Mentality of Czech people

If you just moved to the country, you may have to deal with social behaviors that might seem quite different from those you’re used to. Language could constitute a great barrier too, that’s why we recommend starting learning Czech as soon as possible and attend one of our #MeetUps to familiarise with Czechs and expats with a longer experience of living in the context. Cutting to the chase, in now time to show you what we call Czech social awkwardness, and how Czechs really are!

Social awkwardness

  • Common way of socializing is to go to a local pub (hospoda) after a day at work to have one beer (na jedno). Needless to say it never ends with just one.
  • If you’re old or pregnant (or both) your chances of getting a seat in a public transport are incredibly high. It’s considered good manners to let old people or pregnant women sit down.
  • Czech people apologize all the time 🙂 At least it looks like “excuse me” or “pardon me” (s dovolením / pardon) are the most frequently used phrases. You’ll hear it the most in public transport, especially Prague metro. For example, when people try to get on/off the train or when you’re blocking the left side of the moving stairs.
  • Czechs are a little obsessed with doing sports. So in a random conversation you’ll definitely hear how someone went cycling (in summer) or skiing (in winter).
  • Ice hockey topic is always appreciated, not only during Ice Hockey Championship. You’d better know the names of the main players, or at least Jaromir Jagr. It also might come in handy to be aware, that two main football teams are Slavia and Sparta.

what are czech people like

How Czechs really are?

  • Czechs seem rather reserved when introduced to a new person. Usually, they do not trust people they do not know.
  • Their behavior may appear formal – the reason may be the use of the second-person in Czech language, the ‘polite’ form. It is used with people whom you do not know, in a formal social interaction, or when younger generation is addressing the older one. Another reason for the distrustful behavior comes from the communist era, when many people were forced to betray even their closest family members or friends.
  • Czech sense of humor or a general life attitude may be perceived as ironic or sarcastic. The same reason goes for maintaining their personal privacy and being intimate with people they know.
  • Czech people are naturally very polite and do not tend to be overly direct in communication.
  • They generally avoid confrontation – informal straightforwardness in dealing is common.
  • After getting to know Czechs better you become to love their cheerful and helpful character and you can experience what a warm and firm friendship is about.
  • They are very hospitable and enjoy to be a nation of realistic and very practical people.

Annie Fed

223 thoughts on “Mentality of Czech people

  1. Hello Anna , i will be visting the beautiful city of Prague for the 1st time in September, i have no fiends there and will love to make some acquaintances before i get there… Kindly assist in this regard .


    1. Hi Anna,I am Yue and I live in Prague.i would love to make acquaintance with you.and hope we can be more than a acquaintance if you wanna:)

    2. Hi David, as a new Expat to Prague let me say this. The Czech people are very rude and arrogant which they have nothing to be rude and arrogant about!! The city is absolutely amazing but the people are just rude,crude and very improper!!! I know this is harsh but let me further say that we are here on a work visa and as soon as this is up we DEFINITELY plan to be out of here! As we are an older couple I prefer to liven in a place where they are friendlier! The friendlier than this place. To see what I am talking about get away from the Tourist junk and watch how unfriendly and rude they are when they find out you do not speak the language. It is very obvious I am an older man and they imply how much better they treat the OLDER FOLKS but I guess that has gone out the window. For example, the sidewalks are very narrow in some places and as you walk up to them from the opposite direction you would think it WOULD BE COURTEOUS to move over a little but they won’t so we wind up bumping into each other! As I have adopted the attitude I WILL TREAT YOU AS YOU TREAT ME I will bump right into you are come to a complete STOP in front of you to force you around me! Now, I know that is wrong but someone needs to teach these people manners. Oh, and quit using the COMMUNIST ERA B.S.!!!! It’s over with!!!

      1. Hi Charles!
        We’re sorry you’ve had such a bad experience in Czechia. I can tell you that my international friends have always enjoyed the country and particularly my city of Brno. Sounds like you came across some bad apples :(. Czech mentality is definitely different from American mentality. When I lived in Texas, it took me a long time to get used to how polite and nice everyone was, because I could never tell if they’re being sincere :). I feel like Europeans tend to be more direct. Obviously, that doesn’t excuse the rudeness you encountered!

        Hopefully, you’ll come back one day and have a much better time!
        Take care,

        1. Why is everyone apologising to Charles and other people who hate Czech people? There are so many of them. Every time they read anything positive about the Czech republic it makes them really angry haha. Everyone knows that North Americans are generally more fake than people from other parts of the world. That is a fact.


      2. Hello Charles,
        I’m so sorry you feel this way and I hope you will give us Czechs another chance. I promise that not all Czechs are like this. I know how unhospitable my countryman can be. I hope you will forgive some of the rude people you encounter and understand that some of the Communist propaganda still persists in the older generations.


        1. Thank you for this comment, Adam! I wholeheartedly agree.

      3. Hey, I am so sorry to hear about your experience getting so bad. I can assure you we are not all like that, if you visited another part of the country. Not to be understood wrong, but even Czech people consider a big amount of people in Prague very impolite and arrogant. I still hope that you don’t think that about all of us. With regards 🙂

      4. I am originally from Czech. You absolutely right. I live in Florida since 2005. I feel better in US.

        1. Hi Šárka,
          I suppose everyone is different. I know Americans who have moved to Czechia and are very happy here, happier than in the US.
          Each to their own :).

          Have a wonderful summer.

          1. I am the saddest person since i came to this country and people are very rude in every simple way actually.

          2. We are so sorry Yoo 🙁
            Hope things get better and you meet some good people. I know they’re here.


      5. I came across this blog about czech people and it’s absolutely bull ,I totally agree with you Charles ,they are very straight forward, very rude, very opinionated and have no problem for asking you anything

        1. Hi Yvonne,
          I think it’s difficult to describe the mentality of such a big group of people, certainly.
          The person who wrote this article was a foreign intern and she described it the way she saw it :). Different people see it differently.
          I definitely wouldn’t consider myself rude or badly behaved, but I’ve definitely seen people like that in here. Then again, I’ve seen people like that in the UK and the US as well.

          I hope your experience in Czechia is otherwise pleasant.

          All the best,

        2. I think this post describes just the minority. Majority will be pretty straightforward, exaggerate topics they do not understand, or just plain out xenophobic… Also a lot of people have internalised ableism and treat depression as something everyone has, which doesn’t help anything..

          1. Thanks for your opinion, Raila!
            You’re right that lots of people live in a bubble. I’m always curious to read people’s comments under this post, because it adds to the image of my country in my head. We all have blindspots, especially when it comes to our own countries.


      6. Charles is spot on about the rude, passive-aggressive Czech mentality in Prague. I know, I’ve lived here since 2011. He is especially spot on about how Czechs are ‘space assholes’, i.e. they refuse to share the sidewalk with oncoming pedestrians. I’ve lost count of the thousands of times Czechs passing me in the opposite direction refuse to move over to the right side of the pavement so we can both pass without bumping into each other. Many times I’ve had to get off the pavement into the street or onto the grass as they simply refuse to cooperate. I’ve seen this in cars also: a Czech student of mine was trying to exit an apartment parking area, and another car was blocking his exit. All the other driver had to do was maneuver his car a bit to the right and we could pass–but NO!!! He simply refused to move: my student got out of the car and kindly asked him, in CZ to move: the driver’s rude reply was “I was here first so I’m not moving.” So, we had to turn around and go back all the way around the building in the opposite way. On escalators in the metro: many Czechs will stand with their friend, with their child, a dog, etc entirely blocking the escalator so you cannot pass on the left side. If you ask them ‘s dovolenim’ (excuse me) sometimes they will move aside; but many will simply ignore you. Indeed, the Czech Republic could change its name to “Ignorovatia” as it would truly reflect the semi-autistic and uncooperative mentality of the natives. This is a tough place for foreigners to integrate into because of the exclusive, insular, passive-aggressive nature of the Czechs. Not sure how much longer I’ll last here….as the old saying goes “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out”.

        1. I fully agree with what you said. I live in Prague and I am from Romania so I am used to impolite and aggressive people, but this is too much for me. I had so many bad experiences with waitresses here and other Czech people. Waiting to be seated in a restaurant because the sign by the entrance said so and being yelled at by a waitress for doing that, going to the toilet and having someone trying to knock down the door without even knocking to see if it was occupied. I would prefer a fake smile and fake politeness anytime in shops and restaurants. I lived in The Netherlands for 3 years and employees in shops and restaurants have to be polite. It is in their job description. If they mean it or not, I don’t care. I always felt good shopping there or going to a restaurant. And communism is no excuse for how Czech people behave. I was born during communism and I learnt to be a decent person. We evolve, at least some of us.

          1. Yes Julia, thanks for sharing your experiences here in ‘Ignorovatia’. Hang in there, know you’re not alone in your struggles in this passive-aggressive country 🙂 Wish you much better times ahead 🙂

        2. I totally agree with you Charles, Deschutes, and everyone who feels Czechs are rude and don’t integrate foreigners well. I grew up in North America but speak Czech fluently (Czech parents) and still find this country completely inhospitable (the people). I live in Liberec and have found that people are only your friends if you can do something useful for them – that’s the only time they call and are chummy. Furthermore in stores/restaurants – unless it’s a private business with an enlightened owner who is present – they are unhelpful and rude.
          I have tried to make friends, invite people over, integrate, but after 10 years I have given up – I have decided to go back home! I just want to be among friendly, inclusive, tolerant and genuine people again!!
          The Czechs are none of these…unfortunately.

          1. Dear Karolina,

            I am czech who lived for 30 years in the UK and like you, i tried to make my life in Czech again. But i saw that the reason why i left 30 years ago (czech rudeness, close mindness, ignorance, envy) is still the same now. Bye bye czech forever, I am no longer Czech!

          2. Vzhledem k tomu že je tady několik lidí kdo s tímhle souhlasí tak na tom nejspíš něco bude. I když já si tim nijak jistej nejsem. Každopadně ta zkušenost “I live in Liberec and have found that people are only your friends if you can do something useful for them – that’s the only time they call and are chummy.”
            to je smutná zkušenost teda. Ale soudit podle toho celej národ může jen idiot. I pokud byste měla takovou zkušenost s 9900 lidma, tak by pořád bylo smutně hloupý soudit tak celou skupinu řekněme 10000 lidí. Šance že je něco špatně tady s těma 10 milionama lidí jsou dost malý, i když je naprosto realistický že celkovej průměr v tomhle ohledu je třeba u českýho národu níž než někde jinde. O dost realističtější je možnost že je něco špatně s vámi pokud jste se 10 let o něco snažila bez úspěchu. Možná jste málo asertivní. Možná ne, možná se naprosto pletu a nevim o čem mluvim. Ale přijde mi to pravděpodobnější, přece jen skoro nikdo není asertivní perfektně.

        3. I am so done with this place. I’ve been living here since 2009. During this time I have made every effort under the sun to integrate into Czech society and have failed. I’ve met all kinds of Czechs from all over the country and from all walks of life and they’re all the same. In all this time fewer than a handful of exceptions. I did not make even 1 real Czech friend. I have checked out of society and I no longer even look for that exception. I have gone from being quite an optimistic person who mostly considered people approachable and friendly having quite a good track record with people to instead almost totally jaded.

          I do not recommend this place for foreigners. I would compare it to playing a video game, the characters might talk but they’re not real. The people here are cold, calculating, arrogant, extremely opinionated and all self proclaimed experts on all matters.

          Every foreigner I know here reports the same thing, except for maybe English teachers who mostly go home after 1-3 years.

          100% of my friends are foreigners. I regret making effort to learn this language, the more you understand around you, the more you dislike these people.

          I’m so over the passive aggression, the micro expressions, the sinister nature of these people. They all deserve each other.

          1. I finally left Czechia after several years and can personally testify to a lot of the issues described above. I have forged great friendships with Czechs as well and consider some of them my best friends. I did manage to learn Czech but there are certainly diminishing returns.

            I felt several times extremely isolated, ignored (maybe it stems from being a below-average height male, where the Czech Republic is quite tall, and have had people making faces, staring, mocking and jeering me). Nonetheless, I always maintained a respectable approach with people, but yeah I can recount the innumerable experiences I had with being cut in line when I am waiting in line, and so I my existence is just not acknowledged. There is a tendency in some instances to feel like some people just lord over you there and to a strong degree be quite arrogant. The grunts, blowing their nose as if it is territorial sometimes is just overbearing, and I have seen instances where I don’t even bother anyone, and some people have to get in my space.

            It takes a considerable amount of time to connect and create friendships, I am not the type who instantly thinks a friendship equates to a couple of meetings of beers. Also, I don’t like small talk either, and most Czechs don’t and thus that is why they were a breath of fresh air from most bone-headed Americans in the city. However, I have noticed Czechs just go silent and just become extremely passive-aggressive in some instances if they harbor a grudge towards you. For all this talk about them being straightforward, I have experienced a lot of instances where that is not the case. It just feels immature.

