#ForeignersTeam My name is Ariana Saucedo, I am from Mexico City, and I have been living and studying in the Czech Republic for the last 3 years. I am currently working as a PR and marketing Intern in Foreigners and I am also the promoter and media ambassador for the program Study in the Czech Republic. With this article, I invite you not to quit your dreams just because you are scared and to fully live your expat adventure.
Ariana has been living in Brno for three years.
My life-changing awakening
“Why are you studying and living in the Czech Republic, and what drove you to choose one destination over another?” These are the questions I get the most.
I first thought about studying abroad when I was 15 years old, after my mother and I decided to take our backpacks and go to Europe. We were backpacking around Europe, and in 8 months we visited more than 20 countries and lived in 3 of them.
My bubble burst when I realized how small we are in a world full of many different realities, perspectives, opportunities, and circumstances. I didn’t want it to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and so I was born again. Travelling became a lifelong passion, I wanted to become the so-called “Child of the world” and so I needed to find realistic opportunities for me to do it.
The reality hit
The quote “dream big, work hard” is definitely true. Usually international programs are really expensive and everything seemed to be impossible, especially for a small middle-class family of two (my mother and I) from Mexico. But I don’t believe in impossibilities. I just couldn’t choose among the most popular destinations for students abroad, such as the UK, Canada, Germany, etc. However, I was willing to try, to persist and search for other options.
Giving up my dream had never been an option.
After long research and planning for around 3 years from Chile to China – I searched until I discovered the webpage of Study in The Czech Republic. This website is a source of information when choosing a university and study program in the Czech Republic. It informs you about the higher education system, study opportunities, and student life.
The Czech Republic had everything I was searching for according to my needs: academic excellence programs, affordable prices, the opportunity to work while studying, an amazing location in the middle of Europe, international environment, and travel possibilities (I mean, not really during the pandemic COVID-19). What else can you ask for?
The beginning of the adventure
I got accepted into Mendel University for the program International Territorial Studies in 2019. I started the visa applications right away because I am not a European Union Citizen. I saw red when I realized all the necessary paperwork.
Fortunately, Foreigners were there for me and it will be there for you, too!
The Nostrification process was the most complicated thing for me. So, do not hesitate to contact Foreigners if you need help with it too.
The visa application process may vary from person to person. For me, the process lasted from April 2019 to December 2019 plus an extra couple of months as the Mexican government and the Czech embassy had to authenticate my high school certificate and the official transcript.
Are you interested in studying in the Czech Republic too? Keep immigration matters in mind.
Life is not like you expect
It is funny to me that years later I ended up here, doing my internship in the same place where I was rescued when I was drowning in paperwork, with the great and supportive Foreigners team. And that I am also a part of the student community and an ambassador for the same website that inspired me to come here. How small the world is!
Deciding to study abroad is a big step. Making the choice to leave everything you know, including family and friends, is not always easy. However, it is exciting with many new experiences and life lessons.
Not knowing what to expect can be part of the fear or anxiety that holds you back, but you cannot become what you want by remaining who you are.
For more information and tips for students and expats follow our categories “Practical tips for expats” or “Education in the Czech Republic”.