Coronavirus in Czechia: Prognosis and Predictions

While the Czech government keeps relaxing the previously introduced restrictions and countermeasures that were put in place to stop the coronavirus from spreading, it is important to remember that the disease might return and it might return soon. After all, it’s still not even gone in the first place. So what can you expect to happen in the foreseeable future?

Current situation

The first three cases of COVID-19 in the Czech Republic were recorded on March 1 and less than two weeks later the Czech government declared the state of emergency. It took the country several weeks to get the virus under control until the number of new confirmed cases finally started decreasing in the middle of April. 

Once the situation started developing positively, the government began easing the restrictions it had put in place despite concerns of many experts who feared that it was too early for such actions and that the numbers might start growing again as a result. In response to that, the Ministry of Health’s deputy minister Roman Prymula announced that the government was ready to react if the reproductive number of COVID-19 was to cross the number 1. If that happened, lifting of restrictions could be slowed down, some changes could be postponed and some of the previously repealed countermeasures could be resumed. Prymula himself seems to be concerned about the countermeasures being relaxed too soon and too fast as he said that the second wave could hit the country during the time things started getting back to normal. 




At the end of April, the reproductive number reached 0.7, which was the lowest value in several weeks, however, at the beginning of May it started increasing again. As of May 19, it already rose to 1.2 and the number of newly confirmed cases of people infected with COVID-19 went up to 111, making it the highest increase since April 21, though this was most likely caused by the virus spreading among miners in the Darkov Mine in Karviná (Moravian-Silesian region). In response to this, epidemiologist Rastislav Maďar confirmed Prymula’s words that if the situation continued developing this way and the numbers kept growing, the government would react. However, the following day, on May 20, the numbers dropped again.

Expecting the 2nd wave

According to most experts from all over the world, people should expect the second wave of the COVID-19 to hit at some time this year. The only thing they cannot agree on is when this would happen – while some experts expect the second wave to come in winter, others think it might happen in autumn already. Many of them are also afraid that this wave could be even worse as it could intersect with the flu season.

According to most experts from all over the world, the second wave of the COVID-19 could hit at some time this year – most likely in autumn or winter.

One of the few people who aren’t afraid that the second wave could be worse than this one, is immunologist Blanka Říhová who believes that a part of the population is being immunized. She also adds that we already know much more than at the beginning which gives people a great advantage.





Perhaps everyone in the world wants the COVID-19 vaccine to be discovered as soon as possible, but it is obvious that it will take some time as it does with every vaccine. Many companies and institutes have started working on one and the American biotechnological company Moderna has already started testing, however, even its researchers expect the process of developing this vaccine to take several months.

How can you prepare for this?

There are not many ways of getting mentally prepared for something like this, however, you can at least avoid some complications related to traveling, leaving, and re-entering the country, by taking certain precautions. 

The best thing you can do is to get yourself a residence permit because, as this wave of the coronavirus has already shown, having a residence permit might be your only chance for entering the Czech Republic. Ideally, you can apply for Czech citizenship, if you meet the conditions (in Czech only).

Another very useful thing is obviously health insurance which everyone should have if possible. Not only will it help you to get proper health care while giving out less money out of your pocket, but it can be also used when trying to travel back to the Czech Republic should the borders be closed again.

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Also remember, that wearing face masks is very important – according to the latest study it can reduce coronavirus transmission by 75 %. As Czechia hasn’t experienced a bigger outbreak of the disease, unlike for example USA, Brazil, Spain and Italy have, people might be lulled into the false sense of security that since it was not that bad the first time, wearing a face mask is not as important and won’t make a difference. It is difficult to see that something works if nothing significant changes for you but let’s not allow things to get worse only because we lack the USA’s, Brazil’s, Spain’s or Italy’s experience.

But worry not – every trouble will eventually pass!

If you don’t want to miss out on any important news, subscribe to our daily newsletter mapping the current coronavirus situation, and don’t forget to check this blog. To stay updated, you can also follow us on Facebook where we live-stream on immigration topics on a regular basis, and Instagram.

Oh, and one last important thing: Our offices in Brno, Prague, Olomouc, Pilsen, and Hradec Králové are open again. Let us know and get your residence permit as soon as possible!

Sources of the information: Aktuálně.cz (in Czech only), (in Czech only), (in Czech only), (in Czech only), (in Czech only),,

Source of the photo:

Anna Minjaríková

Hello, readers! My job is to provide you with some interesting tips and useful information about all the things Czech. ♫ I'll be there for you! ♫

4 thoughts on “Coronavirus in Czechia: Prognosis and Predictions

  1. Hello, can you help/assist me how to extend my VISA? I work in Czech almost 2 years and my VISA will be expired soon.

    1. Hi Sanny,

      sure we can help you! You can write an email to my colleagues who will gladly assist you. All the contacts are available here so you can just pick the city you live in and send your mail to the relevant email adress (for example: if you live in Prague, you’d send your mail to Hope this helps 🙂

      Kind regards,


  2. Hello! You have to check your data about health cards:”Another very useful thing is obviously health insurance which everyone should have if possible. Not only will it help you to get proper health care while giving out less money out of your pocket, but it can be also used when trying to travel back to the Czech Republic should the borders be closed again.” It is about traveling back to Czech Republic because it does not work. My brother is working in Czech Republic and he have health insurace card and he could not enter Czech Republic with health insurance card. He had to show work contract. He was stuck in Serbia and was entering in Czech Republic trough Austria. Thank you. Have a nice day.

    1. Hi Alex,

      thank you for your comment, that’s a good point! It is true that this doesn’t always work as the insurance card must be issued in the Czech Republic and there are some other rules that apply to the use of the health insurance card for entering the country. We covered it in some of our articles, however, it is also possible that this will change again soon as the government continues relaxing the restrictions on traveling.

      Kind regards,


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