Currently, with the Czech Republic being in the state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic, only expats with valid residence permits can cross the borders and return to the country where they may have families, jobs, homes. If you meet the conditions of holding the permanent residency status in the Czech Republic but you don’t have it yet we strongly recommend submitting your application.
The permanent residency gives both EU and non-EU nationals an authorization to live and work in the Czech Republic on a permanent basis. When does it come in handy?
- you are tired of prolonging your temporary residency or long-term visa over and over and over and you want to avoid the risk that it won’t be renewed for some reason
- you have been settled down in the Czech Republic or planning to do so
- you can apply for a loan or mortgage at the bank to buy property
- it gives you free entry to the Czech labor market
- you will be entitled to social support in hard-life situations
- it will secure you the possibility to come back to the country if there is a similar emergency situation in the future and borders are closed for anyone besides Czech citizens and residency holders
After 5 years of continuous residence
You need to prove a 5-year legal continuous stay in the Czech Republic to be granted permanent residency status. Read more about the requirements here.

You can apply for the permanent residency certificate now while being in the Czech Republic to be safe whatever happens next. We will gladly help you with all the paperwork with no need to meet you in person. Sounds good? Fill in the form on our website or simply contact us via phone or email. We work online during the nation-wide quarantine period.
How and when can I convert my study visa into work visa?This is my first year in Czech Republic. Iam a student for Master’s degree. I have one year visa.Is it possible to convert my visa?
Hello Shajahan,
yes, it’s possible to change your purpose of stay in the country. You need to have all the needed documents to apply for a new type of visa before your current visa is expired. If you have any further questions, write us at and let us know how we can assist.
Best regards,
I’m presently in the Czech republic under the 90 days. Is there the possibility to apply for a residency card?
Hello Paul,
thank you for your question. Yes, it’s possible to apply for a residency card, you need to send documents via the post office. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to write us at
Best regards
Hello! My name Is Iulian And i want to help me …If i will make 5 years in ČR just in september 2020 i must to Wait for the residence ???
Hello Iulian,
Thank you for your question. Yes, you have to wait till September. Once you need to arrange your permanent residency, feel free to contact us at
Best regards,
I live already for 15 years in cz, but dont have a permanent residency yet. I have Only a potvrzeni o prechodnem pobytu na uzemi. I come from the netherlands and have two children (almost 11 and 14 years old)That are Born here in the cz. I own also a HOUSE in mine name. A course i have here a job. Can you please telling me what kind of papers i need, maybe you can sent me also the request formular for the permanent residency
Best regards
Luis verhaegen
Hello Luis,
thank you for your question! We’ll do our best to help you with that, all you need to is to write at and my colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible. Also, I recommend you to watch a live stream with our CEO who will be answering questions of all kinds regarding the current situation in the Czech Republic. You can also submit our questions here in this form.
Best regards,
Hello, do y’all know if appointments for biometrics are still valid? I know someone that went and they told him they couldn’t complete them. I have an appointment scheduled this week.
Hello Ana,
you can find all the information here on this website.
Best regards,
Hello,my first question student visa count full year or half now? I have been living here continuously as student visa . This September it will be fulfill 5 years so I can apply PR before September? Cause my present visa will be expired end of September. Thanks .
Hello Ratul,
Student visa counts as a half a year. Also, you can’t apply for a permanent residence without the purpose of stay, it should be either work purpose, study or something else. For more information, write us at
Best regards,
Hello Karyna,
Thanks for your reply . My main course was film making which is 1 year program after that 4 years I took czech courses like (others purposes) . Cause as far as I know in 2017, 15 th August law changed that if I’ve student visa I’ve to continue 5 years study then I can apply freelancing visa . Cause I work as freelancers film maker. So i can apply freelancing visa purpose beside permanent residency?
Hello Ratul,
yes, you can apply for a freelance visa if you have lived in the Czech Republic for 5 years and already have a trade licence.
Best regards,
Hello, I have Italian 5yrs stay. What can I do to have czech permanent residence?.
Hello Elijah,
thank you for your comment. If you are an EU resident, you need to apply for a temporary resident instead. Please contact us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Hello Karyna, EU citizens don’t need to apply for permanent resident permit? did the law change since last year? as far as i know it was an option although it meant filling out all the same paperwork as for the temporary permit plus few extra forms and pictures… can you clarify?
thank you
Hello Ana,
thank you for your comment. I recommend you either to check out this web or contact us at so we can give you further information. Also, you can book a consultation with our Expat & Immigration Consultant so you can discuss it even in more detail.