            I understand that there are people like this everywhere, and I think Czechia is a beautiful country to visit, but I could not continue living there.

          2. I am czech (lived in the UK for 30 years though) and totally agree with you. Actually I feel like a i am foreigner in czech now. Sorry about those close-minded arrogant imbeciles!

          3. Hi, I am Czech, so I can’t probably judge well, but I’ve come across a few foreigners and we’re actually a good friends. One of them is my best friend! Sure we’re not faking it just for the sake of being polite and nice but I rarely have a problem with people being rude (that might be a different mentality tho. If you are used to fake politeness, maybe just not faking it seems rude). I don’t live in Prague tho, that’s a hell on Earth for me lol

            I’m sure it’s harder for foreigners, especially because a lot of older people (30+) can’t speak English. Definitely not good enough to talk to anyone. What’s funny to me tho is that ,,the more you understand, the more you dislike these people”. Do you want to tell me, you didn’t meet one person you’d like to talk to in 14 years? Lol

      7. Hello I am Czech Woman with English name. I must agree with you. Czech people are mostly rude and arrogant. That’s why i don’t have a friends between them and prefer Americans or different nationality than is mine. I even considered immigration from this awful country. So i am with you!

      8. I do agree with Charles, add that to downright racist. They are mentally challenged the moment they see a brown person even from more than a meter away, they start feeling for their pockets. I call it the czech, chest, butt and thighs for the men, the hold-on-to-dear-purse, for the women. They actually think we are blind, being thrown into one basket. They forget that white people are capable of the same things they suspect us of. Now they’ve added this peculiar swing arm as fast as they possibly can on the side facing the brown person. One of these days, I’m fearing one of these racist hands are going to end up hitting my child in the face as they can get a bit too close. I’ve learned to try and keep as much distance when meeting one of them, but they have no shame squeezing into everyone from behind when walking. As you said!

      9. I can relate to how you feel. As Asian woman living in Prague for 3 years now, I experienced the worst rudeness and rasist treatment. I usually let it go when people here giving unfriendly look or no smile and high tone in their voice. As I have travelled to more than 35 countries, from one of the poorest to the most powerful country, and lived in 4 continents, I see my self of having a very high tolerance. I even try to understand the psyche of the Czechs, that they have been trough alot particularly during communist era, that they cannot trust their neighbour or stranger or foreigner. Even I explained to other people I met who complain about the rudeness of the Czech, that you need to know them better, they become warm and kind.

        The incident that really change my mind forever, is verbal abuse from Czech woman that I don’t even know. There were two Czech women standing in front of the door of my building (there is a Yoga place at the ground floor of the building). I was just minding my own business, going down from my unit to get my food delivery. The woman demanded me to open the door. I was relactant a bit because I dont know them, and they are not my guests. Who knows they maybe angry ex wife of my neigbour or something. But She was giving a very demanding signal for me to open the door. I open the door, the she said words in Czech in very high tone. I said I dont speak Czech. And the she talked in English …”If you dont like Czech culture, go back to your country!” and I asked “What country is that?” She didnot mention any country name, but reply “I saw you make the face”. I dont know what she meant, but I think she didnot like my face apparently. When I asked “why should I open the door for you, I dont know you? There is the botton you should push and your host will open the door”. She doesnot answer my question but She keep yelling at me about me making the face. Looks like it turn out the Yoga place is closed. Worst experience. This is the first rasist incident I ever experienced from travelling to almost 2/3 of the globe. It’s just wow.

        From that moment on, if someone complain about Czechs being rude, I answer .. you damn right, they are. I discourage my friends and family to visit. Event my best friend was traumatized from visiting Prague. She doesnt want to visit me in Prague, even when she was very close visiting the neighbouring countries.

        Living in Prague is like living in haunted mansion. The building is beautiful, but you are traumatized inside.

        1. Very well said. Beautiful city but nasty inside. I am czech and that’s why i left 30 yrs ago and not coming back.

        2. And in your country is everyone polite and decent? A large minority of Asians – Vietnamese – live in the Czech Republic. They have lived here for 3 generations. Most Czechs are certainly not prejudiced – racially – against Asians. I too have bad and good experiences with people and I am a native Czech. I don’t think people are perfect anywhere.

      10. Charles YES!!! I am as literally googling if they are racist or just rude! I have traveled around the world! The French have NOTHING on their rudeness!! It’s unreal!

      11. About the sidewalks – if you are walking as a couple and the sidewalk is narrow – lets say for two people – thne if you and your partner are taking up the whole sidewalk then you should make space for people going opposite direction. You and your partner should not bump into each other, you should take a stance of walking in one line (one behind the other) when there is a person walking the other way and given that there is not enough space for three.

      12. “As I have adopted the attitude I WILL TREAT YOU AS YOU TREAT ME I will bump right into you are come to a complete STOP in front of you to force you around me! Now, I know that is wrong but someone needs to teach these people manners.”

        Yes that is wrong. Even if you met a thousand czechs that did that to you, it´s not okay to do that to an innocent and possibly polite czech number 1001. It would be okay to do that shit to the people that have done that to you, but czechs are not one people you moron. We are all individuals. Your attitude is shitty and this is not a way to teach someone good manners. Learn some good manners yourself, sir.
        Now to be fair, i know that no one has infinite patience. I am not sure what your exact experience was. I live in prague my whole life and never had this kind of problem – well of course here and there, but not much. Maybe you have had bad luck in this regard for some reason. I don´t know.

      13. I am really sorry that happened to you in Prague. I was born there And I understand what you’re talking about. When I was a child I was trying to be always helpful and polite to people in need (including older ones) but as I grew I soon realized that older Czechs always looked down upon me and scorned me. I didn’t even get to have grandparents thanks to that. Of course younger people aren’t much better.
        But as a 17year old I must say that I gained some experience and here and there there are a few friendly people.
        I just think that the older generations that went throught some kind of trauma such as communism, wars,..ect. is still with them and they pass it onto another generation, and another and another until it disappears and it gets replaced with something new.
        Of course, this is just my opinion
        But I would like if you looked at it from a regular Czech’s perspective.
        We kind of keep traumatizing each other here and unfortunately most of us don’t seem to be able to cope with it properly, so they take it out on innocent foreigners like you.(ofc it does not justify how they treated you and your opinion is relevant)
        And btw, when I find out someone doesn’t speak my language, I am rather ecstatic to have the opportunity to train my English 🙂
        Have a nice day :))

  2. Thanks Anna for sharing such details…. I agreed with your points and I have seen this during my visit to Czech Republic in last 3-4 years.

    I feel Prague (or Czech Republic) as my second home after India…I feel safe, happy & ease during my whole travelling or stay…

    Czech people are very helpful and nice….

  3. I am a Vietnamese living in America and I LOVE the beautiful Czech people. I’ve been to your lovely land three times and will come again to preach the Holy Bible with a Czech brother in 2017. Your culture is so beautiful!!

      1. Wow, that comment was unnecessary, unwelcoming & disrespectful. My mom was from Czechoslovakia and she would take issue with your comment.

        1. But isn’t it impolite and invasive trying to convert people instead of accepting them how they are?

          1. No one is forcing anyone. All they said is that they would like to preach. Please respect the beliefs of others. 🙂

        2. She would much more likely take issue with your medieval ass dogmata, had she grown up here. The Czech Republic is one of the least religious places on the planet. Religion is looked down upon here, even by older generations. Not a good choice for professional preachers. 😂

          1. Bullshit! I think a lot people are believers in something but not tell it publically cause they aren’t interested to be insulted by people like you.

  4. Hi people,
    Im greeting from czech republic. Like typical czech I will firstly apologize my bad english. Simply czech person 😀
    Honestly I was really surprised about this article I can say that its rly truth, u caught our nature well. Maybe better that czech people. But I must say that like in every country it always depend on locality. Despite a many faults which my country have, I love it here and mainly are language is beautiful. You all who want visit czech, are welcome and Im sure u back to home full of enjoyments

    1. I have a friend who I communicate with in czech republic I am visiting the czech republic in June or July this year my friend is aware I’m visiting and seems happy I am visiting my question is as we haver never met and I have asked her to recommend hotels places to visit or even be my guide she replied with of course however I message her and have to wait sometimes days for a reply is that just her way and her waiting to get to know me better or was she just been polite

  5. You also have to mention that a big number of Czechs don’t really like or get along with Germans. This might be due to historical reasons but also the younger generation is acting differently towards them than to other nationalities.

    1. You are alright, but more than Germany, we really don’t like Russia. It’s because the history, they occuped us in 1968. It’s stronger, because there is still a big amount of people who remember it.

      1. I fell in love with Prague!!’ I am 66 and widowed. I spent 2 weeks there last fall. I made friends from everywhere. am selling my house and going. back to live. All you say is true. I love the way the Czech people speak English . Bonus. There’s a castle!! And Zizkov!

    2. My experience is totally oposite, Dan. I’m married to a German, we live in a tiny village in the Czech Republic and he’s really liked and welcome everywhere, including our local soccer team. The last person I met that was anti-German was my own grandmother. Even guys who are grudging about the Sudetendeutscher seem to be friendly to a modern German guy they actually meet. Russians, like Bara says, are a different story.

      1. Depends on where you live. If you live in former Sudetenland, there are many German descendants, but there are also Czech who still some raw nerves re the Germans seizing the region back in the 30s, and then invading the rest of Czechoslovakia. Then, after being free of the Nazis, it was the Russians….

    3. I Czech but I no care if a someone is German or Russian or anything I just was learned to care of the person not the nationality

  6. Hello,
    I am from Czechia (Záchlumí, Pilsen region). When I read this article, I was very pleased. I am very happy, that you think this sabout us. We will welcome everybody, that want experience czech culture. If I can recommend some beautiful places (without famous), so Loket castel, Koněpruské jeskyně (caves), Mariánské a Františkovy lázně, Pilsen and maybe Ještěd (in winter). Thank you very much for beautiful article.

    1. Hi, Bara, I’ll do my best to answer your question ”Why are Czech people ashamed of being Czech”. As a Czech person, who has been living abroad for the last four years (U.K) I went through this ”not-good-enough-because-from-Czech times” myself. First of all, NO ONE in the Western Europe sees us a bad as we do see ourselves through our own eyes. None. Over the last years, when I had the chance to meet thousands of people from all over the World (no exaggeration here) – nearly all of them reacted extremely positive when I shared my origin. P O S I T I V E – so positive that I was always shocked by their enthusiasm. ”Yes, I am Czech, no big deal so calm down hun” always went through my mind. However, once some time passed, I started realising that some qualities that we as a nation possess (and take for granted) are ENTIRELY ABSENT in other places & cultures. First one worth mentioning is *high intellect & common sense* – it takes awhile to comprehend why others don’t see what’s pretty much obvious to you – they simply don’t have the capacity, or they never had to challenge their brains enough to observe the situation from different angles. *simple life*. Secondly, an enormous practicality – which is given us through our living conditions (lower wages/similar expenses). – So to be able to live within the means, in Czech you have to be able to use your resources precautiously – things like a meal deal for £2-3 (minimum salary £7.50/hour) don’t exist. Therefore there is no time for laziness in Czech, you need to be practical as hell to handle your finances, expenses and bills – and this requires some skills and pragmatism – which is not so common over here. Any Czechs who think about themselves this way needs some exposure to the World beyond the Czech borders so that they can find out, that the low-esteem has nothing to do with the actual skills, intelligence, looks or education. It’s just a habitual way of thinking passed on by the older generations. No, the western grass isn’t any greener than the Czech one. Period. Hope that you find this useful, Bara, there is no reason to feel like less if you know what the ”little” outside the borders is like. Have a nice day, dear. 🙂

      1. *high intellect & common sense*… ROTFL. Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone’s garden, and certainly not in a Czech one. As for high intellect, it can only be the result of the exceptionally good system of education in the Czech Republic. I really would like to see things from your point of view but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass. ROTFL.

      2. In my country (Cyprus) we have a saying for bad customer service: Czech service. I have never been to Czechia so I do not know if this is valid.

