Waste-collection is one of those topics you don’t think about every day. However, you should think about it at least once a year when it’s time to pay the municipal waste fee – especially if you live in Brno, Hradec Králové, and Olomouc. You may have not known this, but whether you have to pay or don’t depends on where in Czechia you live. Especially if you’re an expat.
Health Care in Czechia under COVID-19: Insurance, Testing, and Vaccination
Understanding the health care system in Czechia can be difficult even for Czechs, especially during a worldwide pandemic. For expats living in Czechia, things might get even more complicated and difficult to comprehend. This article explains what the deal is with COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, and which insurance companies cover which kinds of services if you’re a foreigner.
Olomouc Has Joined the Challenge Do Práce Na Kole – on Bike to Work. Will You Join, Too?
For the ninth time, the City of Olomouc is participating in a nationwide challenge On Bike to Work with the aim of supporting sustainable mobility and healthy movement. Try to change your traffic habits for one month!
Remote Haven: Work “From Home” from the Magical Island of Madeira
As COVID-19 measures keep tightening in workplaces all around Czechia, most people believe that they have to choose between working at the office under restrictions or working from the isolation of their homes. But did you know there was a third option? An increasing number of young professionals have been temporarily leaving their homes for the island of Madeira to work from the stimulating safety of its digital nomad community. One of the places on Madeira you can choose for your “voluntary exile” is Bogdan Danchuk’s Remote Haven.
Am I a Foreigner or Not? Story of a Czech/Luxembourgish Student in Brno
Hi, my name is Anna, I am 22 years old, and I am currently living in Brno. I was born and raised in Luxembourg, with a double nationality, Luxembourgish and Czech.
I lived in Luxembourg until my graduation in 2018, however, I visited my relatives and friends in the Czech Republic during my whole life. Living in a bi-lingual household, the language never was an issue whenever I came here.
Coronavirus in Czechia: Current State of Emergency Extended through 11 April
The Chamber of Deputies granted the government’s request and voted to extend the current state of emergency. The extension is valid through 11 April 2021. The deputies also discussed the possibility of relaxation of some restrictions in mid-April – including the easement of the ban of movement and gradual reopening of schools.
How to Register Your Car without Obstacles
Car registration in the Czech Republic is a very easy process. That is if you are well prepared and have every document necessary. Otherwise, it can turn into a never-ending story. In this article, we will take a look at all the required documents and steps, so your car registration process is as smooth as possible.
6 Online Groceries that Will Make Your Life Easier
We do almost everything online, especially nowadays when the global pandemic is at its peak. So, why not go grocery shopping online? It’s fast and convenient in several ways. Don’t want to leave the comfort of your home? Do you have more important things to do than wasting your precious time on shopping? Don’t want to drag heavy bags? Go online shopping! This article introduces six online grocery services that are definitely worth trying!
Census 2021: What You Need to Know as an Expat in Czechia
The 2021 Census is coming sooner than you think, with its online phase starting on 26–27 March and the paper phase starting on 17 April. According to the Czech Statistical Office, everyone must be enumerated, including expats. What do you need to know? How to get ready? What questions should you expect? Will the forms be in English? We know the answers!
Slight Relaxation of COVID-19 Restrictions from 22 March
Although the number of new COVID-19 cases in Czechia has been steadily decreasing, the situation in hospitals is still critical. Therefore, the Minister of Health, Jan Blatný, decided to extend current coronavirus restrictions to at least the end of the Easter holidays – including the ban of movement between districts. Still, there will be a slight relaxation of some of the current rules from 22 March.