Coronavirus in Czechia: Vaccination and Travelling In and Out of Czechia

From 1 June, the Czech Republic is launching QR codes that will allow people vaccinated in the country to access their vaccination certificates. Travelling from the Czech Republic to other countries and vice versa, arriving in Czechia, will be much easier. The current situation will allow people who have received the first coronavirus vaccine dose in the Czech Republic at least three weeks before this Monday, 31 May, to enter seven countries, namely Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia. Croatia should join the list of countries accepting vaccinated people from Czechia soon, too.

The list of countries vaccinated people from Czechia can visit is growing.
The list of countries vaccinated people from Czechia can visit is growing.

Vaccination certificate issuance

Czech citizens will be allowed to access their vaccination certificates from 1 June. Foreign nationals who were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Czechia can access their certificates from 7 June. In both cases, the vaccination certificates will be available at




Accepting tourists from foreign countries

Not only will the Czech Republic issue the vaccination certificates, but it will also recognise certificates from several countries. Accepting certificates will allow visitors from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, and Germany, as well as Australia, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand to enter the country. 

Recognising certificates from the countries listed above will allow their holders to enjoy the services available to the public in the country.

Moreover, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš claims that people between the ages of 16 and 29 can register for the COVID-19 vaccination in the Czech Republic from this Friday, 4 June. You can find more information about how to properly register here.




Make sure to keep yourself updated – not only on the current situation – and keep an eye on our social media and our blog for other interesting articles.

Also, would you like to apply for a residence permit to avoid any problems with vaccination registration or travelling in these hard times? Let us know!


Article sources:,,

Image source: pexels by Anna Shvets

Viktoria Solarova

Hello! I am Viki and practically I am expat, too. I am from Slovakia but I study here, in Prague. I hope you enjoy reading my articles, at least as much as I enjoy creating them :)

14 thoughts on “Coronavirus in Czechia: Vaccination and Travelling In and Out of Czechia

  1. Hello,
    i am an EU resident by passport, also i have Czech permanent resident
    i m vaccinated in USA because i work here currently,
    how can i get an EU vaccination certificate?

    thanks for your suggestions!

    1. Hi Alek
      Unfortunately, Czech Republic only accepts vaccinations from selected countries – the USA is currently not on that list. 🙁
      We’re hoping that this will change soon.

      Take care in the meantime!


  2. Hi, I’m a retired Brit living in cz, but can’t access vaccination program here….any updates

    1. Hi Douglas,
      we still haven’t heard any factual decisions from the government, unfortunately. The Mayor of Prague tweeted yesterday that vaccinations could be available to self-paying foreigners from next Monday (7 June) –, but we can’t tell you anything for sure until it’s been confirmed.


    2. Hi Douglas, As a UK citizen presumably you’re still covered by NHS and hold a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If so, contact Skoda Insurance (a very helpful public health insurance company) and request an ‘auxiliary’ health insurance registration with them (they’ll need you to scan your EHIC), and you’ll get a Czech insurance number pretty quick.

      Otherwise, a new system for foreigners to pay out of pocket for vaccines is in progress.

  3. I’m from Portugal and I will be vaccinated there.

    When Czech Republic will accept the people that is vaccinated in Portugal enter freely in the country?
    It seems not logical only have some chosen countries as the vaccine are approved by the EU and Local countries in all Europe.

    1. Hi Jorge,
      I agree, I completely agree that it is illogical. Right now Czechia is only accepting people vaccinated in neighboring countries, unfortunately, and we don’t know when other countries will be added to the list. From what I’ve heard, Czechia is waiting for the official COVID passport app to launch in all of EU so that there’s a way to check the validity of vaccination certificates with 100% certainty. We’ll make sure to report on this when it happens.

      Take care,

  4. Hello! I come from Grecce, I got my first dose in Olomouc on 19th of May but I can’t log-in at to access my certificate since I dont have a Rodni Cislo (I only have my VZP insurance number). Is there another way to log-in?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Iosif!
      How did you identify yourself when you got your vaccine?
      I’d try and use your VZP insurance number (for me it’s identical to my rodne cislo – birth number) to log in. If that doesn’t work, try emailing or calling the úzis helpdesk at or 222 269 999.

      Best of luck,

    2. Hello, Iosif, the site added a way to log in without birth number today. You can log in by entering your phone number, e-mail address and DOB if you’re a foreigner.

        1. Dear Tereza and Fedor,

          Thank you very much for the info! I logged in with the phone number and downloaded my cerificate 😀

          best regards,

          1. That’s wonderful Iosif!
            Thank you for letting us know!

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