Last week, I was out with my friends. When we decided to go home, it was getting pretty late, so my friends were thinking about which night bus to take. I walked them to the bus station, and they asked me which night bus I am taking. I responded by saying: “None, I am walking back home.” This response got me a lot of weirded-out looks.
The thing is, I haven’t taken a single tram or bus in the past three or four months. I don’t even own a “šalinkarta”, the public transport pass, anymore. Sharing this information with them only got me more questions and even more vaguely concerned looks. My name is Kate, I live in the city centre, and it never occurred to me that to some people having an apartment in the city centre is quite unimaginable.
So, what are the benefits of having your home right in the heart of the town?
Náměstí Svobody – the very heart of Brno
The sounds of the city
The usual follow-up question or, well, more of a statement, I get is “Oh my, I could never live in the city centre, it’s so loud!” Honestly, I’ve never noticed. I like to say that Brno is a very friendly big city for people who don’t like big cities. Finding your peace in the centre of Brno is so easy!
My apartment happens to be conveniently a few streets away from the Lužánky park, and whenever I need some peace and quiet, the park is here to embrace me. Whether you want a place where you can have grilling gatherings with your friends, or where you can have a beer with your friends or a peaceful place for a yoga lesson, this is a spot just for you.
Cafés and restaurants within reach
Maybe sitting on a bench in a park isn’t really your thing (all the bugs and no desk, right?). Don’t worry! Finding a peaceful place for yourself in the city centre is even easier. The chances are that you are just five minutes away from a very good coffee shop or a restaurant. Actually, one of my favourite activities is to sit around in a café and do my work/study tasks there.
And are you hungry and forgot your groceries during the day? Supermarkets are always close by open until 9 PM. Is it still too late? There are at least two restaurants five minutes away from your house. So is the city centre loud? Sometimes. I suppose that you will hear the „ding“ of a šalina or an occasional group of loud strangers exiting a pub more often than in the more rural areas of Brno. But not once did I think that it would be too much.
The bar that doesn’t exist – one of the most famous bars in Brno
Great accessibility
Let’s face it. I am a university student, and one of our signature traits is laziness. That being said, I have come to appreciate the location of my flat more than once. Tram/bus stop? Three minutes of walking. Train stop? 10 minutes by tram. Nearest restaurant, coffee shop, tea room? Five minutes of walking. And I could go on and on. Anything that I could possibly need for my life, including my faculty AND my workplace building is within 15 minutes of walking or by public transport.
Let me tell you; I have appreciated the luxury of not waking up earlier than an hour before my classes or work starts more than once. I don’t have to watch the time when I go out with my friends because walking home is pretty safe and usually faster than waiting for the night bus. That being said during the first year of my stay in Brno, I have discovered that having a šalinkarta just isn’t worth it to me anymore. Not only is it mostly obsolete to me, but I have also decided that walking everywhere keeps me in shape that I would otherwise lose by sitting behind my computer.
The Church of St. John – one of the hidden gems of Brno
Surrounded by historical monuments
I can proudly say that I am very attentive to details about my surroundings which can be a benefit as well as a curse. So, of course, one of the major factors why I enjoy the city centre is the view. Yes, of course, you have all the famed architectural monuments like Villa Tugendhat, Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul or the Špilberk Castle, we all know about these. But for me, the most exciting part of Brno is simply when you look up. Try it sometimes – just walk through the Masarykova street and as you do, just look up and appreciate all the different architectural styles. All the various interesting shapes of balconies, statues, and paintings on the walls. I promise you that it opens a whole new world for you. And all of this is within your reach.
Markets and festival at your fingertips
Last, but not least – there are markets and festivals. I happen to be a frequent visitor of both and let me tell you, dragging two full bags of groceries (because resisting the urge to buy it all is just way too hard) to your house from a market has never been easier. Went to a festival and forgot your hoodie? 15 minutes problem at best! Don’t want to wait in the line for a bathroom during festivals? Going home is not only faster but also more pleasant.
Recently, we at Foreigners started to offer two modern studios on Kobližná street, which is a street in the very city centre: find them HERE & HERE.
Even though my student’s budget is saying no very loudly to me, I must say that it is very tempting. Getting up in the morning to get a coffee in café Lavazza or sippling my favourite cocktail at Bar, který neexistuje (Bar that doesn’t exist – editor’s note) in the evening? Yes, please!
In conclusion: Is living in the city centre worth it? If you appreciate all the things that I do, then definitely yes.
Whether I have persuaded you to live in the city centre or not, if you are searching for accommodation in Brno, you can check out our offers!
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