Your health is very important, that’s why health insurance that guarantees a reasonable price and quality health care is so significant. It is also obligatory when you are in the Czech Republic.
Together with our partner health insurance company we offer you comprehensive health insurance for foreigners that meets all the Czech law requirements, and is accepted by the Foreign Police and Czech embassies worldwide!
How to Recognise the Right Insurance
The comprehensive health insurance should meet the following criteria (according to the Act No. 326/1999 Coll.) so that it is accepted by the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic or an embassy of The Czech Republic abroad:
- It is recommended that the insurance should be provided by any Czech insurance company who has the license according to the law to provide this type of insurance. In case of any insurance from abroad, you are taking the risk that it will not be accepted by the Foreign police or an embassy.
- The insurance limit has to be of the value of at least 60.000 EUR
- The health insurance has to cover the following:
- emergency healthcare (accident)
- preventive health care
- there should not be your financial participation (for instance the cost of the healthcare is 10.000 CZK but you are supposed to pay a part of it, e.g. 1.000 CZK)
- healthcare of accidents which happened under alcohol or any drugs or during any sport activity
- healthcare of accidents which happened by your intentional mistake
The insurance offered by the Slavia insurance company mediated by Foreigners is legally recognized by the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic or any Czech embassy and fulfils all the requirements of the Act No. 326/1999 Coll.
Comprehensive Health Insurance: Myths and Facts
Myth: Within the comprehensive health insurance foreigners only receive compensation for injuries.
Fact: No way! With the Slavia insurance company, a foreigner is entitled to healthcare comparable to the one received by a Czech citizen within public health insurance, including preventive medical check-ups and vaccination.
Myth: Insurance companies do not pay for foreigners’ health care.
Fact: The frequency of indemnification has been steadily increasing and it is evident that foreigners use the insurance benefits to the fullest. The Slavia insurance company monthly reimburses several million Czech crowns for the foreigners’ health care.
Myth: Insurance companies are willing to ensure healthy foreigners only.
Fact: The Slavia insurance company also insured a child with a congenital disease of the spine. An insurance contract can be concluded by anyone who does not intend to misuse it.
Myth: The comprehensive health insurance for foreigners in disadvantageous and expensive.
Fact: The Slavia Insurance Company keeps the price of health insurance for foreigners at the lowest level possible. A foreigner, therefore, receives healthcare comparable to the Czech citizens’ one for a considerably lower price. Moreover, the insurance premium does not depend on the foreigner’s income, which is the case for Czech citizens.
Myth: A foreigner does not receive high-quality health care.
Fact: Foreigners receive healthcare that is comparable with the one received by the Czech citizens. Foreigners can also use the same medical facilities. Services provided are often significantly better in comparison with the healthcare foreigners are used to receive in their country of origin.
Myth: A foreigner is limited in accessing health care due to a language barrier.
Fact: The Slavia insurance company’s clients have at their disposal the non-stop assistance service at the phone number +420 255 790 262. The operators speak Czech, Slovak, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese and are ready to facilitate foreigners’ access to required health care.
Thanks, it’s very informative
Why doesn’t Czech insurance cover injuries ftom previous premiums if it’s the same insurance company