        1. Ναι Γιώργο. 🙂 I’m living in CZ and indeed a Czech will rarely go the extra mile in customer service. However, I am glad that basic politeness and gentle manners still prevail in public services, in which, by the way, you are usually assisted efficiently. I myself come from GR where… well, you know already about us. 😀 But yes, it’s common here in pubs and restaurants for the service to be fast but a bit “choppy” and abrupt, not the Southern friendliness and cheerfulness we got used to. (I don’t care though, food and beer taste sooo good that I’d enjoy even if the waitress placed it on the floor for me, haha!) Oh, and last good thing is that, unlike the heavily tourism- and services-dependent Greece, we don’t have the “client’s tyranny” here. If a pub or a bar closes at 23:30, it means that last order is to be taken by 23:15 and no new clients are welcome; already seated clients can stay, but they usually won’t stay for long. This is good news for the waiters – it means they can go home by 00:30 the latest instead of keeping the venue open until all clients sitting have no new orders and leave.

          1. Thabk you Demetri. I ought to commend on your excellent use of the english language!

        2. It is true, you complain, they talk back and never appology. If you challenge them, they shout at you…

          1. I totally agree, Czechs are unapologetic people, racist, envious, revengeful, lazy, lack of login thinking, hates not only foreigners but hates their fellow Czechs, Selfish I’m so many ways, gossipers, most men seeks only for sex and most women are gold diggers. They don’t like helping others other than themselves only because they don’t want anybody better than them. Rude, nasty, arrogant. Their behavior is the opposite of discipline implemented in Japan.

      3. Hi Lucie, I agree wholeheartedly with you. I live in CZ and am in love with the everyday use of the intellect, common sense and prudence. These things are so normal here that I think Czechs dont even see it. Problems are solved with such swift intellectual elegance that it seems like nothing has happened because there has been no conflict or disruption. For me it was such a relief to find a culture and entire country where people think before they act, respect the privacy, ideas and freedoms of others, and take care of their belongings. It is wonderful to go to a shop and not have to make small talk with the stranger serving me. Other cultures seem to think good customer service involves becoming friends with the customer, goodness knows why. Instead in CZ you are treated to efficient, respectful service which focuses on providing the customer with a high quality product and the freedom to enjoy it however you please without comment. Here the respect goes both ways, the customer respects the fact that the server is working – and would much prefer to be home with their family. Czechs should be very proud of their wonderful ways.

    2. My Dad’s parents were from Czechoslovakia. I would LOVE to go there to visit. My first cousin just got back from her first visit there. I have always been very proud to be Czechoslovakian!

      1. I’ve known Czechs personally, and none-of-them would say they’re from ‘Czechoslovakia’! Most of the ones I know come from Prague & they all say they’re ‘Czechs’ .

  7. Social skills below zero.Friendliness ,humor below zero.Formality,typicality 9/10.
    Aka Very Boring

    1. Perhaps it’s the language barrier. After I learned even basic Czech, I could finally laugh with the Czechs. I am still disappointed with the dating market though. I have the impression that both men and women send a bit mixed signals and don’t actually date you (which means flirting, asking things about you). From an experience that an Italian close friend of mine had: guy went on date with a her (he asked her out first), suggested that they pay separately (each of them got just two drinks, nothing extraordinary) then they kissed outside, slept together two or three times and when the girl finally asked him whether they can be seeing each other more frequently than just two times a week, he played it surprised and said that he preferred to stay friends “as they were.” My friend freaked out, I mean, first he asked her out, then didn’t treat her on their first date (usually signifies the guy’s disinterested), then shows her affection, but hey, turns out all this time they were… just friends? Similar story happened to a male British friend of mine with a Czech girl who’d say she “is not into relationship right now, prefers being friends” but came to his home, slept with him, still “friends,” but when the guy stopped seeing her and started dating exclusively someone else, she got mad about it and started sending him messages like “I was so in love with you but you never got it.” Don’t get it nor do my expat fellows. Many say it feels like “they’re doing you a favor to screw you but at the same time want to keep things casual with you.”

      1. You’ve directly experienced a ‘culture-barrier’ between you and the Czechs! Theirs is a VERY complex set of especially-contradictory beliefs regarding family-ties, dating, morals, etc. which you hadn’t had any advance information about!

      2. Those people are just shit! Beware them. Czechs uses strangers onky for sex but otherwise they are racists. That’s why i wouldn’t date withem as well. Friends don’t sleep each other. Those people don’t want a partners nor friends but toys for sex. So push them away.

    2. We have had same experience,new neighbors,who spread terrible rumors about us!!! They don’t even know us..Trespass on our private property,thinking they got a bogo sale bought their house,and got ours for free…….BULLIESS AND RAISING BULLIES,SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOUR,EVEN THE SENIOR DAD FULL OF HATRED.,.EMPATHY,,RESPECT,,MORALLY CORRECT NOT PART OF THEIR LIFESTYLE….HOPE THEY WILL MEET SAME WHO DO SAME TO THEM MAYBE MAYBE THEN WHO KNOWS THEY WILL BE HUMBLED.

    3. Your description fits my first encounter with my Czech coworker in the State. He doesn’t speak a good English but he is not aware of himself of that, and he has a tendency to give lots of hand gestures instead in communicating to the people who is different from him racially which I found him to be not so sophisticated. One day at work, he even flickered his finger right to my eyes instead of asking about strangeness he found of my eye( one of my eyes has drooping problem). I don’t think that that’s a normal behavior of anyone who has been brought up in a good culture. My first impression of Czech through him is not of top tier of sophistication, but rather a third I might say. It looks to me that he had lived in a country where norms of good and bad behaviors are not clearly defined.

  8. I came across this blog trying to find out about Czech characteristics. My mother was always referred to as German/Czech. She was born illegitimately and her surname was Turner (umlaut ‘u’), her mother’s name. I understood that as a German name so where was the Czech element? She was born in Brno, so that must be it! Her father’s name was Matthias Bunzl, which I assumed was German. All my life I have held the belief I am half German but I now believe that is incorrect. My 50% German has been reduced to 12 1/2%, I think.
    Firstly I discovered that my great’german’grandmother was Czech, and secondly that Matthias Bunzl was probably Czech also (though, I would like to confirm this). So that now makes me 37 1/2% Czech, hence my interest in Czech characteristics. If anyone has any advice on how I might find out more about my grandfather (apart from the little my mother told me), I would be very grateful as, so far, I can find nothing.

    1. Get a DNA test done through It tells you what Nationalities that you inherited, and will hook you up with relatives of yours that have taken the test. Your relatives might be able to shed some light also.

      1. Ancestry, DNA sites are collecting bio info from citizens and getting paid for it.

        I am going to be a bit of a Slav today and say, don’t trust these sites. Specially DNA matching sites.

    2. Many Czechs are mixed with Germans, that isn’t viewed as not being Czech at all. However the fact that you’re obviously American probably would be, Americans are Americans for most Europeans if you don’t speak Czech, your ancestry irrelevant.

  9. Sorry cech people are so weird, I was once there and when I politely ask some person for an adress info they didn t even look me, I ve visited a lot of country but this behavior wan t nowhere just in Czech, they are so rude and weird

    1. They probably didn’t understand you. I don’t agree with you.
      We can find rude people all around the world so don’t judge all Czech pople on one bad experience.

    2. Really really true,rude is putting it mildly.The only Czechs we know,need a lesson in kindness,compassion,and respect.It is all about them,greedy,bullies,who were born to make peoples lives torment!!! Quess what,they will soon stew in their own urine,& swallow their own vomit…
      Justice & revenge is best served cold.It is coming from a much higher power,that they can not even imagine..TEATER IS HE THAT ISS IN ME THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD..NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST IS SHALL PROSPER!!!!YOU’RE ALL GOING DOWN,,POWERED FROM A JUSTICE YOU CAN’T ESCAPE…..

      1. Sorry, but I just don’t believe the space station could possibly be involved in your struggle 😉
        In every country there are both bad and kind people, I can only wish some other czechs you’ll meet will change your opinion.

    3. The first thing that came to my mind this person wants to steal your phone lol don’t ask me why, I guess that’s what we’re told here because people usually just use their phone to find some place. We don’t chat with each other for ,,no reason” and try to be self-sufficient. Obviously not everytime it’s enough. Btw – Literally just one time a Czech person asked me for instruction and it was some creepy guy in the middle of the night.

  10. Love Czech culture and people, was blessed to be there for studies. Very easy to make close friendships quickly but have heard from some older expats who’ve lived in CZ long time that the friendships while deep & warm strong connections at the time tend to be more superficial not lasting long-term, disappearing during adversity and hard times. Hope this isn’t true as I love my Czech friends but it hasn’t been long enough for me to know. Would be interested to know if anyone else can comment on that aspect.

    1. Hi, Tiffany. The friendships are fragile things. I am a Czech student living in the UK and have been working hard to keep my relationships in the Czech Republic alive. But when I am back there, they still last. I am sure if you returned, you will be warmly welcome.
      In contrast, I have found making friends in the international community of the UK really hard. People are very nice but in borders of politeness. It is always me who has to be the active element.

  11. Hi! Im from Czech Republic and I rly like your text.
    I would just like to comment about taking the seat to someone- we offer seat always to someone who truly needs it ( in because of their state of health also😊) – for many people (especially for olders) its sign of good manners.
    Using polite version of addressing (vykaanii) there is still in the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when the Czech had an Emperor. if you saw the films of the Emperor’s Baker and the Baker’s Emperor (the legendary Czech funny fairy tale, inspired by Empire times), you have seen the Emperor say something like ‘WE are the Empire, WE are the monarchy’. That was the time when vykání get label of respectfull and polite version of adresing. Until then there was no difference in it.😊

  12. Wow. ‘Naturally very polite’ and ‘avoid confrontation’. Clearly, you haven’t lived here very long. Otherwise yes, good description.

  13. Why do Czech people stare at women who have their legs out?? It’s so creepy and everyone does it?

    1. And how do you know they were Czech people? Do we have a sign on our head? If I look on a girl or a boy it is because I like their clothes or tattoo mainly. I am thinking where they bought it or admiring the tattoo etc. You might have met wrong people. I do not know. But you don’t need to generalize. We are not all the same. It is very rude.

    2. Well it depens.😅 umm I am a girl and have that too well most of the times from the old people and well from fuckboys of cource.😅yeah I am really sorry about people doing that.


      1. All your posts make you sound like a seriously damaged person. I am sorry you had a bad time in Czech. But at the same time it sounds like you’re a very annoying person. So i could totally see some otherwise decent people brushing you off.

  14. Additionally, I came to Prague with my friends who are mainly girls and since I’ve been here, I’ve seen men and worm glare at my friends up and down like they’re pieces of meat and that they’ve never seen a pair or legs before. It makes me feel sick seeing this from every person and even more that these people are with children (which sets a great example for them to look at tourist) and other people. Apart from that the buildings and country is beautiful just avoid the locals.

  15. I met my Czech husband in 1987 and we married in 1990 and we live in Texas. I finally had enough of his mother and one of his two sisters around year 23 (the first wife left after 13 years) and refuse to be around them. They are toxic poisonous snakes and our marriage would have been so much better if they had not been around. They have sucked the life out of that sister’s husband (who is not Czech). The rest of the family won’t tell them off, but I have started doing it. I cannot put into words how much I cannot stand them. If all the people those two talked ugly about knew about it, nobody would have anything to do with them and they would be banned from the family reunion. The queen mother is a huge liar and should not be allowed near a phone because she is so annoying and the daughter is the most negative human being who ever walked the planet. I hope they see this. I don’t have any complaints about other Czech people.

    1. As a czech I can confirm that some czechs are pure evil. I think it has to do with communism. There’s a lot of cool people here but those who were bent by the previous regime have really weird manners and completely distorted sense of what is right and wrong, I am so glad my family is normal in this regard.

      1. As you say Andrej, not all Czechs are bad, one can also say every country has good and bad.

        So I will try and be factual rather than derogatory, but I’ve also been living here for around 15 years. I think what any foreigner wants is just to be accepted.

        Well this is actually quite difficult. My experience is not in Prague, but in Ostrava and at least when it comes to my generation, very few people here speak English. It seems like the younger generation can speak some English, but most obviously prefer to speak Czech. So my point here is that unless you really have a very strong command of the Czech language you will never feel accepted. This might seem like a no brainer but totally true.

        The big problem is that most foreigners will never gain a command of the Czech language. Some might even speak it pretty well. I personally speak Czech better than any English foreigner I’ve ever met, and I can converse, but my Czech isn’t perfect and there are those off days too.

        When it comes down to brass tax, and developing real relationships -> communication is the key ingredient. If you can’t communicate efficiently and with some degree of subtlety and choice of words to fit particular situations, you just cannot form the same relationships as you might form in English countries.

        All of this is true if you want actual friends. If you just want to survive here you can do that quite well without much mastery of the Czech language. I believe most Czechs do actually avoid confrontation and don’t try create direct problems. So for this reason you’ll be able to shop in peace and get along with your day – Up to a point.

        The problem is at least the more I started understanding Czech, the more I realized how truly nasty some of these people are. Ignorance is bliss, but the more you can understand the more you might wish you were back to being a totally clueless foreigner.

