will be valid for 72 hours, PCR for seven days.”
I have been for too long under the impression that the PCR was only valid for 72 hours.
Can you clarify this as I suspect many others also have been under the same impression?
Thanks Tereza for your time.
Take care,
Hi Dwight, I just checked with the government website to make sure and it’s indeed correct. The 72 hours of PCR you’re referring to applies to travelling. I assume they extended the time for services, because people will be using those way more than they will travel.
Hope this helps!
Hi Tereza,
Thank you for this good answer. Now I want to follow up on this answer with another question.
Hypothetically, if a traveler travels on a Monday close to 13:00, has their test on Friday late afternoon close to 17:00, but Saturday is a National Holiday thus testing is not available on Saturday then technically this 72 hour time period is valid. Now the question. Based on this hypothetical (obviously based on real events for this weekend – name and details omitted for privacy) then shouldn’t it behoove the Czech governing authority to allow for this inability to test 2 days prior to travel when a national holiday prohibits testing?
Take care and be safe,
Hi Dwight!
Good question. I actually don’t think all laboratories and testing centers are closed on 1 May. I checked the biggest one here in Brno and they are definitely testing on Saturday. Obviously, not everyone has access to these big testing centers if you don’t live in big cities, but I’d encourage whoever you’re asking for to try and google some places that will do the test. I think it’s the only way to make sure there won’t be any complications.
Hi Tereza,
I have looked on Czech government websites for something akin to the following but alas no such luck.
Czech Government and Health Authorities are currently seeking individuals who care about their fellow human beings to the extent they take very seriously the admonitions from the health and science communities regarding the wearing of masks (even when encountering another individual on the street who approaches and passes you, be it one individual or several), social distancing, washing hands often and simply using common sense regarding your safety and the safety of those around you. One statistic that is being overlooked and should somehow be acknowledged as relevant to the numbers associated with this COVID pandemic is how many individuals have become infected and/or died as a result of failure to abide by the admonitions from the health and science communities.
Why is the Czech Government and Health Authorities seeking such individuals as described above? To help provide data regarding what level of the Czech population is serious about putting an end to this pandemic.
I have no problem whatsoever writing the above because I am one of I assume many serious individuals who really do give a hoot about people who happen to be in or pass through their local vicinity.
p.s. I did not really do a search per se, but it seems to be quite relevant.
Take care, stay safe
Hi Dwight!
Thank you for this information, very interesting! I have to say I haven’t heard about this at all.
Hi Tereza,
My recent post was merely a play on words to get people to think about one another rather than the “me versus them mentality” which is all too indicative of a trending reality because of the pandemic.
Stay safe and take care,
Hi Tereza,
Yes, you haven’t heard about this because I made the whole thing up out of my imagination that stemmed from the usual post by Foreigners similar to the following: “We are currently seeking a Czech-speaking Real Estate Specialist for Czech and International Clientele to join our team.”
Sorry if I led viewers to believe it is true, but if you recall I stated at the end of my post: “p.s. I did not really do a search per se, but it seems to be quite relevant.” and this was meant to indicate what I was saying is relevant but not factual. I guess I should have been more clear. My entire intent was to get readers to contemplate the seriousness of not following the well-established mandates that emanate from the health and science professionals.
Take care and stay safe,
Haha, don’t worry about it! It’s always nice to have a laugh. 🙂
Hope you’re taking care!