International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Suicide affects all of us. We all know someone who has taken their own life, whether it be a close colleague, friend, or even a family member. It can be a devastating event for the people left behind, and often times, family members or other friends around the person become depressed themselves. But how can we keep pushing forward after our loved ones have passed on? What can we do to remember them?

Navigating the Immigration Process: EU Citizens

Government officiated processes are challenging to navigate, especially in a foreign country where you may have limited language skills. Fortunately, it is possible to prepare for your immigration appointment to minimize stress on the day of your appointment at the Ministry of the Interior. Read this article to learn how to efficiently go through the immigration process.

Conquering the Immigration Office (non-EU)

We all know what government agencies are like. They’re slow, confusing, and impossible to navigate. Now, combine that with not being able to read the signs in the building, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. In this article, you will find everything you need to help you navigate the immigration office for whatever business you have there.