        Totally clueless foreigners won’t even pick up on most of these subtle nasty things going on. They’ll also conclude the reason they’re being excluded is purely on language.

        I could talk and talk for hours, the reality is after 15 years I haven’t made any really serious friends here. People are mostly polite, but cold and disinterested.

        It’s very hard to live here as a foreigner for long term and still keep your positivity and humanity. I also strongly feel that by far and wide here foreigners are treated as 2nd class or with disdain either that or with extreme curiosity that doesn’t last long. Neither scenario is really good for the foreigner who is ultimately just a person who feels like they’re living in a sea of uncaring people.

        1. This is the most informed, most insightful comment on this entire thread. Thank you for telling it like it really is for expats living long term in CZ. Kudos.

        2. Hi agree with you i am live here for all my life and didn’t make a friends. Czechs are cold often. If you want a try friendship with me contact me on telegram @csg92

        3. So true, this is exactly my life experience here in Czech republic for 10 years now. I am now able to speak and communicate but the level of acceptance for foreigners like me is zero. I feel that they are all born nasty and racist. Harsh but true. And doesn’t apologize for what they did. Instead they just leave is at it is because they believe you don’t belong in this country so you don’t have any value even an apology.

  16. I want to learn as much about Czech people as possible. My last name is most definitely Czech. My father’s family is Czech. I am also part Slovenian. Both are small groups of people. I feel proud to belong to such special people. Prague is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. My ancestors come from there. So happy.

    1. I agree with your comment. Very racist. Half of them are like my cleaners back home in London and they show the arrogance in their country. Fy&£Ing idiots

      1. Cleaners ?
        You know where and how they work ?
        Judging people you know nothing about…
        While complaining about them , being arrogant , that tells a lot about you. 😉

    2. Thank you,I rest my case.If the people of any country can’t be inclusive,& transparent DON’T GO!!!!!GO TO A COUNYRY THAT GREETS YOU WITH OPEN ARMS& IT IS NOT CZECHO

      1. I’ve been here for 15 years. And my advice to any foreigner wanting to come here is just rather don’t. Sure come for a holiday, admire the buildings and the castles. Come over if you want some of that cheap beer, but under no circumstances come over here to live.

        I have a few reasons for saying this but the main point is, foreigners here aren’t welcome. They’re tolerated but not celebrated or accepted. Ask any foreigner if they have actual Czech friends. Those that reply Yes haven’t been here very long or are most likely cannot distinguish between drinking buddies and real friends.

        Unfortunately the reality is that foreigners here are considered somewhat “Dirty”. I’m an educated person who owns property and my hobby is playing classical guitar. I do not drink and don’t get up to any kind of crazy stuff. I pay my tax and live a good clean life, and have my affairs in order. In my own country I would be respected for living like this. You might call me an outstanding member of society.

        Here in Czech Republic, I feel like a rogue. An outcast. The way I’m mostly regarded here I have to really remind myself all the time who I am rather than how I’m being treated.

        What I can say is. I never felt this way in the UK, neither in Austria or Germany. I think the Polish are actually more accommodating than the Czechs, outside of this I don’t have much real experience with central Europeans. I consider Slovakians to be roughly of the same culture as Czech people perhaps slightly warmer though, however perhaps because they also feel at least slightly foreign when in Czech Republic.

        My own country sits in ruin or I would return. I’m also heavily invested here now and have learned to deal with all of this, but yes it hurts man.

        So unless you want to end up like me. 15 years of living without one single solid friend, rather just avoid this place.

  17. I’m in Prague at the moment and it is beautiful!
    I just had to google “chech people”, because everyday so far I’ve encountered so many rude people! In shops, restaurants, museums and any kind of service. Mostly female. I am generally very social and interested in new cultures and people. But I don’t understand this rudeness. It really affects the general feeling of being here in Prague :/

    1. Just returned from a 4 day stay in Prague with my wife and daughter.
      Beautiful city as anyone would agree. But comparing to Iceland, Oslo, Helsinki, Dubai and (Western) Turkey we’ve been visiting for the past 2 years I must say that in Prague especially the females working in the tourist sector are just plain rude and condescending.
      They just don’t seem to care about anything but them selves.
      Big exception were the waitresses at Hard Rock Cafe.
      Of course there are rude and polite people all around the world. But Prague struck me/us with their inhabitants and their “uncommon” behavior in this regard.

    2. I agree, I am so disappointed, this is my third time here in Prague accompanying my friends to visit the beautiful, historical place and most of all visit the Infant Jesus of Prague.Every year, I come across a an undesirable experience. Last night, I was with my friends shopping and I saw a very cute home made bag and I went inside the store with a big smile and asked the lady if they have other designs. She looked at me with a flat face and just stared at me. Now, I knew something was wrong so I broke the ice by saying, “do you like my new hat , I bought across your store?” With a smile, then she said” I don’t like you coming to my store not saying Hi”I was speechless for a moment , then I said, “oh I’m very sorry, Hi” and she said “Hi” and pointed me where the items where.
      Now, here I am in my room very upset, learning about Czechs culture and finding reasons why I got that kind of treatment.
      I am a nurse taking care of people and has the most sensitivity and respect to all.
      I understand, this is the culture,but I guess they have also responsibilities to learn about customer service, especially if they are catering in the center of tourist areas.
      I just wanted to vent. I know,there is no immediate solution to this.
      Just too bad, not the place I want to come back anymore.

      1. Hello
        Yeah that’s sad true ,even czech people are not comfortable with people in shops etc. It’s not unusual when we go with friends out of restaurant and are like ,,That waitress was a big jerk ,don’t ya think?” ,,Oh yeah I couldn’t stand her”

      2. Hi Olivia, as a Czech citizen im sad about your experience in our country. Yeah, the Czech mentality can be sometimes little bit rough. You can meet here very good profesionals, friendly people or total jerks.
        In general the natives here dont smile and are cold on surface. So don’t be frustrated by this too much, it is not to meant to be offensive. This is just the way how the people act on public here.
        People are not friendly, because they don’t know you. Trust here is not given automatically, it must be earned. If you get through this hostile barrier, then people are actually quite friendly. But this is task far beyound the simple shoping visit. Best way how to do it is in the pub with the glass of beer 😊.
        It is important to say “Hi/hello/dobrý den” in beginning of conversation with stranger. Not doing so, is considered very impolite. I sometime say “dobrý den/hi“ multiple times to one person during day, rather then not doing so.
        The services here are little bit lacking in PR department. The czechs natives prefers speed over everything else. So the small talk in shops are not common. The workers in services is also very often underpaid and work too much hours. This is specialy true for the workers in the pubs and the restaurants.
        I think the language skill here is not as bad. The people are just not confident enough to start talk with stranger in foreign language. Try somehow broke the language barrier. Use few czech words like “dobrý den, prosím”. Most natives will be amused by your attempt to use the Czech language.
        Long story short greet everyone, be polite, go fast to the point and you should be ok in Czechia.

        1. You’re reply Tomas is unconvincing. You say “People are not friendly, because they don’t know you. Trust here is not given automatically, it must be earned. If you get through this hostile barrier, then people are actually quite friendly.” This is a nonsensical excuse for what she encountered in the store with the clerk. If you are a shop owner, you must accept dealing with the general public. You cannot ever hope to personally ‘know’ every visitor to your shop, and expect the customer to “earn your trust”. What bullocks. Especially in Prague which is a major tourism city, Czech shop owners need to make an effort to be positive and welcoming to customers if they want their business to succeed. It really is as simple as that. Also unrealistic to expect foreign tourists visiting your shop to say ‘dobry den’ when they enter; to be offended for a tourist to not say this is to reveal oneself to be incredibly provincial and xenophobic. What’s more I’ve lived in CZ for over 10 years and have lost track of the times I’ve come into a shop, said ‘dobry den’ as per the custom here and was ignored/got no reply or eye contact from the clerks. It’s just the way many Czechs are, it’s a surly place and not very welcoming to foreigners–as evinced by numerous posts on this blog!

    3. The problem here is that you went to Prague. It’s a beautiful city, but people in Prague live on an entirely different planet. Not even most Czech people that live anywhere else but Prague like them.

      1. I actually find people from Prague to be better towards foreigners. No not all, and certainly not in the service sector. I’ve had my fair share of rude treatment on many occasions too in Prague. I’ve also had to come to the aid of some Americans before and a British guy. Because I’ve been there and noticed (now after years of living in the country) how rude these customer service staff were being.

        But I mean once you start actually trying to make real friends. In Prague people are used to foreigners and most don’t get too surprised if you speak English.

        Where I live and have lived for the last 15 years, people here still treat you like you’re from Mars if you speak English. Walking around here speaking English, and people will stop what they’re doing and look at you. Even turn around if they have to. You will hear things like “Ty Vole!”.

        15 years ago it was much worse. These days most of the youth can speak English with some degree of efficiency. I guess anyone under 25 years old. Almost a sure thing. But that doesn’t mean they still won’t look at you like you’re from Mars.

  18. Most Cypriots who have visited the Czech Republic speak very highly of the country but not of the people. I have never heard so many negative comments about any other nationality. I want to visit the country to form my own opinion but after all that I heard I am reluctant to do so.

    1. No, do visit it. It’s just that many people here struggle with their English, especially the fluent speakers (and you Cypriots speak English native-level, really). And, of course, the typical big problem with the city center that has turned into a theme park overflown with tourists (see also Barcelona and other famous destinations) of which the consequences and the pressure is most felt among the locals. Don’t even get me started on many souvenir shops in the Old Twon owed by Bulgarians and Croatians, further exacerbating the locals’ sense of unwilling alienation from their own place. I was surprised, however, when I’d learn some survival phrases and try speaking to Czechs, how much they liked it and a sincere smile on their face would appear. Kindness goes both ways. Give this destination a chance.

    2. I think it’s really a nice place to visit. Yes there are high chances of getting scammed or ripped off if one is not careful. Don’t let the stupid bunch deter you from visiting this place. Come, if encounter any idiot Fu&k them and enjoy he place

  19. Prague is full of scam and those Czech in tourist area are just there to rip your money. It spoil my reputation towards Czech and some are really annoying…
    My first time to Prague and my last too.. Will never return.
    Switzerland and Southern France are so much better !!

    1. Idk where have you been but Prague is one od the most safest cities in the world

  20. Hello, I am at Prague airport right now, waiting for my flight back to London. I have a mixed feeling about Czech people. I did find quite a few good and polite Czech people however I did find some non friendly Czech people too. My observation and experience from last one week says that some of them ( I think the decent lot) are quite helpful, there are plenty of Czechs with little tolerance and lack of politeness too. A simple example would be whilst shopping at one of the branded outlet, the girl at counter was too less tolerant of me being unable to understand her, due to her poor English not mine. That was ridiculous. For a moment, I thought to give her the lesson of the day by escalating her attitude to the manager but then decided to let it go. This was not one off but had faced couple of other instances like this. I also noticed that any shop you enter they look as if people are going to steal the stuff away, they should get the theft prevention system at doors rather than looking at shoppers with suspicious eye.

    1. Hi I am Eliška and I live in Brno. I just wanted to say that people just don’t trust to easily also when you walk in to/out of the shop it is considred (I am really sorry for my spelling) rude not to say hello(dobrý den) and bye (nashledanou) also I think if you say (I am not saying that you didn’t said them) those lines in czech people will be nicer (not in every case. So that’s it I hope it did what it was supposed to do. Bye and have a nice day.😁

    2. “A simple example would be whilst shopping at one of the branded outlet, the girl at counter was too less tolerant of me being unable to understand her, due to her poor English not mine.”

      I assume you’re from UK if you were waiting for a flight back to London. Why would you expect the Czechs to understand English, and then get furious when they can’t? And you seriously wanted to escalate that to management? No wonder Czechs hate tourists.You give them perfect reason.

      1. Vaclav because it’s 2020 and since the Czech Republic isn’t living in a bubble and Czech isn’t the only language on the planet and since English is considered the most widely understood language in Europe there is at least some expectation that those working in tourist areas should at least have a basic understanding of the language.

        I also don’t really think he had any big attitude. He’s a tourist and people working in tourist areas should expect to see tourists, and typically they don’t speak Czech. Either this or they have some cute phrase book and can maybe push out “Dalsi pivo prosim”.

        I think his reaction is more that he was astonished and surprised that the clerk so quickly become frustrated with him because she couldn’t speak English. Not that she couldn’t speak English.

