How and Where to Register after Entering the Czech Republic

All foreigners are obligated to register with the authorities when they enter the Czech Republic. This is true for both EU citizens and third-country citizens. Unfortunately, many people tend to forget about this rule. What are the deadlines for registering? Which authorities do you need to visit? And when will the owner of your apartment register for you and when do you need to do it yourself? Read our article to find out!


EU citizens and visa holders have to register within 30 days, permit holders within 3.

EU citizens and visa holders have to register within 30 days, permit holders within 3.


The obligation to register

In general, almost every foreigner who is planning on spending time in the Czech Republic needs to register with the authorities. According to the Czech Police website, the only exceptions are foreigners below 15 years of age, members of the staff of a foreign embassy or international organization (including their family members), and those employed by the Ministry of the Interior.

If you do not adhere to this obligation, you could be fined up to 3 000 CZK!

EU citizens and visa holders must register within 30 days, while third-country citizens with residence permits (biometric cards) should register within 3 days (if you’re in quarantine, you’ll be given an extension – go to the authorities once you’re out of isolation).


Where should I register?

The rule applies to both third-country citizens and EU citizens. Although as an EU citizen you benefit from your status (for example by having free access to the labour market), you need to register if you’re planning on living here for more than 30 days. 

There are two institutions where foreigners need to register – the Foreign Police and the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy at the Ministry of the Interior (MOI).

All EU citizens and citizens from third countries who are here on a visa (e.g. foreigners with short-term work visas or family members of working expats) need to register at the Foreign Police.

All third-country citizens who have come to the Czech Republic without any visa (but with the intention of picking up their residence permit card) or on D/VR visa need to finalize the immigration process at the MOI (known as OAMP in Czech). This option applies to you if you’re for example applying for an employee card, ICT card, or blue card or if you’re the family member of such a foreigner

Make sure to choose your LOCAL MOI institution, based on the official place of your stay.

NOTE: According to the Czech Immigration law, all foreigners should register at the Foreign Police regardless of if they’ve gone to the MOI or not. However, from our experience, you have already fulfil your registration duty at the MOI. We have verified this information with both Foreign police and the MOI.



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What happens at the MOI

It’s necessary to remember that the MOI is a different institution from the Foreign Police. Therefore, you need to go to a different address than EU citizens.

Third-country citizens need to visit the MOI within 3 days after their arrival to the Czech Republic (you may need to make an appointment first). If you’re in quarantine, you can go there after you’ve left isolation. Sometimes there are no free time-slots. In that case, the MOI will make an appointment for you for the earliest possible term.

When you get to MOI, they’ll register you and then make an appointment for you to do the biometrics (fingerprints, photos, etc.). Sometimes, if you’re lucky, the biometrics happen on the same day as the registration (for example in Brno), but it’s better to expect that it’ll take a couple days.

  • If you came here on a D/VR visa, you are allowed to start officially working once you’ve had your biometrics done. 
  • If you’ve come here without a visa (= you DO NOT have a D/VR visa in your passport), you can only start working once you’ve been given your new card. 

You should get the biometric card (= your residence permit – e.g. employee card, ICT card, blue card) after 2-3 weeks.


Who does the registering

Sometimes it can happen that you don’t have to register at the Foreign Police. This is because apartment owners and owners of accommodation facilities are obligated to register for you. 

The thing is, property owners sometimes forget to do it. Sometimes they don’t even know about this regulation. Moreover, the rules can differ in different cities and also based on who you’re talking to at the Foreign Police. 

From our experience it is better to go and ask rather than miss an important deadline.


What to bring

Whether you’re going to the Foreign Police or the MOI, you should bring your passport

At the Foreign Police, they’ll also ask for proof of accommodation, so bring the original of your lease agreement in Czech language (or its certified copy). Don’t forget to fill out the registration form.

At the MOI, you’ll need declaration of accommodation with an officially certified signature of the true owner. You’ll also need proof of your health insurance – if you’re about to start working in CZ, travel insurance is sufficient, but the coverage must be valid up to the date of your first day at work.


We’ll do it for you

Do you still feel lost in all of these rules and obligations? Worry not, because we can help you! If you use our services, we can provide assistance and consultation from start to finish – we’ll make sure all of your documents are in order, we’ll go to the MOI or the Foreign Police with you, and we’ll take care of your extensions once your permit expires. In the meantime, keep following our blog for more tips.


