Since the COVID-19 situation in the Czech Republic is developing in a positive way, the Czech government continues to relax some of the last countermeasures introduced to stop the COVID-19 from spreading. So what changes did the last two days, May 25 and May 26, bring? Find out in this article!
Wearing face masks
Wearing of face masks became mandatory not too long after the first cases of people infected with coronavirus appeared in the Czech Republic. As the situation has changed, the mandatory wearing of face masks has gradually been released and the last change so far came into effect on Monday, May 25. From May 25 face masks are mandatory only in:
- Indoor areas
- Shopping centers
- Grocery and other stores
- Cinemas and theaters
- In places where it is not possible to keep a distance of 2 meters from others
- Public transport
- All public transport
- Taxi services
- It is recommended you wash your hands after getting out
- During contact with other people
- Only in places with no possibility to keep a distance of 2 meters
- Does not apply to members of the common household
Re-opening of businesses and other services
Another change concerns re-opening of some businesses and services. From May 25 following businesses and services can re-open:
- Restaurants, cafes, and bars
- Indoor areas
- Face masks mandatory when not eating or drinking
- Castles and chateaus
- Indoor areas
- Swimming pools
- Saunas and wellness centers
- Waterparks
- Patients visits
- Hospitals
- Retirement houses
- Zoos and botanical gardens
- Indoor areas
- Sport activities
- Up to 300 people
- Both indoor and outdoor areas
- Now possible to use locker rooms and bathrooms
- Group events
- Up to 300
- Hotels and camps
Crossing the borders
Tuesday, May 26, brought a big change regarding the crossings of the borders with Austria and Germany. From that day it is possible to enter and leave the country through another ten crossing points for car transport. Checks will be done only randomly.
In addition to Prague’s Václav Havel’s Airport, other airports in the Czech Republic will also be opened for international flights starting on May 26. However, people still have to prove a negative test for COVID-19 upon entering the country, and measures that do not allow tourists to enter the Czech Republic still apply.

Citizens of the European Union and foreigners with a long term residence permit in another EU country will now be able to enter the territory of the Czech Republic for a maximum of 72 hours from Tuesday, May 26. However, they must have a negative test for coronavirus and arrive for economic activity or to visit people with whom they have a family connection, including a lasting partnership.
From Wednesday, the border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia will re-open for Czechs and Slovaks who will be able to travel between the two countries without the need for COVID-19 tests and without undergoing the mandatory 14-days quarantine.
The government is planning to release the rest of the restrictions within the next few weeks if the situation continues developing well. In case the numbers start growing and do so for a longer period of time, the easing of restrictions will slow down until the situation gets better. This might also affect traveling.
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Oh, and one last important thing: Our offices in Brno, Prague, Olomouc, Pilsen, and Hradec Králové operate normally again. Let us know and get your residence permit as soon as possible to be safe in the future!
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