#LifeInCzechia Czech Republic is a popular country to move to among foreigners. However, life changes, and you may decide to return home or to another country. If this is your case, you have to arrange a lot of things like canceling contracts and leaving your apartment. You might also need to take care of some minor repairs or professional cleaning. Still, there is one more task: what to do with the furniture? We have prepared several options for you to make your decision easier.
You can donate furniture to those in need.
Do you want to sell your bed, chairs, or sofa and earn some money? You can do it by posting an ad in a Facebook group or an online second-hand store.
Selling your furniture on Facebook is the easiest way. Join a group, post some pictures of the item and add a description of its condition and possible damages. Do not forget to include the price.
Groups for Brno: Buy & Sell in Brno and Buy, Sell and Swap in Brno.
Groups for Prague: Prague Buy/Sell/Trade by Expats.cz and Prague – Buy Sell Trade – OFFICIAL GROUP.
Second-hand stores
There are many online second-hand stores. However, they are all in Czech and the ads need to be written in Czech as well. Do you have a Czech-speaking friend or colleague? Ask them for help, or use an online translator for the description of the item.
The biggest online selling points in Czechia are Bazos and Sbazar. For Sbazar you need to register before placing an ad.
Click on Přidat inzerát (Place an ad) and choose the category Nábytek (Furniture) and fill in the name of the item, its description, and your contact details. We recommend writing a bilingual description. At the end of the ad, state you wish to be contacted in English.
Do you own an IKEA piece of furniture? Give it a second home and sell it back to the store. Visit their website, fill out the form, and done! On top of that, they have an English version of the form, so there is no language barrier.
Start by opening the form and follow these simple steps:
- Choose the delivery option
- Describe the furniture in detail
- Upload at least 2 photos
- Fill in your contact details
- Click on Submit offer
Selling furniture online is easy.
Do you want to do a good deed and help those in need? Donating furniture is the right option for you. You can place an ad in the groups stated above and put the price as free. Another option is to give it to a furniture bank and they give it to single mothers, families with children, and others. They often accept household equipment as well.
In Prague, there is a furniture bank in Libuš. All you have to do is click on Formulář pro dárce nábytku. The form is in Czech only, so ask a friend or use an online translator. Fill in your contact details, date of birth, address, and description of the item. State you want to be contacted in English. Finally, just add pictures and submit the form.
In Brno, you have two options. One is the Project RE-NAB. Just bring your furniture to one of 4 collection points – streets Veveří, Hapalova, Okružní, and Jana Svobody. The furniture is then transported to a central warehouse and given to those in need.
Another option is the Diocesan charity in Brno. However, you need to contact them in advance. Get in touch with Tomáš Darebník who is the coordinator for donations. You can contact him by phone or email.
Do you live in other places in Czechia? Then there is Nábytková farma. The donation process is simple – give them a call and send them pictures. If it is suitable, they come and collect the furniture for free. The furniture is then sold in a charity shop and the money goes to Bétel self-help community for people with addictions.
Our last tip is Armáda spásy which helps homeless and elderly people as well as families with children. You can find their branches in Ostrava, Havířov, Karlovy Vary, Opava, Šumperk, and more. Contact them about the donation and they will guide you on how to proceed further.
For more tips, check out our categories of “Living” and “Practical tips”. There, you will find useful information for your time in Czechia. Do you need airport transportation or moving services? You know where to find us.
Image sources: pexels.com, unspalsh.com
Is there any second hand shop to buy bed and matrace in Olomouc? Please send me contact address in Olomouc
Hello, look at Facebook Marketplace. Many people in the Czech Republic sell their furniture there. 🙂