Find the Best Mobile Phone Operator in Czechia

#LifeInCzechia Are you about to move to Czechia? Your phone will be crucial for you to be able to communicate, work, book a summer vacation, learn a new language, and entertain yourselves. All you need is a sim card and mobile data. However, the system is different in every country. What options do you have after relocating to the Czech Republic? We’ve prepared a clear overview of how it works here and what you can expect.

The (Dis)Advantages of Relocating to Czechia Through Marriage or Partnership

#LifeInCzechia Have you relocated to the Czech Republic on the basis of your partnership or marriage? If so, you should know that your permit is dependent on your relationship with your partner or spouse. Therefore, your permit automatically becomes invalid In case of a breakup or a divorce. Which permits and visas does this involve? And what to do if this happens to you? Find out in the following article.

Household Insurance in the Czech Republic – How Does It Work?

#LifeInCzechia The first challenge you face when moving abroad is to solve your living situation. Where are you going to stay? For how much? And – last but not least – what about home insurance? For this reason, we bring you an overview regarding this service in the Czech Republic. Do you wish to find out more about what exactly is covered by it? Let’s check out the rules of home insurance together in this article!

Top 5 Universities in Czechia: Study in the Heart of Europe

 #LifeInCzechia Looking for a good university abroad? There are several universities in the Czech republic that offer golden opportunity for studies in English, making it possible to get internationally recognized titles in the beautiful environment of Prague, Pilsen or Brno! Check out the list of top 5 universities in Czechia that are open for incoming students from all around the world, and pick the best one which will help you reach your goals.

New Beginnings Are the Best Way to Start Your Dream Life: The Story of Ariana from Mexico

#ForeignersTeams My name is Ariana Saucedo, I am from Mexico City, and I have been living and studying in the Czech Republic for the last 3 years. I am currently working as a PR and marketing Intern in Foreigners and I am also the promoter and media ambassador for the program Study in the Czech Republic. With this article, I invite you not to quit your dreams just because you are scared and to fully live your expat adventure.

Moving to Czechia: Types of Apartments Foreigners Should Avoid

#LifeinCzechia Moving to a different country can be stressful in itself. However, there are certain types of apartments that might complicate the process of moving even further. The main reason is that with particular apartments, it might be challenging to get the owner’s signature that you need to get approved at the MOI office. In this article, we will tell you which spaces to avoid as a third-country citizen. 

Leaving Czechia Permanently? Here’s What You Should Remember to Do.

#LifeInCzechia Czech Republic is a great place to live for foreigners. Still, you may decide to eventually move to another country or perhaps return to your family. If that becomes your reality, it’s necessary to keep in mind that there are many things you shouldn’t forget to do before you hop on the plane (or bus) and leave. We’ve come up with a checklist to make this transition easier for you.

Europe’s Energy Crisis: Why Is Your Electricity Bill Increasing?

#LatestNewsCzechia Did your energy provider increase your monthly utility deposits? That’s probably because of the energy crisis looming over Europe. Due to the war in Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions placed on Russia, the price of electricity has been going up. In this article, we will explain the reasons and what you can do about it. 

Brno’s Functionalist Architecture: 3 Revolutionary Gems with a Roaring 20s Atmosphere

#LifeInCzechia Have you heard of functionalism in architecture? According to this architectural style, buildings should be designed based on their function. Want to see some? You should come to Brno! The Czech Republic’s second-largest city has many unique functionalist architectural gems. They are not only important for their architectural features but also because they represent the history and lifestyle of their era. So let’s dive right in and feel the vibe of early 20th century Brno!

The Old and the New: Explore 3 Jewels of Prague’s Architecture

#LifeInCzechia Living in Czechia and interested in architecture? Have some free time and want to explore the capital? We have some tips for you! Most tourists cling to the old historical buildings, but let me encourage you to take a fresh look at the city. Prague has a unique harmony of old and new. So let’s look at Prague through a different perspective and explore some of its architectural jewels!