  21. In Czech i found most of the local people quite harsh and rude to foreigners. I myself is foreigners. This country is not at all diverse like other cosmopolitan cities but still i dont understand why it is so overrated. Its too much of history and it is so boring. Everything closes at 5 or 6 in evening, even the public toilets. In my life i had been to so many countries even to the 3rd world countries but still the cities don”t close the public toilets which is a basic necessity for anyone (foreigner or local). Brno is more worst than Prague in this case. People rudeness in Czech Republic is very popular. They dont have manners to speak to foreigners. There are million times better countries and people than Czech Republic.

    1. Most of tourists behave like drunken fools.
      That’s why Czech people dont like you.

      People are judged by their behaviour , I sometimes go out on walk in the evening , enjoying sunset on Charles Bridge .
      Once some tourist dude grabbed me , he did not get to anything else , because I hit him so hard that his nose made a crunchy noise .
      I continued walking while he was swearing in English.

      Cheers 🙂

      1. I concur. I had a similar encounter with a group of English men in a restaurant garden. They thought I was a Czech woman (I’m a native english speaker) and were talking about what they would do to me in the bedroom. It was disgusting and I told them to improve their behaviour. Instead they tried to grab me so I threw my beer on them and left. The barman smiled at me as he added water to their beer 🙂 Tourists in Prague are often horrible and best avoided.

      2. Marketa it’s because these are basically sex tourists. They come over to Prague because of the cheap beer and prostitutes. As you can imagine they have no respect for the country or culture or anything at all they only come over to get some cheap sex and to get as drunk as possible.

        Btw, I’ve met some idiots here too closer to Ostrava. Once while working in Novy Jicin, there were some British contractors there. I believe in their own country they would have been the types to work in chicken factories, but on this contract and with the exchange rate they must have been earning about 200k a month. And they let everyone know this.

        I have to say I really didn’t like those guys. I’m a foreigner too, been living here for 15 years, but these guys were just really low class. One night I saw this one arrogant one talking to this Czech girl. So I went up to her and said “Pozor, ma velka penezenka ale maly peniz”. And since he couldn’t speak Czech, he had no idea why she was laughing. Well it didn’t take 2 minutes before he was telling her how much money he was earning. That night after I left those clowns got into a fist fight with some local Czech guys, who must have also had enough of them.

        Anyways point is not every foreigner is an idiot, but those sex tourists or basically low class scum unfortunately are idiots.

  22. My husband is a native Praguer, and what you describe seems to be on the mark in describing him and his family. My husband, however, is not much of a sports fan, but his father was and I know most Czechs are. My husband and his family and friends in Prague are very much into the arts of all sorts. I’m not sure if most Czechs are, but Prague is very rich in this respect.

    My husband is a very sweet man, but he definitely can be somewhat formal around some people; new people as you said. However, with Czech friends he’s very close. He was, however, pretty friendly with me the first time we met.

  23. Come to live and creating roots here and after 25 years, I would like to read your comments.

  24. My image of an average Czech is of someone who would step over his/her dying grandmother to steal a buck sticking out of my back pocket and consider the theft justified by my supposed non-Czechness, that I have it coming. This after 27 years in country and Czech citizenship to boot. Banana-munching monkeys swinging from tree branches believing their monkeyhood a superiority.

  25. Can not stand with ripping off in Prague. I am really fed up. I have never ever seen any sorry or face expressions when they hit you in Tesco or anywhere. I paid 47czk for tap water despite drink coffee and ordered food. Normally that place (Kavarna Creperie-Novy Smichov-Plzenska8 praha5) serving water for free when you ordered coffee for Czechs. I am foreigner and need to pay for tap water. I asked how much a bottle of water? The waiter said:50czk.Endless rilping off started in the airport when I bought ticket for bus to main station in Prague in tourist advisor place next to exchange bureau in the airport. I paid to the person 100czk but she pushed and used technique and I realised on the bus The girl didn’t give my money exchange. It must be one of the most trusted place in the airport. A person needs to have good moral skills in order to work for airport tourist information. I do feel the people are hunger and do not scare of the government. Need lots of time to change. So sad.

    1. Hi,
      also Czechs pay for tap water. We are used that in a restaurant/café we pay for being at the place, not exactly for what we are served. I never saw water for free i na reestaurant/café, not even tap water for free for Czechs. Sorry for your water schock 🙁 We know that water is not for free so everytime we take bottles with water from home with us if we go somewhere or just buythe cheapest bottle in a supermarket.

  26. Can not stand with ripping off in Prague. I am really fed up. I have never ever seen any sorry or face expressions when they hit you in Tesco or anywhere. I paid 47czk for tap water despite drink coffee and ordered food. Normally that place (Kavarna Creperie-Novy Smichov-Plzenska8 praha5) serving water for free when you ordered coffee for Czechs. I am foreigner and need to pay for tap water. I asked how much a bottle of water? The waiter said:50czk.Endless rilping off started in the airport when I bought ticket for bus to main station in Prague in tourist advisor place next to exchange bureau in the airport. I paid to the person 100czk but she pushed and used technique and I realised on the bus The girl didn’t give my money change. It must be one of the most trusted place in the airport. A person needs to have good moral skills in order to work for airport tourist information. I do feel the people are hungry and do not scare of the government. Need lots of time to change. So sad.

    1. Hi I am sorry about that. It just the way people do things also for other people reading this. Never change your money on the street. People will definitely give you fake money and watch your bags and don’t put your walet or phone in your backpokets (sorry for my english) or you will loose it. Also the best way to have your things safe in public transpor is to have your backpack in your hands when there is lot of people in bus or tram (that’s what locals do). Also when you catch somebody stealing out of your pocets don’t be afraid to speak up or scream out laud that will leave you alone most od the times. So that’s it. And again I am sorry that people here do this to you guys.

  27. interesting to learn this page about CZ. I’m verry surprise to see, young generation dont speak english.. or exeptional situation, I’m no happy to see CZ people dont like touriste, dont make effort for make transportation, museum in English… for my is like close country whitch close mentality. I’m verry sade so see beauty for girls, but shee dont want discover if u not speak english 🙁 the most ridiculus situation are in international aiport of Prague the guys tell my: No English, WTF… really!! Museum the most are not in English, People try always to scame you.. that not friendly, that no welcom, and personnaly I dont want to back in Liberec …. and CZ in general. Maybe in 20 years should be a better mentality.

    1. Hi I am Eliška from Czech republic. I want to explain some things and give you some informations. So firstly about airports… umm… I have never been at the airport before so sorry that I can’t explain. When it comes to english.. well I am 17 and people my age can mostly speak english. When it comes to older people it is quite questionable my teacher is 28 and she doesn’t speak english so… yeah. I was in Prag once and I agree when it comes to museums and stuff tho I still remmember seeing some paper explanation in english next to exposition. When it comes to people not liking foreigners it is partly true. Prag is so full of you do people just got sick of it.. like that can’t even go to market place to buy some things without tourist everywhere. I live in Brno it is second largest city in Czech republic. There is not much tourists here so people are nicer and somehow we actualy have signs (sorry don’t know if I am spelling this right) in english and you can take those paper thing that has information in it and they are in more languages than english to. Also we have a people that will show you for example around the castle and will tell every information in english if you don’t know czech well that ofcource depens if there will be persone that does this kind of job I mean he can be ill or they just don’t have a part timer for it😅 sorry if this was confusing. Well sorry for my English and I hope this helped a bit. Have a nice day

      1. Brno is a young city and I’ve lived there and I can say it’s pretty friendly. I attribute this to the fact that most of the students you meet in Brno are not actually from Brno. Many are from other parts of the country or Slovakia and then there are those international students. I think this creates a general air of acceptance since at least most of these students are away from home – Kind of like the foreigner. So maybe there’s some empathy.

    2. The language in Czech Republic is Czech, not English. If you are uncomfortable in a country that doesn’t prioritise english then it is probably best not to visit it.

  28. We just returned from Prague and stayed there in Žižkov, for the 4th time. I find that over the years the czech mentality is getting worse, more racist then several years ago. Now if you ask something they just say: no english and they do not make any effort to help you. I visited several other countries but never met so many rude people and so less people who do not speak ANY other language. I was born in Germany and my father is from Belgium so I can speak both. Later one we moved to Belgium and here we learn at school english and french. English is a language that most people understand so that should be a basic issue at schooleducation. And not speaking or understanding another language is no excuse to being rude and impolite… History is neither an excuse to treat people like …It is such a beautiful country with so much oppurtunity but how can you educate yourself if you can only understand one language?

    1. Hi I am Eliška from Czech republic. Pardon my bad english please😅. So I wanted to apologize about people that were rude to you. I have been to Prag just once and to be honest people there were rude to me too. I think it is because of lot tourists visiting Prag nowadays. There is soooo much people that locals there can hardly buy things on market for example and another thing is that there has been lot of foreigners visiting my country just to get drunk. I am not trying to defend actions of the people that were rude to you I am just pointing out what could have caused it. Also yunger generation (People around 14) are really rude. I am 17 and 8 year kid told me to fuck of.. that is the fault of electronics. I saw woman giving her 3 years old daughter phone to play with so that she(mother) could be on fb. Also older generation doesn’t speak english so that’s it😅 I have nothing more to say😅😅 I hope that it explained something and again I am not trying to defend the people had were rude too you or too somebody else

  29. Museum the most are not in English, People try always to scame you.. that not friendly, that no welcom, and personnaly I dont want to back in Liberec

  30. Im from Portugal. I did my Erasmus in Praha and I simply followed in love by the city. I think czech people are a bit reserved but they are very polite. Prague is simply beautiful, clean and conserved compared to other europe cities. Love from Portugal. Im on vacations in prague now and I will come again every time possible.

  31. I travel a lot and Czech Republic is the 5th country on my current trip. I find people’s mannerism mixed. Some are very friendly (younger generation), some are very rude. You don’t have to speak English perfectly to smile or help someone. I entered several stores and was completely ignored. I am an African American female. I also got stared at in restaurants, just weird. I guess tourism is not important to Czech. Don’t complain when wages are low. This country isn’t warm and I will not return and I will not encourage anyone to visit. I will return to France, Spain and Mexico a million times. Tourist spend lots of money and I feel you should appreciate me bringing a income. I’m not asking for red carpet. Just do your job help a customer. Show enthusiasm. Churches on every corner but no love. What bible are these people reading?
    We are one human race. I guess heaven will have borders. Love one another.

    1. Hi Mel,
      I can feel you disappointment and am sad for this. Well still I think there were some points you might have misunderstood and I would like to help you see those things were maybe much better than you thought.
      You said you were ignored in a store. I don’t know how exactly you mean. Sometimes people from other counties dont say hello or thank you to shop assistent, and should do. Maybe you asked the staff in English, maybe they were confused what to do, cause shop assistents often have lower education and the knowledge of languages is quite problematic among Czech people – idk why, we are educated, maybe we are just very shy and are not used to be surrounded by other languages. Maybe you only experienced our reserved nature without smiles or small talks which I consider something that gives you an opportunity to live calmly, not being pushed to talk and share your information with anyone if you dont want to. We don’t do small talks, as it is felt as not neccessary and something not coming from the bottom of our hearts. Like – if you are not my close friend, I will not botter you with small talk or with my feelings, so I will be reserved. I know, sometimes it feels too cold, however, it is much more common in Prague than anywhere else in the country.

      I personally think that racism to African-like people is rare in here. Yes there are a few racists, but most people consider racism very stupid and bad. Africans or Afri-Americans are still rare in here though so it happens to me sometimes that if I see one, I might just look at the person, not even realising it or just thinking something nice like “oh the beautiful hair” or “yes, this guy looks like the famous jazz or gospel musicians”. If I sometimes stare at an Afri-American, I am very sorry, but I don’t mean anything bad… similar if a Czech person has a nature similar to an Afri-American nature, it is so funny to be with them!

      Yes there are many historical churches, yet the Czech Republic is said to be one of the most atheistic counties in the world. So most of them read no Bible…

      You noticed Southern countries and Mexico. This was very interesting. I think this tells something about your nature which would feel good among easy-going, laughing people or so. These are much more frequent in the countries you mentioned. I can understand. These natures are so funny and lively… but for people, who were born like me, it is also a bit tiring, I don’t understand being open to anyone, to people who you don’t know, kind of scaring me to give my feelings out in this way… love is probably shared in different ways, needs to develop…

      Czech is not a place where we are ready to embrance everyone. Here it takes more time, testing and deep relationships to trust, sometimes even for basic trust. So even though you as a person can be valuated here to visit Czech, and your interest is definitey and very welcome, but if tourists just come, do tourism, spend money… it is not something that we evaluate in our own lives. This nation evaluates more practical things. I think some Czech people feel a bit awkward among many tourist, like… am I at home or am I not welcome in my town by these many people? Should Ieave this (any popular) place to make more space for crowds of tourists? But interest for Czech anything is highly and sincerely appreciated, cause we dont expect a sincere interest. We expect tourists who are not really interested from heart.

