So, you arrived at Brno. Finally. What to do in this wonderful city? Where to go, what to see? Where to drink perfectly brewed coffee? What to eat in this town? Where to buy tram tickets and which one do you need? How many questions! Let’s look around together and find the answers for you.
Tag: public transportation
The Best Public Transport in Europe
Public transport is something Prague can be proud of. Comparing to other capital cities it’s cheap, efficient and highly integrated. It is also quite safe to travel around Prague by tram and the metro, both during the day and at night. As guidebooks say – Prague has the best public transportation system in the whole […]
How to get a public transportation pass in Brno?
The public transport system in Brno is one of the best! There are buses, trolleybuses and trams to get you wherever you need to go! During night time, night buses are operating every hour or so, which is quite convenient! This system is part of the Integrated Public Transport System of the South Moravian Region […]
Never Get Lost Again with This App!
Enter to from and to bus, tram or metro stop and it will show you a list of trams/etc, how long until they come, when they come, how many stops and transfers and the total travel time!
What you should know before coming to Brno
In January there are a lot of Erasmus students arriving to Brno. I should know, I was an Erasmus student once. I went to Poland, but I believe I can still share some valuable information about spending a semester abroad.
Top Off Your Opencard
If you use Prague’s multipurpose OpenCard, you might need to add more credit to it from time to time. Unfortunately, the website is only in Czech, so I have prepared this step-by-step guide to help you top off your card.