The interview with that well-known company went well and you’re about to move to the Czech Republic for a new job? Have you been accepted for an exchange period in the country after applying for the Erasmus Programme?
First of all: congratulations! We can guarantee that your experience in this country will be unforgettable and that you’ll have a real chance to make a positive change in your life.
Regardless the city you’ll settle in, finding a nice flat in the right location at a reasonable price will make the difference between a great staying and an ordinary one.

As the summer is approaching you might be wondering: when is the best time to search for an apartment in the Czech Republic? Once more, we have the answer. 😉
Our Relocation Consultants have plenty of experience in this field and can suggest you accordingly.
The best period to find accommodation in our beautiful country is… (drums roll) …right now! The end of June / beginning of July is indeed a perfect moment to look for the right venue to move in.
The reasons are simple: first of all, the academic semester is finishing, and most of the students who came for an exchange period abroad are now leaving the nation. Therefore, a good part of the lease agreements signed at the beginning of the year is about to expire, opening excellent opportunities for new potential tenants such as you!
Having a wider choice in the research of the proper flat brings with it considerable advantages. First of all, you’ll have more chances of getting a central place (city center of Prague and Brno), possibly fully furnished, close to public transport and big shopping malls. Second, there will be fewer competitors looking for the same location to rent, making your relocation process smoother and less stressful.
Talking about competition, you must consider a further side effect in the increase of this factor: the possible rise in the rooms’ prices. Within the real estate market, when the demand swells the prices tend to follow. In this sense, the period of the year which you want to avoid when looking for a new apartment is the one which goes from the end of August until late September.
During these months, Czech cities witness waves of students, families with children, and professionals coming to the country for academic and business reasons while our offices receive an overwhelming amount of calls from new expats in need of relocation services. You don’t want to get stuck in such a period, trust us!
The ultimate suggestion which we can give you is: start from now to look around, then contact one of our Relocation Consultants who will take care of your practice. Being less busy, they’ll have the chance to spend as much time as you need to get the perfect location at a reasonable price.
Last but not least: don’t be too worried about the competition with tourists coming during these days to spend a few weekends in the country. Most of them will stay for a short-term period, thus you’ll probably ‘beat’ them by guaranteeing a longer staying to the landlords renting flats, as they tend to search for a stable source of revenue. Keep in mind that the same discourse can’t be asserted for the month of September when a good part of the new lessees will look for a long-term contract for a full academic year or even more, not just a few days.
We hope this practical information will help you at taking the right choice: stop procrastinating and begin searching for a place to stay from now. The time is by your side now, don’t miss this opportunity by waiting too much!
Hi there! I would be interested in seeing some prices. I’ve heard of some cheaper rate than what we have now so I’m curious to see.
Good job and bunch of thanks for this valuable post.
Can you let me know about the current prices in Prague?
Thank you,
Hi Valeryia,
in Prague, the rental price is currently about 326m².
Kind regards,