      So, dear Mel, please dont feel as if something bad was meant about you in this country. Definitely you are welcome to see, only the problem is maybe much more often in the totally differently expressed emotions or values or, eventually, the touristic pressure on Prague seems to be more than the city can bare. Big apologize for your not so happy vacation but big thank you for coming and seeing, too.

      1. It’s bullshit. Don’t try to make Czech lok better than they are! I am one of them.but i hate them. Thay are really awful. That’s why i don’t see myself as Czech person

    2. Can’t talk about Prague, but I can tell you my experience in Ostrava.

      At once stage I had a black colleague. He got fired. But before that we used to go out to lunch from time to time. People, and by people I mean virtually everyone stared at him like he might as well have been a Martian.

      I once watched a Youtube video from a black South African who claimed these stares were not really hateful only curious.

      I used to believe that until having lunch with this black friend. I noticed some people – Especially women were really looking at him with a sneer of disgust.

      I can’t imagine really living like that. He does actually live here. We’ve remained friends even after he left the company. I’ve tried to discuss this issue with him with some subtlety but he doesn’t seem to really acknowledge there’s a problem. Maybe because where he lives people are already used to him or either that or he simply doesn’t notice.

      I get enough discrimination here even as a white. What I want to end with is that anything here foreign is “exotic” and that’s not a good thing.

      I’ll leave you with an example. So the last trip to the doctor, the nurse was exceptionally rude and abrupt with me. Barking orders rather than being polite. I was going to say something to the doctor and believe me next time I’ll be more prepared for her. But when I left, I overheard this nurse say to another nurse and another patient “I’m not racist”. Like as a matter of fact.

      Clearly too stupid to understand the difference between xenophobic and racist. But it did teach me a lesson and that is worth talking about to some Czech people anyone not Czech or foreign is worthy of racist behavior against. To this subset, they do not distinguish between blacks or Caucasians. Seems like they would consider a German technically a lesser person or lower mortal simply because he wasn’t born in a designated region or speaks a certain language.

      They should send all those racists here to get a taste of their own medicine.

      1. Hello, I am sorry for your experience. I know from my own experience that it is not always easy to live in a foreign country. However, as a native Czech, I must echo what was stated above – there are very few dark-skinned ppl in the CZ, especially outside Prague. Consequently, ppl tend to stare when they see one. If you ever visited a region where white ppl are a rare sight, then you must have experienced sth similar.

        As for your bad experience at the doctor’s, I wouldnt take it personally if I were you. A big portion of nurses are very inpolite and bark at everybody, especially when you cause them trouble (by being slow / not understanding the language / doing things differently than them). It happens to me all the time as well. Best regards,


  32. Intresting to read the comments. I am of Czech origin living abroad. Have studied the czech culture a lot and visit Prague 4-5 times per year, the city that is the Nothern Port of the Roman Empire.
    Czechoslovakia was amounth the richest and most industrilized countries of the World before WW2. The people are strongly influenced by the Austrians and Bavarians even if they spoke a slavic language. Genetics have shown that they are similair, there are also Celtic influenses. Prague is together with London, Paris and Rome the most visited towns in Europe. If you seek for erratas, and dig out negative things, you will always find some. Still all above is facts and the Czechs attracts millions of global people in increasing numbers. I travel also a lot and can see why it is so.

    1. What are you talking about? Czech Republic and Austria has nothing in common.

      You need to read more about history. Czechs were second hand citizens in Austrian empire.

      The Austrian guy Hitler said before WW2 that he was really tired of having so many Czechs in Wien and wanted to get rid of them. We are talking about a guy that had really big support by the ethnical Germans in former Czechoslovakia.

      The mentality is basically totally different.

      1. Genetically, Czechs have more in common with Austrians than Austrians do with Germans.

  33. Mel, I have just been in one of the countries you will visit ”millions times”. After two weeks with cold food, hired car that was a wreckage, just hot water in shower, overpriced dining, delayed flights and lost luggage (Things that works well in Czech Republic, eventhougt the people are a bit reserved in Nordic manner), I fully understand why 8.5miljon visitors prefer Prague for their visit…….

  34. Just passing some time in Prag.
    I have ro say, that locals are the most unfriendly and rude people I ever have met on all my trips arround the world. And I have visited quite some.

    I can’t wait to leave that country. It is a nightmare here. Never coming again and don’t want ever to have to deal with those people again…

    1. Hi. Czechs can be rude, but especially those from Prague.
      They think, that they are the best, they are offending even Czechs, whose are not from Prague.
      It seems their pride is endless.
      They are a bit diferrent, because they are tired from all the tourist visiting Prage each year.
      Average Czech is very polite and kind.
      I believe that you have bad experiences, but the reality is diferrent outside of Prague.

  35. Hi!
    I’m new here in Prague, I recently moved her to study and I’m really lonely here, I was hoping I could find someone to roam the city with
    loved your article btw !!

    1. Hello Aarushi,

      Thank you for your comment! If you want to find someone to talk to, we strongly recommend you to visit our Prague events. Good luck!

      Kind regards,

  36. Hi everyone
    My name is Jatin Ledwani , planning to send my son Naman for higher studies .
    I am basically Indian but settled in UAE since few years .

  37. We have a czech friend. Who was nice and accomodating told us he would treat us in prague and in his hometown 4 hrs away from prague. So he booked our accomodation telling its free because were friends and he lived in our country for a couple of times FOR FREE. But on our last da, he was like you should pay me this amount each person. And that amount is too much. So we researched the accomodations he got for us. And surprisingly those accomodations are around 300-500 crowns per person per day only. Just the cheapest hostels near florenc. Why tell us you would treat us? We can book ourselves? And no receipts? And the thing is. This guy thinks lowly of people in third world countries( even if we have more money and more sucessful in life) this guy is so mad to germany. Very negative. He just wants to talk all about himself. Imagine it this guy doesnt have an open mind about everything. Everything he say is czech food is better czech people are better just to summarize everything is about him and his kind. Brags alot but has nothing? Funny. Be careful of cashiers. They give less than your real change. U have to double check. Im not generalizing. Because i met his parents. Very kind and accomodating. Just want to share the experience. He is very bitter about almost everything czech people export to germany. He is like “ we should be more rich because we make the metals for the cars of some brands in germany. He likes to mock german language every now and then. Then will say that in czech its better bragging about it again.super arrogant even if we know him for more than 5yrs now. I just knew his real annoying attitude because we visited prague. After the experience i just want to leave this country and pay what he wants me to pay but i wont come and go to that country again. Typical attitude is they think they are always higher than other people. A toxic trait i dont want to copy.

  38. I’m pretty blown away by these comments. I’m an American, born to Czech parents who escaped during communism. I visited Czechia for the first time (when it was still Czechoslovakia, in 1992, shortly after the Velvet Revolution and the fall of communism), and I’ve been returning every five years or thereabouts. I never learned a word of Czech in the US (because my Dad was very disillusioned by his homeland and didn’t want to teach us his native tongue– a decision of his I really lament now as an adult). Each time I traveled to Czechia I always made a point of learning a few more words. I have found this goes A LONG WAY in winning over the kindness and warmth of the Czech people (two attributes I feel they have in droves– but who are we do DEMAND it???).

    I have learned enough Czech to cover the basics– order food, ask questions about something I’m buying, or directions somewhere (always with abhorrent grammar, but that’s not the point– the point is to demonstrate that you respect their language and that you don’t expect them to bow down to you, the almighty tourist!).

    It was my experience in Prague that the moment I started using my very labored Czech, they responded in English. Nowhere in Prague have I experienced the aloofness or crass disregard for the customer that some people here are describing. Not once. In fact, I struck up a wonderful conversation (in English) with a gentleman working at the Museum of Communism in Prague that lasted 1/2 hour (while my poor wife and kids patiently waited for me to finish).

    Outside of Prague the people were on an entirely different level of friendliness. In one small town in Southern Bohemia where I stayed this past summer, I asked (in Czech) the girl behind the counter at a bakery if she understood English because I had some rather complicated questions to ask about the pastries I was interested in, and it was beyond my very limited Czech vocabulary. She not only spoke English, she was tickled that she was able to put her English to use to help someone! It was one of the most pleasant experiences of my entire trip. I know English speakers are generally no longer a novelty in Czechia, but this small town may have been the exception, I’m not sure. But my point is, if you go to visit Czechia, try to learn a few words and use them humbly. The locals will see this as a sign of respect. This applies to any country you visit, as well.

    I am so, so in love with the Czech people.

    1. Vaclav, then move here like Stepanka did and see how long your romantic and unrealistic notions last.

  39. Prague is quite popular for tourism “According to data on inbound tourists in Czech Republic, 9,004,000 tourists arrive in the country each year.” (source: )
    I can suggest for you to visit Prague Castle “The largest castle complex in the world, this vast fortress requires considerable time to tour, but it’s time well spent (particularly rewarding are the excellent views over the Vltava River with the old town and its many beautiful spires in the background). Highlights include the Old Royal Palace’s main hall, the Vladislav Hall, so large it could be used for jousting tournaments, and staircases wide enough to allow mounted knights to use them. ” (source:… )

  40. Hi. This text is fine, I’m Czech and I agree with almost everything you wrote about.
    But let me explain this – it was Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic, never communist. We were not forced to betray our closed ones, we are naturally reserved.
    This misinformation you wrote is totally false and very offending. I don’t know where you found this information, but it’s historically inaccurate, and you would offence a lot of Czechs easily by this.
    So please it would be better if you would rewrite it or fix it somehow.

    1. Hi Klara,

      thank you for your comment. Everyone’s experience with the previous regime was different and we acknowledge that some people were affected more while some were affected less. Of course, different experiences also affect people’s opinions so it is only natural that our views on this topic will differ (like in this case).

      Kind regards,


  41. I never been to Czech before but I have awful impression of people in Czech Republic. I don’t want to be rude but I am really disappointed. March this year I was defrauded money and my identification by someone online in Czech Republic. I never thought this could happen to me. I randomly found a feline website and politely asked the so called seller if the cat I was interested still available and showed my intention of buying it. At the very beginning everything looked totally fine. I never made a purchase of a cat online before and I was lack of buying experience. I did not realize this was a trap- the seller asked me to send a picture of photo ID and I stupidly thought that was for custom purpose so I emailed a picture of my driver’s license to the seller. A day later, the seller emailed two contracts-deposit agreement and final agreement and asked me to sign on the papers. I was so stupid and even thought that looked professional and I trusted the seller and signed and emailed back to the seller. When it comes to the payment option the seller said that they wanted to use Western Union as they can receive money quicker. I then transferred the first $530 deposit to the seller without any doubt. A month later(due to covid19)the seller emailed me about the cat’s tracking number along with transport company contact information. Later I received a confirmation email from that company also an inquiry of payment of $1200 for a cage and this was 95% refundable. I though it was reasonable so I sent money to that company through WU. A day later, that company emailed me again saying the cat did not react positively after get vaccinated and needed veterinarian immediately and the cost was $460 and non-refundable and I believed without even asking for proof. On the same day I sent the remaining amount to the seller and promised I would be getting the cat next Monday. I thought I was gonna get the cat within two three days. However, next day I received email from transport company again asking me for cite permit. I did not know about it and the seller did not informed me before. I emailed to the seller and the seller told me they discussed about it and offered me two options: apply the permit now but it would take up to two months to get the certificate meanwhile the transport company would hold the cat but I need to pay for it and it would be a lot money. The second choice was the seller would split up the money with me to get EXPRESS certificate depends on cat value. And I refused it and asked to ship the cat back the seller. Both them promised would return money back to me but I did not receive anything back ever since. I finally realized I was being scammed by them and the whole thing was a lie the scammer does not even have the cats. I am really frustrated and with little information of these scammers.I am just wandering if anyone in Czech Republic willing to help search for the scammers. I know I probably won’t be able to get all the money back but I am concerned about that they might commit criminal activities under my name. I am not sure if anyone will be able to see my post. Thank you for your time!

    1. Hello,

      We are very sorry that this happened to you. Unfortunately, you’re not the first person with this experience – a similar thing happened to one of our clients. You can read about that in this article.
      If you aren’t located in the Czech Republic, I would advise you to contact the police in your country or try to connect with the Czech police at and ask them about your situation. They will surely be able to deal with the scammer and hopefully, your story will have a happy ending!

      Kind regards and fingers crossed,


      1. Hello Anna,

        Thank you for all the information. I just emailed to Czech police and hopefully it’s not too late and they are able to help me to deal with the scammers😭



        1. You’re welcome! We are keeping our fingers crossed for you!

          Kind regards,


  42. Yea very strange people to work with. No smiles, No heart warming greetings. It came from somewhere out of their reach so i dont blame them..

