The numbers of people infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) are still growing in the Czech Republic. This fact has led to the government of the country approving the nationwide mandatory use of facemasks in public places starting on Thursday, 12:00 AM, March 19.
No more moving around without a face protective equipment
The countermeasure was introduced in response to the country reaching the number of 464 infected people (for March 18, afternoon). This means that no people without facemasks or provisory nose and mouth covering clothes will be allowed to move around and stay in public places where it is not possible to keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other people – for example, when using public transport.
Right now it is impossible to get regular facemasks in the Czech Republic, let alone a respirator, which made many Czech people make their own provisory facemasks in order to protect others as well as themselves. A lot of them even decided to hand facemasks to those who can’t make them on their own for free or at a token price.

However, the good news is that in a couple of days the Czech Republic will receive a shipment of new protective equipment and tests from China which will be given to as many people as possible. Other good news is that the Czech Republic has so far 3 cured people and no deaths have been reported so far.
New restrictions for shops
At the same time, only people older than 65 years will be allowed to enter shops, drugstores, and pharmacies from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM (updated on March 20), which is supposed to protect them from contracting the disease as they are especially vulnerable.
Shops are also obliged to disinfect baskets and carts after every use, while doorknobs and handles have to be disinfected every hour.
This countermeasure will also be in place from Thursday, 19 March.
These are, of course, not the only restrictions that are in place because of the coronavirus: The whole country is currently quarantined; restaurants, bars, and some stores are closed and there are also restrictions imposed on traveling and only foreigners with a residence permit are still allowed to enter the country.
Either way, protect yourself safe from the disease in any way possible, don’t travel if you don’t have to and check yourself for symptoms as often as you can.
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7 am to 9pm really
Thank you for your comment! Yes, we already changed that in the article.