How Much for Renting an Apartment in Brno?

When renting an apartment there are probably some questions that go through your head and most of them are concerned with money. What am I getting for my money? What is the standard price for an apartment? What is the usual price of utilities? Today, we bring you an article that will answer these questions. Mind you, these prices are standard for Brno! Prices of rent vary greatly from city to city. 

The Minimum of A Czech Tenant: How to Find an Apartment

When renting an apartment in the Czech Republic, you may encounter multiple tricky situations that you may not have foreseen. How do security deposits work? Is it guaranteed that you will get it back? What is required to do to get them back? What do you need to watch out for when searching for an apartment? How to choose your landlord? All of these are frequently asked questions and today we come to you with a comprehensive article to answer them.