MIMSA & Foreigners.cz – MIMSA CUP and BBQ

The BBQ and FUTSAL SUMMER CUP organized by MIMSA and Foreigners.cz Brno was a great moment! I want to say thank you to the MIMSA Team for the organization of this event. This sunny day was a day of sport. This event took place in the International School of Brno. It was a competition of football 5vs5 in a kind of indoor field. There were a total of 10 teams composed of 5 to 10 players. And 2 more special entrants: girl teams for a total of 12 teams. So congratulations to the organizers for arranging it during this short day. For our part we were 7 in the Foreigners.cz teams (girls and boys teams). There were in total 22 matches during the day. The Foreigners.cz boy team started well with 7 points at the middle of the day. But we can’t say the same about the end of the afternoon. Because we missed the final. But we can be proud of our Foreigners.cz Girls Team, they won the silver medal. During the day we shared a good BBQ (sausage and chicken) for lunch. And had some breaks with shisha and/or beer, depending on the teams. Maybe this could be a reason for our defeat J. Thank you to all for playing on behalf of Foreigners.cz team and everyone else for coming! I would like to inform those who love sports, and more specifically those who enjoy volleyball. That during the summer we organize Beach volleyball matches, every two weeks. The dates will be published very soon. Stay tuned.


4 thoughts on “MIMSA & Foreigners.cz – MIMSA CUP and BBQ

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  2. Det där hände ju 2006..? Tvivlar pÃ¥ att enbart det skulle vara anledningen. “Betalningstvister” mellan spotlife och blogg.se, det däremot skulle vara intressant att heta mer om.. Kanske inte är det enda konstiga som finns att luska reda pÃ¥.

  3. Merci pour cet article qui m’a fait découvrir ce photographe qui joue savamment avec les couleurs. Je connaissais déjà le festival de Perpignan, et ça me donne encore plus envie d’y aller un jour…Bonne journée

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