Linzer Cookies are named after the city of Linz, Austria and making Linzer cookies is definitely one of the most famous Christmas traditions. However, when you are trying to find a recipe online, you will get hundreds of different ones. Some of them are too complicated to gather your strength and start baking, while some of them are so simple that you start to wonder if the result will taste good.
Tag: Food
Fragrant Herbs Garden at Domeq Terrace
Urban gardening is a popular trend of growing plants in an urban environment. And Domeq happily adopted it! This progressive accommodation in Brno prides itself not only on modern design but also modern way of thinking – recycling, low energies consumption construction,… and now urban gardening!
5 Vegetarian Foods from Czech Republic You Need to Try
The Czech Republic is known for its meaty dishes. Steaks. Pork. Smoked meat. Goulash. Schnitzel. Czechs love their meat in any and all forms, but what if you’re interested in trying some Czech food for yourself and you’re a vegetarian?
Regardless of whether you’re travelling to the Czech Republic on holiday and you’re interested in learning about the opportunities out there, or you’re just a fan of Czech food and want to try some for yourself at home, be grounded in the fact there are some tasty vegetarian Czech dishes you have to try.
Are Czechs Tolerant?
If you have decided to move to the Czech Republic, perhaps you are asking yourself whether you’ll be accepted in your new home. There are many reasons to be concerned about moving to a country whose citizens you have possibly never met. In case you think you may struggle with being accepted, let me try to soothe your soul at least a bit and present you Czechs the way they are.
Sven, the Chef from Domeq Who’s Food Is Supposed to be a Hurricane in the Mouth
Life has a lot to offer and Sven, the former resident of Domeq, knows this very well. He came to the Czech Republic from Germany, where he was born and raised. His main reason to move to Brno was to gain new experiences and see what kind of a person he’s become with all the adventures he has been through in the past 32 years.
A Journey through Portuguese Cuisine
Portugal, a small country bordering the Atlantic Ocean, over the almost ten centuries of history, has created an extensive gastronomic culture. With the Atlantic and Mediterranean influences as a result of the great navigations, the Portuguese cuisine presents a wide variety that mirrors the landscape, cultural heritage and resources available in each region.
Grab & Go: Brno Cafés During the State of Emergency
Since the whole Czech Republic had to shift towards the position of avoiding human contact, it was especially difficult to give up on our favorite pleasures such as having a cup of coffee in our favorite cafes… However, Brno cafés are still operating doing their best to ensure the city stays caffeinated:) Many of them have created ways to stay afloat during this crisis. Read this article to learn which ones will save you from your coffee deficiency!
Coronavirus in the Czech Republic XI: Mandatory Facemasks and Shopping Times for the Elderly
The numbers of people infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) are still growing in the Czech Republic. This fact has led to the government of the country approving the nationwide mandatory use of facemasks in public places starting on Wednesday, 12:00 AM, March 19.
Domeq Life: Where Can I Eat near Domeq?
Anyone who is living or has ever been to Domeq knows that this modern accommodation house is located near the newly built business park – Vlněna Office Park. But when it comes to having lunch, where should one be headed? Here we present to you our own tips on various places where to grab a quick bite or have dinner during weekdays in Vlněna Business Park!
Veganizing Czech Food
As many of you might have noticed through social media or in your day-to-day life, veganism is increasing, not only in the Czech Republic, but all around the world. Supermarkets have begun to present more vegan alternatives, even fast food companies are starting to announce vegan options!