CzechUniversities is Waiting for a New Owner

Vojtěch Stehno – manager of CzechUniversities by Foreigners – has decided to sell the project. The reason is simple: Being the CFO and Co-founder of Foreigners, Vojtěch doesn’t have enough time to devote himself to this business as much as it deserves. He told us what the project is about and who the new owner should […]

What Erasmus Accommodation to Choose in Brno?

Searching for sufficient and fair housing during an Erasmus stay is usually the hardest thing from the relocation process. Questions such as price, quality of the accommodation, communication with a landlord, his conditions and the location of the student housing is a daily food for Erasmus students. A dormitory, the social housing Domeq or a private apartment?

Why Study in the Czech Republic?

Czech Republic has a long tradition of high quality university education. As a matter of fact, Charles University, founded in 1348, is one of the oldest European universities. With academic facilities located all around the Czech Republic (mainly in Prague, two faculties in Hradec Kralove, one in Pilsen), Charles University has a total of 17 […]

The Best Universities for Foreign Students – Part 2

In the first part of our guide we introduced several Czech universities, which can be a perfect choice for any international student’s education. However, the Czech Republic has so much more to offer in terms of high-quality education for international students. Please enjoy the second part of the Best Czech universities guide. Prague College Students from more […]