When it comes to education, one is often wondering what is the best option and how the application process goes. What if you leave all this to us? In 2016, Foreigners launched a project called CzechUniversities with a main idea of helping students to apply for a university and resolve any visa issues. We know how challenging it could be sometimes to deal with the representatives of the university departments so we strongly believe it calls for a professional assistance.
Category: Education in the Czech Republic
Category for articles about education in the Czech Republic.
Facing a Rental Increase? Find Out What You Can Do about It
What amount is “normal” and when is it too high? Can you prevent it? What are the tenants’ rights? These and more questions will be answered, just keep on reading.
Minor Repairs in a Rented Apartment: Who Does Pay for Them?
Imagine you are living in a rented apartment. All of a sudden your boiler stops working and your landlord tells you it has to be replaced. After a while, you will receive an invoice for the repair. Should you pay for it or not? Is this your responsibility? Keep reading if you want to understand the rules of minor repairs in an apartment you rent in the Czech Republic!
Changes in the Health Insurance Admission Concerning Self-Employed Persons in 2019
We said goodbye to 2018 and now we need to learn what has the year 2019 prepared for us. The price for VZP (General Health Insurance Company in the Czech Republic) has increased for OSVČ (self-employed people) again.
“What Does Happiness Mean to You?” – Answer Some Bright Minds from Brno Primary Schools
Such a question has always bothered a lot of people, either because they wanted to find a key to true happiness or simply understand the meaning of happiness. Pupils from several Brno primary schools also tried to answer this very question and came to some pretty interesting conclusions.
Access MBA Tour in Prague: Take Advantage of Meetings with the World’s Top Business Schools and Make Your Dream Come True
Are you considering to take your first step toward your MBA journey? Don’t hesitate anymore and mark December 6th in your diary to participate in the Access MBA Tour’s stop in Prague.
Ways to Learn Czech and CCE Exam in Prague
If you plan to start working in the Czech Republic, maybe after you got the Czech trade licence, knowing the Czech language will be a great tool to improve your business, allowing you to interact better with your clients and partners at work.
A Little Guide to the Czech Independence Anniversary and Its Celebration in Prague
If you were wandering around the city of Prague on the previous weekend you probably saw a lot of excited people on the streets. Now, what was going on? In fact, the celebrations were about 100 years of Czechoslovak independence.
Duo Smile: Bleeding Gums Can Affect Your Overall Health
Did you know that gum disease (gum bleeding, swelling, sensitivity, and redness) and tooth decay is one of the most common bacterial infections? How to prevent gum disease? Read the recommendation from Duo Smile English speaking dentists.
Domeq Hosting Climathon Brno at the End of October!
Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change hackathon which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 26 October 2018. Climathon Brno is glad to host the event and find the solutions to fight the climate problems in the beautiful city of Brno.