Public Transport Pass in the Czech Republic Compared to Other Countries

Recently, one of our clients from Taiwan asked us if he can use his Brno transportation pass to travel to other parts of the Czech Republic. Based on that, we decided to clarify how it works in our country in terms of transportation and do a little comparison to several other countries.

How Friendly the Czech Republic is Towards LGBT Rights

The Czech Republic, the Central European country is the most liberal European country regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) rights according to CEE New Perspectives. For example, it was the first post-communist nation to legalize same-sex registered partnerships from other European nations.

Summer 2019: New Legal Changes for Students and Research Scientists in the Czech Republic

Summertime often brings changes in people’s lives and this summer is not an exception: from July 31, 2019, the Act on the Residence of the Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic is presenting particular adjustments which apply to students and research scientists.

How to Obtain a Permanent Residence Permit in the Czech Republic: EU Citizen vs. non-EU Citizen

Are you an EU citizen or non-EU citizen living in the Czech Republic? Do you want to obtain a permanent residence permit? There are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when starting the process. In this article, we have included all the important information an EU citizen or non-EU citizen needs when applying for a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic.

Temporary vs. Permanent Residence in the Czech Republic

What is the difference between temporary residence and permanent residence – is one of the most asked questions we get from our clients. Do you have to obtain health insurance? Can you buy a property or take a mortgage? In this article, we have arranged all the information regarding this topic, so you can have a clear view of it. So, let’s sort it out together!

The Second Official Recommendation for UK Citizens Residing in Czechia: the Certificate of Temporary Residence Won’t be Enough

Negotiations on the future relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom after Brexit are still ongoing. We are notifying you about the recent update from the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (the MOI). For reasons of legal certainty and saving time in future, the MOI advises the citizens of the United Kingdom who reside in the Czech Republic to apply for a Long-term Residence permit or a Permanent Residence Permit.

My Current Address in the Czech Republic: Can I Use It As a Permanent Address?

Have you ever been wondering whether you as an expat can put your current Czech address in different types of documents as a permanent address? Are you actually entitled to do that? In this article you’ll find out all your rights and duties regarding this topic.