Coronavirus: Main Changes In Arrivals to the Czech Republic from April 14

As the pandemic situation in the Czech Republic is constantly changing and the numbers of new people infected with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 are slowly decreasing, the Czech government is gradually releasing some of the restrictions it has put in place in the previous weeks. Among them, for example, the restrictions on traveling from and to the Czech Republic.

The general ban on leaving the Czech Republic ends

From April 14, 2020 (0:00) all foreigners with a Czech residence status are able to travel abroad and return to the Czech Republic even during the state of emergency which was not previously possible. However, the purpose of the trip has to be following the exceptions from the restrictions on the free movement imposed by the Ministry of Health. That means that people can only leave in the necessary and justified cases (for example working abroad, unexpected serious medical or personal events, etc.) and everyone crossing the border will need to prove their reasons to the police at the crossing points.



Mandatory quarantine for everyone

While it is possible to leave the country from April 14, 2020, after returning to the Czech Republic it is also necessary for everyone (both, Czech citizens and foreigners) to undergo the mandatory quarantine that is in the length of 14 days from the day of arrival.

Mandatory quarantine exemption will apply only to people leaving the country for less than 24 hours.

Family reunification

The possibility of returning is newly extended to the spouses and minor children of the EU citizens with a residence in the Czech Republic. This, however, only applies to the family members who are already authorized to enter the country and they also have to inform the Czech Embassy about their date of arrival to the Czech Republic and the method of transportation. They are also subject to the mandatory quarantine upon entry into the Czech Republic.

The situation in the Czech Republic is constantly changing and so some of the restrictions are being slowly released.

Transiting the country

EU citizens and foreigners with a residence permit in a different EU country are from April 14, 2020, allowed to transit the Czech Republic if they have a note from the embassy of their home country they are returning to. It is also necessary to leave the Czech Republic within 24 hours in order to avoid the mandatory quarantine.



Other important information regarding the new changes

  • While the restrictions on traveling are slowly being lifted, foreigners without a valid residence permit are still not allowed to enter the country. This also applies to the EU citizens and British citizens as the UK is still considered a member state of the EU at least until the end of 2020.
  • When traveling from foreign airports (for example in Vienna or Frankfurt) to the Czech Republic people are not allowed to use taxi services or trains in order to get back into the country – it is necessary that someone else (for example a family member) arrives for them. Those people picking up their relatives from international airports are also allowed to take other people arriving with the relative and drive them to the Czech Republic as well.

Do you need a Czech residence permit?

Start the process now.


For more details, you can access this document from the Czech Ministry of Interior (UPDATE May 14: The document was removed from the Ministry’s website).

Interested in a temporary residency application? Read here.
Interested in a permanent residency application? Read here.

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Photo source:

Anna Minjaríková

Hello, readers! My job is to provide you with some interesting tips and useful information about all the things Czech. ♫ I'll be there for you! ♫

15 thoughts on “Coronavirus: Main Changes In Arrivals to the Czech Republic from April 14

  1. Dobry den,

    I am Ashesh Khanal holding temporary resident permit(TRC)/Employee card now living in Nepal. I returned from Czech Republic on 14 March, 2020, Friday when The state of emergency is declared by the Czech Government as of 13 March.

    My wife and son have long term family unification visa (Multiple Entry) 1 year affixed in the passports issued by Czech Embassy, India. I came to know that the state of emergency has been extend until April 30, 2020. Due to current situation of coronavirus and state emergency in Czech Republic, would it be possible to return to the Czech Republic accompany with my family members – wife and son?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Stay safe and be healthy.


