Census 2021: What You Need to Know as an Expat in Czechia

The 2021 Census is coming sooner than you think, with its online phase starting on 26–27 March and the paper phase starting on 17 April. According to the Czech Statistical Office, everyone must be enumerated, including expats. What do you need to know? How to get ready? What questions should you expect? Will the forms be in English? We know the answers!

2020 Tax Return: Submitting Date Postponed to May 3

Considering the current epidemiological situation, deadlines for filing the income tax return have been postponed until May 3 for paper fillers and June 1 for electronic ones. However, some other submitting deadlines can still change throughout the year depending on the development of the coronavirus crisis in the Czech Republic.

What to Pay Extra Attention to as an Expat or Future Expat in the Czech Republic

Getting familiar with all your responsibilities and paperwork when coming to a new country can be rather confusing sometimes. So we decided to make this write-up with tips that you should always keep in mind when you are an expat in the Czech Republic or planning to arrive here.

Changing Employers in the Czech Republic: What Are the Difficulties?

As an expat living and working in the Czech Republic, you are obligated to report the change of the employer as well as when changing a job title and employment. This process might be tricky as there are several documents to submit, conditions under which you can apply and deadlines to meet. In this article, we will bring you a summary of all these aspects so you can better orientate in the process of changing the employer.

When, How and Who Can Apply For a Permanent Residence Permit? All Your Questions Answered

Did you know that after 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech Republic, every foreigner can apply for a permanent residence card? By obtaining permanent residence, an individual gets almost the same rights and responsibilities as a citizen of the Czech Republic. Keep reading to find out more about the permanent residence card. 

The Never Ending Story of Brexit; Permanent Residence Permit and Updates for UK ‘Latecomers’

With the coronavirus pandemic and the official withdrawal of the UK from the EU, traveling between countries has become more complicated. It is a real mind-blowing mix of rules and conditions. However, the main priority is to protect the right of those who moved abroad for work or study. Read the following article to find out the latest updates on this issue.

Changes in 2021 Regarding Health Insurance, Social Security Insurance and Flat-rate Tax

As we are stepping into the year 2021, there are some new policies regarding social security and health insurance, which are mandatory regardless of whether you are self-employed or employed in a business. For self-employers, there are some big news coming; flat-rate tax. In this article, we bring you updates on all of the recent changes.