One has to consider that a regular fitness activity doesn’t just help you to achieve an immediate aesthetic result, i.e. to have a flatter belly for men or a nicer silhouette for ladies.
Medical advice has now proven that regular exercise can be used as real medical therapy – especially when living as an expat: health is definitely something you shouldn’t take easy!
What are the main advantages for those that go regularly to the gym or constantly exercise even only a bit a day?
- To strengthen your cardiovascular system. Regular sports strengthen your heart. The more one practices the more one improves its efficiency by reducing the number of heart beats. The lymphatic circulation also improves as a result.
- Your locomotor system improves as both your bones and your muscles become stronger. Your joints become stronger too improving therefore your mobility and efficiency.
- A regular activity improves also your defence system, assisting your organism to fight viruses and other harmful agents.
- Not only to exercise reduces the chances of strokes and other heart diseases as a result of these actions on your vascular systems to do sports helps you to fight diabetes and keep an eye on your stress levels.
So, why is sport good for you?
Is it because of your fitness condition, good sleep or happiness? Or all the 3?
Let’s check our reasons on why you should do more sport!
If you think sport is good just for your better looking body, muscles and less fat you are WRONG! It also affects your mental health. This is the main point!
Sport has antidepressant effects, increases self-confidence, strengthens, raises happiness. What else does sport do?
- Reduces stress
- Brings happiness
- Increases self-confidence
- Trains the brain and make us to think better
- Improves our sleep
- Helps with dependencies
- It alleviates anxiety
Now it’s time to get in shape and practice! To make it more pleasant, we gonna hold the Sports MeetUp at Stromovka in cooperation with on Saturday, May 12th. Join us and make yourself feeling even better and healthier in the Czech Republic!
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