Article source:
Photo source: by Sora Shimazaki,

Tereza Walsbergerová

Hello! I'm Tereza and I'm a wordsmith and literature nerd from Brno. Although I was born and raised in the Czech Republic, I know all too well from my time living in Texas what it's like to be a "stranger in a strange land." I am excited to share all kinds of information with y'all!

42 thoughts on “How and Where to Register after Entering the Czech Republic

  1. Hi Tereza,
    Regarding this article How and Where to Register after Entering the Czech Republic. What happens if our daughters from Germany come for a 2-day visit and they do not register on
    They have been fully vaccinated.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Dwight,
      I don’t think anything will “happen” per se, but it’s always better to fill the forms out just in case.


  2. Hi Tereza,
    I forgot to mention our granddaughter also visits and she is 11 years old and not vaccinated.
    Take care,

  3. Hello Tereza,

    It is necessary to re-registry when returning from vacation?

    EU and third-country citizen with temporary residency.


  4. Hi Tereza,
    I am a family member of EU citizen, Ukrainian by nationality, but with a permanent residence in another EU member state. Do I need to register with MOI or with foreign police, and in what term after arriving?
    Thank you for your reply.

    1. Hi Anya,
      As a non-EU national you need to register your address with a local foreign police within 3 days after your arrival. As a permanent resident of another EU country you can stay for upto 90 days in another Schengen country without any visa. If you’d like to stay longer, you need to apply for a residence permit or visa – depending on the fact if your partner has a residence permit in CZ or not.


  5. Hello, I am living in CZ for 3.5 years but I haven’t registered on the police. I am from an EU country. How much will be the fine and is there is a way to avoid it ? Thanks

    1. Hi Tsiak,
      It’s possible the owner of your apartment registered for you.
      It might be a smart idea to go there and ask. And if you’re not registered, say you thought they were supposed to do it for you. I don’t think they’ll fine you.


  6. Hi, I am a Czech citizen but I live in the UK. My permanent residency in the CR has been cancelled by me. My husband is British and he is coming to the Czech Republic with me. We will be staying there at my parents’ house for a week. We are simply going on holiday. Does he need to register in the CR within 3 days or within 30 days? Here it says EU citizens have to register within 30 days. It lists the UK as an EU country, which obviously is not the case anymore. Does it mean that the UK has some special agreement similar to the one with Switzerland and 30 days rule still applies after Brexit? Or is it a mistake on their website? When does my husband need to register? Also is there a way to do it online? Many thanks!

    1. Hi Adriana,
      This is not an official website and yes, the information is too old, UK is no longer in the EU, so British citizens are taken as third-country citizens.
      If I were you, I’d give a call to your local Foreign Police department in the Czech Republic and check with them (they’re very nice) – but logic tells me 3 days.


  7. hi, I’m EU citizen (Poland), working in Prague but staying in the temporary accommodation for 60 days so I don’t have a lease agreement – what shall I bring to the Foreign Police registration?

    1. Hi Joanna! Do you have any other confirmation of accommodation? Like, if you were staying in a hotel – a bill?
      I’d take anything you have and simply go there and ask, they’re usually very nice and will let you know if you need anything else.

      Best of Luck,

  8. We are coming to Prague for a long weekend (Saturday – Tuesday) from UK, will we need to register and where at?

  9. Hello,
    I am coming from Egypt to attend a wedding and leaving to another Schengen country after 2 days. Do I need to register still?

    1. Hi Breanne,
      No, that’s not necessary. You’re not coming here to be a resident or to work.


  10. Hi,
    I came to Prague (a non-EU national) from Germany late Thursday, and because the Foreign Police office is closed on Friday, will I be fined if I register on Monday (that will exceed the 3 days deadline).

    1. Mi Mahesh,
      I’m sure that’s ok. Just explain to them the reasons :).

  11. Hello,

    I arrived on a Thursday night and the Foreign Police Department in Prague is shut Friday-Sunday so I cannot register within 3 days.

    What will happen?

