#ImmiUpdatesCzechia Would you like to do business in the Czech Republic but you don’t know how? Then all you need is to acquire a trade licence (or “živnostenský list” in Czech). How do you apply for one and under what conditions? Discover all of it in this article and become an entrepreneur today!
Tag: tax
How the VAT System Changes With the Consolidation Package?
#LifeInCzechia The new consolidation package effective from January 2024 is supposed to help decrease the debt in national finances. It significantly influences the VAT system, including the cancelation of some benefits. What does it mean to you? Keep reading to find out more!
2020 Tax Return: Submitting Date Postponed to May 3
Considering the current epidemiological situation, deadlines for filing the income tax return have been postponed until May 3 for paper fillers and June 1 for electronic ones. However, some other submitting deadlines can still change throughout the year depending on the development of the coronavirus crisis in the Czech Republic.
Changes in 2021 Regarding Health Insurance, Social Security Insurance and Flat-rate Tax
As we are stepping into the year 2021, there are some new policies regarding social security and health insurance, which are mandatory regardless of whether you are self-employed or employed in a business. For self-employers, there are some big news coming; flat-rate tax. In this article, we bring you updates on all of the recent changes.
Czech Republic vs. Europe
Czech Republic has joined the EU more than 10 years ago, in 2004. Back then, Czech population seemed to be happy with this political step, celebrations taking place all around the country. Nowadays, Czechs aren’t so impressed by EU membership, by all means trying to protect their sovereignty. What advantages the Czech Republic has, that […]
Czech Tax Declaration
If you have owned Czech trade license in 2015 (e.g. you were self-employed), you are obliged to file a tax declaration for 2015. Deadline for filling in your tax report is the end of March 2016. By the 31st of March 2016, you need to give the report to your local tax office (district of […]
Trade License Benefits
In order to fulfill legal requirements of your stay in the Czech Republic, you must work on a trade license (živnostenský list or zivno), own a company or be an employee of the local company. To work as an employee, non-EU citizens must first obtain work permit and employment visa. For EU citizens the procedure […]