Who is your Landlord?
The official definition of the word Landlord states, that a landlord is the owner of the house, apartment or other real estate, which is rented or leased to another individual (tenant). In case you’re renting out the apartment or a house directly from the owner, you’ll probably meet him/her at least once, when you sign the lease agreement. If you choose to rent through real estate agency, you most probably will not be in direct contact with the landlord as everything will be sorted out through real estate agent. For instance, Foreigners.cz is a certain mediator between the landlord and yourself, watching your back and helping to deal with any situations there occur. Which is a great benefit, considering most landlords are not English-speaking and will struggle with lease agreement translation and explaining the lease conditions to you.
Why become a Landlord?
So how one becomes a landlord? Simply by investing a certain amount of money into property. Let’s say, you already have a place to live in, however, your stable source of income allows you to get a mortgage and purchase another apartment, which you’ll further rent out. Such investment guarantees a profitable return and secures your future.
How to reach your Landlord?
Contact details of the lanlord will be stated in the lease agreement. In some cases, your landlord might currently live abroad, so the only way to reach him/her will be through email or Skype. And what if your landlord lives in the Czech Republic but does not speak English? Things will be much easier, if you have an apartment from Foreigners.cz, as we act as your personal assistant / interpretor.
What if there is a problem with your Landlord?
You and your landlord might be both speaking English, however, when the problem occurs, it can sometimes be difficult to reach an agreement. Let’s say, you move into the apartment and after a week of carefree living you discover mold on one of the walls. You may think, it’s the landlords responsibility to fix it, but the landlord refuses to pay for the repair. Or you need your landlord to sign Proof of accommodation, but he/she is not willing to grant you this confirmation. In tricky situations, it pays off to have reliable back-up. Foreigners.cz relocation consultants will make sure to solve the matter to mutual satisfaction of both sides. We always search for WIN-WIN solution: client WINs, landlord WINs.
so , when i started to rent back in october there was no bill so far for RWE, after few month monthly payments of 1500CZK started plus a Bill of 12900CZK that I nedd to pay now !
According to RWE is high consumption between october and Feb !
In this tricky situations, I need to use my reliable back-up from foreigners.cz !
Hi Pablo, sad to hear such thing happened. Unfortunately, this is not an exception 🙁
It’s easy to check though – there should be an electricity meter in the apartment. When the apartment was handed over to you, the current state of electricity meter should have been written down. So you can check, what’s the state now and how high your consumption truly was.
Or contact Foreigners.cz http://www.foreigners.cz/contact, we’ll be happy to help!
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Hi my name is tinoy James , I’m trying for temp residency in Czech Republic to live with my Czech wife and two Czech born daughter’s . I flew from Canada with all three of us , quit my job in Canada and am waiting temp residency , upon getting residency I have job for end of February. However for reason unknown the land Lord of this apartment (not building owner ) will not give the proof of part ownership of this building (proof she owns this apartment.) Our contracts have been signed . However on contract she says she will not accept permanent residence , however before leaving Canada we said I will be going for temp residency. Now she is unwilling to provide the proof she owns this apartment we’ve been renting for the last month.
This action of hers is putting my work in danger , and preventing me from applying for temp residency.
I know legally she has to give it to me , however she is refusing and saying if you don’t like , you can leave. She also is unwilling to give us her bank info so we can send her rent , she will only accept cash , and will not provide a reciept. I have video evidence of our encounter last night .
Now i know she legally has to give me the proof she owns the building so I can get my residency, I also know it’s illegal for her to not accept permanent residence based on the premises .
My question is, can I sue her for wages lost in Canada and in Czech (as this prevents me from working ) and can I sue her for the cost of my plane tickets to Czech as the agreement via email was made before we flew to Czech republic.
Our contract is to stay for six months as it stands , we are legally married in Canada and in Czech Republic and we have two Czech born children.
What should I do since she refuses to give us the proof of ownership after we have lived here for a month , have signed the contracts with both our names on it. She is also withholding key to the downstairs storage .
Her excuse was she has had bad experience with immigrant from Bulgaria
Hello Tinoy James,
thank you for your comment and your question. I believe there is something we can do to help you resolve your issues. Please write us at info@foreigners.cz and my colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible.
Best regards,