    Ashesh Khanal
    Kathmandu, Nepal
    Mobile: +977-9841751500

    1. Dear Ashesh,

      Thank you very much for reaching out to us! I have already contacted my colleague who specializes in these issues and now I am just waiting for his reply. As soon as he sends me an e-mail with his reply, I’ll be able to help you. However, it is also possible that he’ll contact you himself 🙂

      Kind regards and take care,


    2. Hello Ashesh,

      I’ve just received a reply from my colleague. Apparently, this is a very specific situation and only employees of the Ministry of the Interior of The Czech Republic will be able to answer your question with a 100% certainty. All contacts can be found here.
      If you need any further consultation or just anything the Ministry of the Interrior can’t really help you with, he suggests you try to contact us here. Hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards and fingers crossed,


  2. Dobry den pani Minjaríková.

    Obracime se na Vas s zadosti o informaci ohledne zdravotniho pojisteni pro ex pats.
    V Kanade, Ontario kde jiz delsi dobu zijeme jsme pred lety obdrzeli Kanadske obcanstvi ale nas pobyt zde jiz bude brzo koncit. Budeme se stehovat zpet do Ceske republiky resp. Kutne Hory kde mame jiz skoro dostaveny novy domek, budeme tedy tam mit trvale bydliste.
    Vekem jsme jak moje zena, tak ja, sedesat roku stari a tedy zdaleka ne v duchodovem veku ale pres to nepocitame ze bychom meli byt v C.R. zamestnani a mit zdravotni pojisteni hrazene nasim zamestnavatelem. Chceme si tedy zaplatit zdravotni pojisteni pro ex pats alespon na prvnich sest mesicu nez uvidime jak a ktere jine pojisteni by pro nas bylo mozne.
    Budeme muset mit cizinecke pojisteni anebo je zde i jina varianta? Zadame Vas tedy o informace ohledne nasich moznosti/typu pojisteni, popripade o moznosti zdravotni pece v okoli Kutne Hory/seznam zdravotnich zarizeni u ruznych pojistoven ale i jine informace ktere povazujete za dulezite nam sdelit.
    S pozdravem, P. Deutsch

    1. Dobrý den, pane Deutsch,

      velmi Vám děkuji za to, že jste se se svým dotazem obrátil právě na nás. V tuto chváli Vám teď sama nedovedu odpovědět, nicméně jsem se obrátila na svého kolegu, který se na podobné záležitosti specializuje. Jakmile mi odpoví, v komentáři Vám opět napíšu. Je ale také možné, že se Vám ozve sám.

      S přáním pěkného zbytku dne,


    2. Dobrý den, Pane Deutsch,

      dostala jsem odpověď od svého kolegy. Pakliže jste s manželkou ztratili české občanství, budete si skutečně zaplatit pojištění pro cizince. Pokud byste chtěl od nás pomoc se získáním pojištění, můžete se podívat na tento odkaz. Pokud byste potřeboval pradit i s něčím dalším, můžete určitě zkusit konzultace.

      Přeji Vám pěkný den,


  3. How does one obtain permission or proof that the purpose is to return to the UK and be with family during the current lockdown? Please may you advise. Thanks

    1. Hi Raj,

      unfortunately, there is no information regarding this topic. You could, however, try to contact the Czech Embassy – they should know a bit more 🙂

      Best regards,


    1. Hi Niveditha,

      in order to help you, I would need to know what exactly you wold like to know more about 🙂

      Best regards,


  4. I applied for a temporary residency before the lockdown and received a letter from the ministry saying I could pick it up within 30 days (this was sent in the middle of March). Phoned them up and asked if they were open and if I could come and collect it, and they said they weren’t doing this as it was a non-essential service. Does this mean that’s not the case anymore and I can book an appointment to go and pick it up? And do you know if they will still let me since it has been more than 30 days after they sent the letter?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Emily,

      as far as I know, it is, unfortunately, still not possible to carry this out as all proceedings on applications for residence permits for more than 90 days are currently suspended. For more information, you can contact some of our offices – I am sure my colleagues will be able to give you detailed advice on this topic. Hope this helps, fingers crossed 🙂

      Kind regards,


  5. I have tickets for Greece on the 20th of June till 30 of August to visit my family, please inform me if I need to have any other paper other than my passport and resident permit.
    Thank you in advance for the information

    1. Hi Mary,

      your passport and residence permit should be enough, but it’s good to have also some other documents that can prove your connections to the Czech Republic (for example Czech health insurance card). However, keep in mind that the situation is constantly changing and so in August everything could be completely different (hopefully for the better) 🙂

      Kind regards,


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