    1. Hi Laszlo,
      Nothing should happen, the delay is understandable. Just get there as soon as you can :).


  12. Hi,
    I’m visiting for 2 nights at my boyfriends house. Do I still need to register?
    From the UK
    Thank you

  13. Hi,
    I (an Indonesian national) will arrive in CZ Wednesday evening. I have an urgent matter to attend to on Thursday and on Friday the Alien Police is closed. Does this mean I can register myself on Monday and will it violate the 3-days rule? Thank you!

    1. Hi Lenny,
      I’d suggest giving them a call. But Monday should be ok.


  14. Hi Tereza,
    I am an EU citizen (Irish passport though born in UK)
    I have come to CR to live and work.
    I have an “unpleasant” criminal record that I would probably have to declare. I am not under any conditions in the UK and living and working here, to the UK authorities is fine. But would/could this cause any problems with the MOI or Foreign Police?

    1. Hi Barry,
      As an EU citizen, you should register yourself at Foreign Police if planning on staying in Czechia for more than 90 days. During the registration, the foreign police check your criminal records in all EU countries (with a joined online system). If they find a record, you might be asked for an explanation – what can be an offense in the UK doesn’t necessarily have to be a problem here and vice versa. Moreover, you don’t have to submit a Criminal record extract when applying for the residence permit at the MOI, however, they check the Foreign Police comments and notes under your name and each case is then assessed individually.


  15. I traveled from Poland to Czechia, and have been staying in Czechia for over a month (have a visa-free for 90 days). Will I have to pay a fine for not inscribing myself within the first 3 days? I was not checked at the border since I was traveling by bus.
    I had no idea about this registration until now.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Fernanda,
      you shouldn’t be fined, but do register as soon as you can, please. It is vital for your residency here.


  16. Hi, i am an EU citizen. I will be staying for work for 6 months. What documents should i bring to the foreign police to register?

  17. Hi – I plan to purchase a house in czech but still work routinely in the UK, travelling to my Czech home as often as possible. What is the legal status or visa I should be applying for? I will be a home owner, but I won’t be able to live full time yet in czech. Thanks. Support appreciated.

  18. Hi Tereza,

    My brother is visiting me for 9 days from India on an invitation by me. Does he need to register?

    Secondly, he did the visa process through VFS. He bough the insurance via them but they did not send him any confirmation or even name of the insurance. Now he arrived day before yesterday. I already bought an insurance for him but it starts one day later. Do you think that will be an issue? I mean his Visa got approved only because he has a valid insurance but cannot find it and talking to VFS is useless.

    He is staying with me and I am renting an apartment. Do I need arrange a “letter from my landlord or me going with him will be enough?

    Thank you very much

  19. Hello!
    We are EU citzens and we intent to register at MOI for temporary residence. We were informed that our 2 years old child does not need this registration. Is this correct? It sounds strange because we want to send her to the Materska Skola next year.

    1. Hello, no one from the EU is actually obligated to get this registration certificate (temporary residence permit), but it is also recommended for your two-year-old child as it will help you when dealing with organisations etc.

  20. Hi,

    I am an American citizen married to a Czech and we own a condo in Prague. We visit the Czech Republic 2-4 times each year for about 10 days during each visit. Since we own a condo in the Czech Republic my accommodations don’t change; therefore, can I register with the foreign police just once or do I have to register with the foreign police each time I visit?

    1. We would need more details to provide you with the right advice. Basically, if you don’t have any kind of visa or permit in the Czech Republic, you should announce your visit every time you arrive in the Czech Republic. Don’t hesitate to contact us via for further details.

  21. I moved to Prague about 2 years ago due to a work opportunity i received. I do have a house rented under my name and pay taxes through work. However I did not register yet with the Police and dint receive any letter in the last 2 years in reagrds to this either. What would be your advice as my next steps? I do have a EU passport.

    1. As an EU citizen living in the Czech Republic, you are required to register your residence with the Foreigners’ Police within 30 days of arrival if you plan to stay longer than 90 days. Since you haven’t done this yet, here are your next steps:

      Visit the Foreigners’ Police: Go to the Foreigners’ Police office in Prague and register your residence. Bring:

      Your EU passport.
      Your rental contract as proof of address.
      Address the Delay: Explain the oversight if asked, but note that penalties for delayed registration are typically mild or waived for EU citizens.

      Optional Residency Certificate: Consider applying for an EU Certificate of Temporary Residence for easier dealings with local authorities.

      Taking action promptly will help avoid potential complications.

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