How To Cook The Mushrooms: Czech Way

#LifeInCzechia Mushroom hunting is a popular pastime in the Czech Republic, deeply rooted in the country’s culture and cuisine. The forests are rich with various edible mushrooms, and foraging them is a beloved activity for many Czech families. Once the hunting season is over, these treasures from the forest are transformed into delicious dishes. Let’s dive into the significance of mushrooms in Czech cuisine and discover some tasty recipes you can try at home.

Exploring Vegan and Vegetarian Dining in Pilsen, Czechia: Top Spots You Can’t Miss

Whether you’re a local or a traveler, the city offers a range of delicious and creative plant-based options that cater to all tastes. Here’s a guide to some of the best vegan and vegetarian spots in Pilsen that you should definitely check out.

Must-Try Dishes and Restaurants of Czech Cuisine

#LifeInCzechia Starting a food journey in the Czech Republic is like diving into a world full of exciting tastes, different kinds of foods, and long-standing cooking traditions. Czech food is all about warm, comforting meals and tasty treats that make your mouth water and highlight the rich food culture of the country. We will guide you through the top dishes you’ve got to try and the best places to eat them all over the Czech Republic, making sure you enjoy every bit of your food adventure.

Enjoy Cosy Autumn Days with These 5 Traditional Czech Soups

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Czech cuisine is quite heavy and fatty, so it can be a shock to a foreigner’s system. However, not all of the traditional Bohemian, Moravian, and Silesian dishes are like that. For example, Czechs tend to enjoy soups, which tend to be a little bit lighter. In this article, we’re going to talk about 5 traditional Czech soups – perfect for the upcoming autumn temperatures.

8 Must-Try Food Trucks in Brno!

Warm summer isn’t over yet and you might want to enjoy a tasty meal outdoors under the sun before chilly autumn days arrive! In Brno, the mobile restaurant’s community keeps growing and offers more and more choices: ice cream, coffee, burger, pasta, and much more. The “food truck” or mobile canteen truck is inspired by the concept that was invented in New York before being imported to Europe. Very fashionable, this new mode of nomadic catering joins fast food with quality and local cuisine. As it is getting more and more trendy in the Czech Republic, we decided to put together a list of our favorite food trailers in the second biggest Czech city.

Vietnamese Culture in Prague: 5 Must Try Foods

Has it ever surprise you that there’s a place called “Sapa, little Hanoi” in Prague? Sapa, isn’t it a town of Vietnam, 9.026 kilometers far from the Czech Republic? Well, you are right and wrong! If you haven’t noticed yet, you can experience Vietnamese culture and visit authentic Vietnamese market while living in the Czech Republic.

8 Cafés You Definitely Have to Visit in Brno

Many of us require a daily dose of caffeine to survive a hectic day and to make the most out of it. For some people, a simple instant coffee will suffice as long as it’s effective, whereas others require a special grind, sort and certain way of preparation. Luckily, if you live in Brno, your options are limitless. The Brno coffee scene offers a wide variety of different cafes: from small coffee shops to noisy and lively bars. Here’s the list of the top 8 cafés we recommend you visit while you’re staying in Brno!

FREE Events in September

Summer came to an end, however, it doesn’t mean that your social life needs to stop. On the contrary, September is full of events, what’s more some of them are completely FREE! 8-12.9. Asean film festival ASEAN film festival taking place in Lucerna gives you an opportunity to experience something very different from typical Hollywood production. […]