Have you thought about getting insurance before relocating to the Czech Republic? If not, then add it to your to-do list! Insurance isn’t usually something you have on your mind until you really need it. Or, in other words, before it’s too late. In fact, Comprehensive Health Insurance is mandatory for foreigners coming to the Czech Republic to receive a visa. Additionally, you can subscribe to Liability Insurance to cover health, property, or financial damage you may encounter during your time in the country.

Get your Comprehensive Health Insurance in Czechia
Thanks to our long-term partner, Slavia insurance company, we are able to provide you with different kinds of insurance quickly. In order to be able to keep providing you with this service, our CEO Andrea Tkačuková passed her insurance exam that is now mandatory to provide insurance services as a company.
While insurance may seem expensive at first, it can actually save you from covering outrageous costs. As you may know, hospitals are public in the Czech Republic. However, as a foreigner, your care isn’t automatically covered. If you get into a car accident or need to see a dentist, you will have to pay for the care out of your own pocket. This can get pretty expensive.
Comprehensive Health Insurance isn’t mandatory for European citizens as long as you have valid public insurance in Europe. However, for the non-European expat the Comprehensive Health Insurance is a part of the requirement to get a visa. It will cover everything until you get your employee card. The minimum coverage is EUR 60,000 per one insured event without any coinsurance or copayment.
Your employer will then pay for your insurance. If you are a non-European student, you will need to apply for Comprehensive Health Insurance for the entire duration of your stay. The insurance covers you for the year and can be renewed. We can help you to apply online with Slavia Insurance company. If you are already in the Czech Republic, we can guide you to apply through the VZP insurance company as well.
Subscribe for the Liability Insurance in addition
In addition to the Comprehensive Health Insurance, you can subscribe to Liability Insurance. This incredibly useful insurance protects you in case of damage to health, property, or financial damage caused to other people resulting from the normal civic life of the insured. It also covers anything you break that belongs to a third party by mistake.
Fun fact, this warranty is colloquially called “insurance against stupidity”. And let’s be honest, mistakes can happen to anyone! This insurance can hedge you if you accidentally break something in a store, such as a TV or a luxurious glass vase. For dog owners, if your pet unintentionally damages something, for example, a car or bike, the insurance will cover the reparation of the vehicle.
Still not convinced? Maybe this example can help you decide! One of our tenants has a little issue with the door entrance of his apartment (see pictures below). Even if the damage hasn’t been made intentionally, he still has to cover or repair it himself. The price of bespoke doors has been calculated to almost 17,000 CZK. And the insurance for one year costs approximately 3,500 CZK (around 138€). If we take off the insurance, he could have saved 13,500 CZK, i.e. nearly 530€.

Subscribe to Comprehensive Health Insurance now.
Not in the Czech Republic yet?
Are you still abroad and in the process of visa application? Arrange the insurance distantly and we’ll send you the insurance contract by express delivery.
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Learn how to recognize the right comprehensive health insurance and reveal myths and facts about it!