Best regards,
Bonjour, j’habite déja depuit 5ans et demi mais je n’ai pas encore de résidance permanente . Pouvez vous m’aider a avoir une résidance permanente et merci..
Hello Nait,
Unfortunately, we don’t speak French. If you need to order a permanent residence service from us, please contact us at and our team will do their best to help you.
Best regards,
Thank you for information.i am very interested.
Hello Dianna,
we’re happy to hear that! If you want to order a service, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Best regards,
Hello!! Can I apply for permanent residence!! I already stay here 7 years!! Can you help me how to apply permanent so Thant I cannot always renew every 2 years. Thank you
Hello Christine,
we’ll do our best to help you. Please contact us at or book an appointment with our consultant and we’ll help you with all documents.
Best regards,
Hello, I an the Sister of a member of the UE I have my Mother and two brothers with a residence permt. I also meent my hosband here with a work permite. We have a house without problems and a driving license and work I can a SK for a residence permit.
Hello Dania,
thank you for your comment. If you wish to obtain a permanent residency, don’t hesitate to contact us at or fill in the form on our web.
Best regards,
Hello, I have been living here since 2006, and married and divorce with child, my son is 10 years but still with out document, I have visa for 90 days, I applied 2wic but no distion yet, can someone help me out with this please, I only travelled once out of cezch Republic once since 2006 to my country..
Thank you for reaching out. My colleagues who specialize in this field can take a look at your situation. They just need full information from you so feel free to contact them. You can find all the important contacts here, though I recommend you to choose based on the city you live in, if possible. Hope this helps 🙂
Kind regards,
Hi There,
I am from Paris, France. I live and work in Prague since 2016. I have work contract & proof of stay (rent, phone bills, Contract, etc…).
How do I proceed to have a permanent residency permit or a temporary residency permit? Can I apply?
Thank you in advance for your response.
thank you very much for reaching out to us! Since you live in Prague, I recommend that you get in touch with my colleagues at our Prague office 🙂
Kind regards and take care,
Hello, I’m Belgian with a temporary residency permit living in the Czech Republic since 01/05/2018, so almost two years. Since 13/07/2019 I am married to a Czech woman and we have an almost two year old daughter who was born here in Czech Republic on 27/05/2018. Do I qualify for a permanent residency permit yet?
Thank you and kind regards,
Hello Frank,
Thank you very much for reaching out to us! I have already contacted my colleague who specializes in these issues and now I am just waiting for his reply. As soon as he sends me an e-mail with his reply, I’ll be able to help you. However, it is also possible that he’ll contact you himself 🙂
Kind regards and take care,
Hi Frank,
I’ve just received a reply from my colleague. Apparently, you can apply when you’ve been married to your wife for at least one year + after living in the Czech Republic for at least two years continuously. Therefore you should be able to apply after July 13.
Kind regards,
Hello, I’m Ivorian with a permanent residency permit living in the Czech Republic since 2005, so almost two years. I am married to a Czech woman and we have two children 14 year old daughter and 11 years both are Czech citizens. Do I qualify for Czech nationality?
Thank you and kind regards,
Hi Frank,
as far as I know, you should be able to apply, though there are some other conditions that you have to meet. Those are published on the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic’s website, however, everything is written in Czech, so you’ll have to use some of the online translating tools.
If you want help with your application, you can also schedule a consultation with some of my colleagues or send an e-mail to 🙂
Kind regards,
How can I applied for work permit visa to work in Czech republic country and how many months it’s takes for visa procedure and also service charges?I am living in Mumbai India now.
Hi John,
unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information on how long it might take, especially now during the coronavirus pandemic. If you need any help with the procedure, though, you can schedule a consultation with some of my colleagues or send an e-mail to 🙂
Kind regards,
Hello, I am a British National who has been living in CZ since 2008. I currently hold permanent residence (since May 2011) and have the older purple “Průkaz o povolení k trvalému pobytu občana evropské unie” this is due to expire in May 2021. Myself and my Czech wife divorced this year therefore I am not related to an EU national (although my 11 year old son, who is a Czech citizen lives with me 50% of the time). I cannot find any guidance on how to renew my permanent residency or obtain the new biometric ID card. All the guidance and information available seems to be for people that do not already hold permanent residency and need to make first time applications.
Many thanks
Hi Pino,
my on of my colleagues will contact you as soon as possible. If there’s anything else we can do for you, feel free to contact us at 🙂
Kind regards,