  43. Hi guys, I have a friend who is currently with her Czech boyfriend, but she shares a strange relationship with me. I do not intend to ruin my relationship with her or my girlfriend. How do I explain to her my situation? She is VERY Czech (except the cheerfulness and helpfulness)

    1. Hi Anna,

      while I am not an expert on relationships, I believe that being honest is the best thing to do. Czechs tend to be a bit straightforward, but be still tactful, and careful about what you decide to tell her (should you indeed discuss this with her).

      Kind regards,


  44. Ok I have 30 years experience with Czechs.
    They stand up for old people on the metro?
    Maybe, but certainly not young women, they’re too busy sticking their heads up their useless backsides.
    And they always apologise?
    Are you fucking serious?
    Have you even been to the Czech Republic?

    1. Hi John,

      I believe that this differs depending on the particular city. You are probably from Prague where people are more likely to keep to themselves. On the other hand, in cities like Brno or Olomouc, people are usually very polite and even a bit warmer. After all, Prague is a big city and so it’s no wonder that people prefer to interact with others as little as possible 🙂

      Kind regards,


      1. I am not from Prague but Czechs almost never apologize. You are maybe Czech but you don’t know nothing aboit Czech people.

        1. Hi Camilla,
          We understand you have strong opinions and you are definitely entitled to them and we welcome all kinds of discussions here, but please keep the conversation civil without curse words if possible.

          Everyone’s experience is different and generalizing people surely doesn’t help.

          I hope you’re having a good day. 🙂


  45. Czechs are just a lot of unwelcomed horny mass of nonsense. Not just an opinion, but created formula past 20 years.

  46. I think czech republic is a very un friendly nation, I blame this on the way the government treat them, all government officials and their families have been vaccinated against covid, and now they vaccinating the police and civil servants. why don’t they vaccinate them people pro-rated their age, health, with exception to the medical staff on the ground. They are exploiting the general people. why is a policeman, civil servant or government more important than gerenal public, this is not happening in uk, Ireland, Canada, Australia or USA. Czech government is cummunist and a dictatorship exploiting the general population, the the people are afraid to speak or they get fined. The people should be vaccinated pro-rated age, health condition and service to the health service and not treated like second class citizens. The government rule like a Banana Republic and not freedom of liberties.

    1. Hi Ralph!
      Thank you for your comment! I personally don’t think it’s as bad as you say, but I agree that the government support is not as good as it should be, especially during the pandemic. We still think Czechia is a great place for foreigners and having spent 10 years with professors and lecturers from the UK and the US, I know many people who agree with me. I hope you can change your mind eventually and come to love this country like we do, even with all of its flaws. After all, no country is flawless. 🙂 Still, it’s great to hear different views and opinions!

      Take care,

  47. The fact Czech people avoid confrontation is the worst aspect according to me, after more 6 years here I could never build a deep connection with a Czech because they cannot stand when someone point them out something or criticize them: all they do is just interrupting the communication even if they are clearly wrong. I hate that.

    1. Maybe you’ve just met the wrong people so far. Of course, it varies from town to town. People in Prague behave differently than people around or outside Prague.
      It’s also a fact that people from other countries have different social behavior that Czechs may not like.
      I’ve heard several stories of someone going to another country and making friends with a Czech or Slovak again. It’s like gravity pulling you in with people who have the same mind set. In short, people who have the same nationality.

  48. I come from the Czech Republic. I know that some people in my nation are evil and aggressive but so it’s not everywhere to say that there is no person in the US who is not evil and aggressive. If someone offends you or annoys you in my homeland, I immediately apologize and am ashamed of that person. But please, we apologized for more than 5. So why do you write so badly about us all the time? I’m sorry you didn’t meet the real “Czechs”

    1. Simply put the Czechs are a surly and rude lot. Not all of them, but most definitely A LOT of them: there is no other way to explain all of the negative, rude encounters on display on this webpage. I’ve lived in Prague since 2011, I know. I’ve experienced Czech rudeness the entire time. It is strikingly noticeable: for example if I fly to London UK, the moment I get off the plane there I notice how much more open and friendly people are than at the Prague Ruzyne airport where there is the typical Czech autistic atmosphere, everybody doing their best to not interact with others, ignore each other, bury their face in their smartphone etc. Just today I called two tennis halls: even when speaking in Czech both receptionists hung up on me: I tried to call back–and they refused to pick up the phone, knowing it was me by the number. This is typical Czech behavior: even the receptionists will just hang up in your face if they don’t feel like talking to you. Incredibly rude, passive aggressive behavior. And they don’t think twice about doing it. They’ll do it to the next caller at the drop of the hat.

      1. Hi,
        We’re so sorry you’ve been having this experience in the Czech Republic. Czechs can be a bit rough around the edges sometimes, but there are many warm and great people as well. I hope it gets better and that you’ve just been unlucky encountering all the bad apples.

        Have a wonderful day,

    2. Terezie , you are right that bad or good people are not only in the Czech Republic. Thank you for your sentiments and kind words.

  49. I am in czech republic nowdays for one week holiday in Prague, i don’t know anyone here, and as a black guy I didn’t face any kind of racim so far, and honestly staff here in restaurants and caffe which I have visited are welcoming and smile while they are serving you.

    1. Hi Mido!
      We are glad to hear that! Prague is definitely more open-minded when it comes to foreigners. Brno’s very good too. I hope you enjoyed your stay here!


  50. They are horrible people and extremely lazy as a culture……Primatives. As a person said prior on this blog, they clean our toilets in Western Europe (as they should with the potty mouths on most of them!)….

  51. Just spent one week in Prague. After 3 months spent in other European countries I was surprised by angry and rude behaviour of Czech. I got like psychologically traumatised every time I went out. Even in Russia people are not that bad . Although I met a few nice people they seemed a bit shy or reserved and I’m not surprised because there are many people with borderline rage for no reason, I’d be scared to.

  52. The most disgusting trait of them- laughing at those who are in trouble. The seem have no their own life, just sitting all bored and discussing other people

  53. I stumbled across this blog and it is truly amazing.

    I’m an American, living in Brno currently for work.

    I met a woman at the mall, and I’ve been dying to ask her out. I’ve even gone to the mall and walked around when I didn’t need anything. Her English is fairly good. I went back a second time to purchase something random from the store she works at. She immediately recognized me, smiled and blushed.

    I’m just as reserved and shy as the locals are towards Americans.

    So my main question, what would be the best route to take to ask her out?

    I’ve been told by other coworkers that there is a unwritten rule that you have to ask a woman out three times before she will say yes?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    The city of Brno is absolutely amazing, and I’m living every minute of it.

    1. Hi Trevor,
      What a cute question! I think you should make it clear(er) that you’re interested in her – e.g. by asking her about her day or bringing her coffee or something cute like that – so she can have a chance to say no if it makes her uncomfortable – and once you know she’s actually into you, ask her out directly and end her suffering 😀 ;). I can’t speak for the entire female population of Brno, but as a Brno girl, I don’t like being unsure about what’s happening.

      But real talk – I don’t think Czech women are that much different from American women :). And every woman is different regardless of her nationality and culture, so you’ll have to just feel it out.

      Oh and as for the “asking three times before she says yes” thing: that’s a nono! If she says no, it’s a no. No need to ask three times.

      Best of Luck with your potential date and I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in Brno!


      1. Thank you so much!

        I went back a third time while patiently awaiting a response from this blog, and bought another random item 😬.

        I would hope my intent at this point is clear. I’m more nervous of the stereotype the average American walks around with, “looking for one night stands”. Which is something I’m definitely not looking for.

        Here’s to hopefully some success! On asking her out.

        Thanks again!

  54. Hello, I accidentally came across this blog but I’m glad I came across it because I’m very interested in cultural differences before I respond I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes my English is not beyond OK so I use Google Translate and Morphix when necessary And their translation is sometimes problematic now to the subject, I was in Prague twice and I was a little girl so I don’t remember everything, but I agree with most of the things written above and in the comments from what I remember the residents in Prague were indeed closed, distant and rather lacking emotional expressions But on the other hand I remember a lot of help, kindness and polite sentences In addition I remember that when we left Prague [I don’t remember where, but it was definitely outside of Prague] things changed and the people were more warm, open and sensitive so I assume that besides the general culture things are changing from place to place time to time person to person etc and also I assume that everyone takes the general culture to their own level

  55. Good morning to you, on one hand i can understand why this blog has been created it is indeed true that the czech people in general are more reserved aloof standoffish and suspicious than others but its very typical in central/eastern-northern european countries i think it only get worse in westerm and northern europe on the other hand the most polite respectful and kind europeans i know come from this country and also if you make this people trust you you will find out they are very warm and caring another thing i would like to mention is that people are diverse and diffrent no matter where they come from so we cant generlise all eastern to northern europeans beacuse there are southern europeans/middle easterns who are just the same just at there are eastern to northern europeans who are more open then the averege

  56. Good evening to all of you. I came to this blog after researching about the culture and social norms of Central Europe and I must say that I am very disappointed and saddened by the amount of hatred and rudeness you show towards the Czechs. I had limited interactions with the Czechs, But they were all positive, I think besides the general restraint and aloofness they are known for [And as mentioned above, it is not only them, but the residents of Eastern to Northern Europe in general] They are very warm, kind, polite and sensitive people. It’s sad that you judge books by their covers without looking inside and without researching a little more about them.And of course as mentioned above everything is written in generalities and it is important to remember that in every country there is a wide variety of people with a wide variety of character types and behaviors but in the background there are always the general norms that have pluses and minuses

  57. It is not cool stereotyping a nation based on the attitudes that we’re being given, and there’s absolutely a great deal of cool people in Czech Republic as well, but unfortunately the mentality is really different here. Whenever I go outside of Czech Republic I can totally relate, and it’s obvious how friendly and open others can be comparing to Czechs. The thing that really annoys me is the language barrier in this country, and it is a fact that it can be complicated dating Czech girls if you don’t know Czech. Speaking of dating life, I’m not saying that I’m hot, but in other countries I easily get connections with girls, but here in Prague, I feel like I’m lonely. Also my 2 cent to those who always say “we are not like Americans, and we don’t smile, but at the same time we wouldn’t stab you in the back!” Please stop justifying your attitude since being positive doesn’t mean you are superficial! If you smile or be kind to others, it wouldn’t kill you, and this also would be just a brief moment, so try to leave a better impression.

    1. Thanks for your point of view, Sam! It’s always good to hear from more people. All I can say it, let’s hope the younger generation improves the impression of our nation in the future.

      Hope you can find a lovely Czech girl who won’t have a problem with speaking other languages :). I promise they do exist! I myself am in a relationship with an American and we’re very happy.


  58. Hi everybody.
    Reading your comments I have to say you that being just in Prague (the busy capital with lot of tourists – to be honest for me that city is not very “czech” city) and not even for long time means it is very dificult to say how the czech people really are…
    So a recommend you to see some videos of André traveler on YT. 🙂

    (my english skills are not the best, sorry…)

  59. As a Czech- I’m quite sorry for “our” actions.
    We do have many racists, and xenophobes, but we are all not xenophobes, thus, why are you treating the Czechs like we murdered your children and drank their blood?

    I promise we are all not bad. You’ll find many bad apples, especially in the busy and dark capital of Prague- or other tourist spots in that matter.

    I’m also sorry for not being too nice on this message, but the amount of hate towards my people and nation is terrible- We have many horrid people, but that doesn’t mean we deserve to be treated like monkeys- nor boiled in our own urine….

    Why do you treat us with such hatred? We may not be the nicest- But you’re throwing out a basket of apples because some of them are rotten.

    I know many czechs which are absolutely terrible- But every country has problems.

    America tries to control all of the world.
    Russia has a lot of propaganda (so do we a bit ngl)
    India is overpopulated and the roads are… well less than pleasureable.
    Some russians hate most of every other slav, and wanna take over the slavic nations- but that’s not every russian.
    Same thing for every country.

    You did not get the respect you deserve- whether its for years, or a few days, and now you are treating us ALL with such hatred?
    You call us xenophobic, racist, and so on… Yes, we do have racists, but what country doesn’t? Truly, tell me, what country doesn’t have racists?
    It itself is xenophobic in a way that you are treating us ALL with such hatred due to our ethnicity…

    I love my fellow czechs and non-czechs, but please, for the love of god, Stop spreading hatred on us for your experience…. Especially if you went to Prague.

    You have a bad experience, you treat us like pigs and apes, and disrespect us, due to our ethnicity? I’m sorry for your experience, and the harm it may have caused- But it’s simply not the fault of all the czechs- Be mad at the government, be mad at the terrible people of the Czech republic- just don’t spread the thing you call us of doing.

