Getting a Residence Permit Now More Complicated For “Distant” Family Members, Unmarried Couples

Are you planning on coming to Czechia on a temporary residence permit for a family member of an EU citizen? Unfortunately, with the recent immigration law amendment, this has become more complicated. It is now necessary to distinguish between so-called “close” and “distant” family members. And distant family members will have to adhere to tougher conditions to get this residence permit.

Changes in the Law from August 2021: Health Insurance, Permits for EU Citizens, and Administration Fees

The Czech government amended the law about foreigners living in Czechia, valid from 2 August 2021. These changes include for example the obligation to purchase comprehensive health insurance solely from the insurance company PVZP for the first five years of their stay, the renaming of a residence permit document for EU citizens, administration fees of 200 CZK for residence permits and their extensions, and new identification documents for third-country citizens containing biometric data.

When, How and Who Can Apply For a Permanent Residence Permit? All Your Questions Answered

Did you know that after 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech Republic, every foreigner can apply for a permanent residence card? By obtaining permanent residence, an individual gets almost the same rights and responsibilities as a citizen of the Czech Republic. Keep reading to find out more about the permanent residence card.