Masaryk University Brno recently announced that they are about to launch a new life-hack for graduating students – electronic diplomas. If you are studying at this university, you will therefore be able to download a digital copy of your degree in addition to receiving your paper diploma. This digital copy will have the exact same content as the hard paper copy and will be equipped with a qualified seal.
Tag: Masaryk University
Education in the Czech Republic: What You Have to Know
When it comes to education, one is often wondering what is the best option and how the application process goes. What if you leave all this to us? In 2016, Foreigners launched a project called CzechUniversities with a main idea of helping students to apply for a university and resolve any visa issues. We know how challenging it could be sometimes to deal with the representatives of the university departments so we strongly believe it calls for a professional assistance.
What Erasmus Accommodation to Choose in Brno?
Searching for sufficient and fair housing during an Erasmus stay is usually the hardest thing from the relocation process. Questions such as price, quality of the accommodation, communication with a landlord, his conditions and the location of the student housing is a daily food for Erasmus students. A dormitory, the social housing Domeq or a private apartment?
The Best Universities for Foreign Students
To get a degree abroad has become a common practice for the past years. Students from Asia, Middle East, and Europe start their search for universities abroad in the beginning of every school year. Many of them choose to study in the Czech Republic thanks to the high availability of education, great variety of study […]