    We’re “problematic” and the “Racists” of Europe, but that doesn’t define us, nor does the fact our English isn’t great. We’re the Czech republic, you can’t expect english or perfect english from the “older” generations of 25 and up.

    I could blabber on how every country has problems, but you get what I mean already,
    We are not greater than any country, we have bad people, but the bad people don’t define us, but you treat your experience like all of the czech republic- causing “racism” against us- aka xenophobia.

    My only final message to those reading this, who left the hate filled messages are:
    I hope the best for you, but I also hope you realize that you are yourself spreading hatred- against innocent people. I get you have experienced pain- hatred, racism, those things. But you are spreading the same against the people of the same ethnicity- but just… nicer and not the doers of such horrid things.

    Please, consider your behavior of spreading hatred.


    1. Comments are accurate. So called ‘nice’ czech then could come to rude waitress, etc and tell her in da face to behave. Yet to see this happening.

      Most nasty people here are ‘girls’, many guys are rude and most people are scared to physically confront evil doers.

      Saw some people smoking inside a metro no one confronted them except me.

      Simply start fixing your attitude perhaps?

      1. Hi Joe.

        Some comments are accurate, but I believe the hatred shouldn’t be shared towards all czechs.

        About the rude waitresses, yea I believe we should do that, i’ve myself never met rude waitresses (probably cause i don’t go out that much), and I believe it’s just how we czechs are used to stuff. We’re used to a colder place, People here are generally not bullcrappers, and yes we have problems.

        I’m unsure why you put “girls” and not girls, as they ARE girls… again, you’re making us look like absolute monsters, just cause you had a bad time coming here.

        We aren’t that much of fighters as in like one on one person physically attacking “evil doers” as you’ve said, but that’s just cause we don’t wanna get hurt.

        “Simply start fixing your attitude perhaps?” We should, but one tip: If you don’t like the place, don’t go there, please.¨
        We have problems, but say that to a raging country with violence and riots, and instead of getting just a czech guy feeling bad about his nationality (a thing he didn’t choose) just replying calmly, you’d get bullets all over your head, body, and et cetera.

        Please don’t hate us all, or hate the entire country, you’ve been in it for… well a few months or years, Possibly even days. It’s immature to hate an entire country and it’s people for the things you’ve seen in there. Judge the people invidually, don’t feed hate, then you’re not any better than the bad us.

  60. As a czech teen i have to say i dont like it that we get stereotyped, alot of times the tourist are rude, i live close to prague i usually get to prauge via train, if you are visiting prauge that enjoy. Daniel

  61. even the most educated group of people are racist. They would try not show it of course because they want to show how educated they are. But unfortunately, racism is tattooed in their subconsciousness. Ultimately their behaviour shows up in a such short period of time. This country is not friendly to specially Asians. specially normal average working czech person is jealous of well educated and rich asians. I would say in this group, Koreans and Japanese people. They never can become like them. That’s why they are extremely grumpy and jealous based on their assumption. Unwanted starings in public transportation, screaming in czech language behind you, not returning deposit money, very rude noisy drunk people, mentally ill and homeless people everywhere in Prague. even at work, those people who so called educated won’t even feel a slight amount of shyness to breach your rights and being passive aggressive and racist. If you are educated and Asian, don’t come to this country. this is my advice coming from deep of my heart. People are rude and so awkward.

  62. I wish i could say something positive about this country after living here for almost 3 years. Unfortunately no. Just speaking louder in czech language won’t make me understand Czech. If i say something in English, angry czech shopkeepers be like sceaming in czech language. I just stand there quietly. it happens a lot. Okay, that is that. Besides this, a lot of dirty starings toward me when i am walking in public place. I hate it, specially them.Older the czech people are, more rude they are. As Asian, i totally hated this experience of living here. Initially i didn’t hate it. It gave me enough reasons to hate them during 3 years. Plus, i never dated anyone while i was being here. Because as asian woman, i hated everyone that much.

  63. Racism is tattooed in their subconsciousness. Really. Even people who call themselves educated are extremely racist. Of course, they would try to hide their racism because they want to show how educated they are. But you know what? their true behavior comes to the surface in a very short time. They are rude and racist. As a person living here, of course, I must go grocery shopping and cosmetic shopping. If i say one word in English, they start screaming in English. Just speaking louder and getting at your high pitch tone, won’t make me understand Czech. if they don’t have something nice to say, why don’t they at least keep quiet ??? Especially it is true because I am an Asian woman. It seems. I know the experience when I go out with my European friends. it is a totally different experience than going out alone. So as a result, I hate even going out. My second point is that average working Czech people are quite jealous of young, capable, rich Asian, like Korean and Japanese. It seems. i can see in their eyes, starings, and behavior. Granted. But funny thing is that the moment, they realize you have money, their behavior will soften up in a second but try to rip you off like in every possible way. That’s my conclusion from my rental experience. I have never even once received back my deposit money. Third, as an Asian average woman, i hate unwanted attention and dirty staring. Don’t stare at a human being like a piece meat like you are seeing leg at the first time in your life. I would say that I really really really really hate European men now.Everywhere drunk and noise people who don’t respect and not aware of its surrounding.Their morality is on the floor. just drinking beer everyday and having sex around won’t make you democratic and liberal. I hate it.

  64. Hi, I’m Eli,

    For days I’ve been feeling like sharing my opinion about my stay in this curious country in these last years. I might not be the best person commenting about the issues you will read. But I guess I have a valid opinion as long as I try to be unbiased and respectful. I came here 6 years ago as a student, I currently live and work in one city in Moravia. People in this part of the Czech Republic are not that used to dealing with foreigners. Despite the fact that things are slowly changing for good in terms of Czechs’ attitudes towards foreigners, I have to say that the main issue about them is not exactly about racism or xenophobia. In contrast to other countries in which racism is a really serious issue, I believe the main problem, which is historically psychological, is the distrust not only towards foreigners from far and close countries but also to themselves. This is also a similar issue in this part of Europe. Reasons? Well… wars, invasions, occupations, etc. This is somehow understandable. Yet, this is the twenty-first century, for heaven’s sake. I think it is ok to distrust some (I tell that by experience since I come from one of the most dangerous and violent countries in the world, and distrust there is a norm as well), but too much distrust, I say, kills love. Simple.

    In my experience, this is even worse when it comes to dating. In my case, for instance, some, if not several, young Czech women distrust too much when a single foreigner tries something out with them. Some reasons are understandable, esp. those cases when men look for European women just for the sake of an express naturalization, and vice versa. I am not against their choices. They are free to choose. But what I am against is that even without having given a chance, they distrust too much, even for a short talk or a coffee at a mall. I understand some bias and precaution. This does not only happen in here, though. But they might lose a loyal and respectful potential friend. This is one of the reasons why I have lost hope for finding more friends or a partner in here. I believe this issue is somehow similar in other nearby countries. Luckily, I have found some wonderful Czech friends as well as some other Czech acquaintances who without any need of becoming friends, they still accept and respect me as I am, and so do I. Still, this does not go far from a distant friendship.

    I think that for studying, working and adapting to the European Union, this country is a good start -especially for people from poor countries like me- since there are not many people living in this country -in contrast to Germany- considering its size and that they still have Czech crowns as their main currency. This country is also a good jump to study and/or to work in another more developed country such as Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, or the Great Britain. Still, the conditions in this country are good enough, especially health and peace. If one plans to live in this country for long, one must learn not only Czech language intensively but also Czech culture carefully. Still, it might not be successful. I am not saying there is no chance, I am just saying chances are limited. Not all people in here are willing to live with foreigners at home. Let alone some envy, especially when one does better than some of them. For that, I believe, it takes a lot of understanding and patience for a successful interaction. Let alone the extreme cold conditions between fall and part of spring, which is another reason why many foreigners find it hard to live in here.

    In the end, I do recommend studying for a year, living and working in here for at least 3 years -so as to get some work experience in Europe- and I do recommend being advised by Czechs first, especially those who can really help you, if possible. I do also recommend learning some basic Czech, ALWAYS get a translation app, especially one developed by Czechs. And even more, I recommend being careful with some Czech people you deal with since, again, not all Czechs are willing to deal with foreigners in a more open-minded way. Luckily, especially in working environments where you find more educated people -e.g. holding a master’s degree and at least an experience abroad- this does not happen that frequently, especially if you live in a more international city such as Praha or Brno. Even more importantly, I recommend training your patience and tolerance since you might need a lot of it. That works out well in the long run since some Czechs might eventually accept you as long as you do not cross the line.

    In conclusion, I am not sure whether I will stay for long in here. But the day I leave the Czech Republic, it will be day I will say I was lucky enough to live in this beautiful country full of history, nature and some good food quality, especially cheese and bread. And nope, never have I been in here for beer. I am allergic to that. 😛 I wish some Czech people were better when dealing with others, but I believe no one is perfect. But I will always be thankful to those Czechs who have helped me during these years.

    P.S. if you reply to my comment, please be respectful. We might disagree in some topics, but I am trying to be as unbiased as possible. And nope, I am not saying I have been completely lucky to have lived in here since living in here is also challenging not just about dealing with people but about the weather, the economic conditions, etc.

    1. Hello Eli, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I like your approach to the matter. Living in a foreign country is never easy. Doesn’t matter which country you choose to live in, it has its advantages and disadvantages. I hope the advantages will always predominate! 🙂

      1. Hi Kristýna (if I may),

        Thank you for your comment. I thought my previous comment would be dismissed in this chat since it seemed a bit too sincere. It also seemed a bit optimistic -considering the previous messages in this chat. I have experienced similar issues from those the previous commenters have previously shared. I somehow know what they have passed through. But again, I have wanted to be a little more constructive not to please anyone in here but to find some relief, esp. from those inhabitants (locals and/or foreigners) who somehow understand us. Moreover, not everything seems doom and gloom in here -at least for me. Yet, it depends on both perspectives and experiences people face everyday.

        Thank you for this opportunity given to speak up my mind about the previous issues. I am glad someone listens.

        S pozdravem,

  65. I am a US citizen and recently went with my Czech girlfriend to visit her family in Prague. They arranged for us to go to some fancy restaurants together with the whole family (but not the father). When the check came they made me pay for the whole family, each time. They say it is normal for the man to pay for everything. I was a bit shocked. Is this normal behavior in the Czech Republic?

  66. I am living/visiting Brno now.
    I think Czech people are nice. They helped me with an address I need to go to even though I do not speak Czech.
    I think they are good people, bad people ,rude people, kind people just like in any country.
    But, at least, living here in Czechia, I do not have to worry if some nasty people have a gun, or will push me to the tram…. (speaking of my some US experiences).
    Against, people are different. sometimes, it is due to cultural differences.

  67. I, as a native Czech, agree with most negative points from the comments.
    The main problem is Prague (or rather “big towns”) because of a lot foreigners. These foreigners are often rude, sexistic a visits us only for beer or sex. Then they vomit off this beer or they demolish a monument or foreigner private property. It is very often.


    The people, that are living in Prague, are “the self-made capitole”. Most people in Czechia these people does not like. They live in their own world, and therefore of they are haughty, arogantly and cunning… When you meet with a some badness, you can almost to be sure, there is from a some Prague person.
    According on statistics, most homeless, thiefs, cheats and different bankrupts live in Prague. I would be affraid to live there myself. It does not pretty place for live. It’s dirty.
    The typically person from a czech town is alcoholic, lives beyond own means and pretends. Is stupid, lazy, alibistic – yokel. And that’s why he has a bad live – after all, that’s the first thing he will tell to you about himself. The rasist and xenofobic can be too – partly, it’s from his stupidity, partly is the fear of a muslim foreigners, which nobody, really nobody wants here.
    People from villages are simply ONLY stupid. That’s all. Communism is still here and everything bad with it. Foreigners have to study about psychological impact of communism on the people before they will be live (or visit us) in here.
    The old people stinks, they do not washed (you know on the bus). And it’s exists the czech adage: being obnoxious as pensioner.

    Visit another places. For example: Beskydy, Jeseníky, villages in South Czechia or Morava (out of Brno), Zlín. The world is still right here. People here are more often smilling, friendly, talkative.

    Sorry for my bad english. I’m learning, i’m trying.

  68. Thank you for this insightful and practical post! Moving to a new country can be challenging, and your guide offers valuable tips for navigating Czech social behaviors and customs. The emphasis on learning the language and attending meetups is a great way to ease into the community. Your breakdown of what might seem like social awkwardness, such as the common pub visits and the frequent use of polite phrases in public transport, helps newcomers understand and appreciate local norms. The section on Czech attitudes and behavior, including their reserved nature, formal interactions, and ironic sense of humor, provides a deeper understanding of the cultural context. Overall, this guide is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to adapt to life in the Czech Republic and build meaningful connections with the locals. Well done!

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