ABSL – the Association of Business Service Leaders – connects companies from all over Czechia operating centres of shared business services, outsource information technologies or focus on research. The Foreigners agency recently joined this association so that we can more intensely share our know-how regarding the employment of foreign workers and their integration into the Czech society. Our common goal is to make sure that you feel at home in these companies.
Tag: integration
Mandatory Integration Courses for Expats Have Started
The Czech Ministry of the Interior’s proposal for mandatory integration courses for expats living in the Czech Republic was finally approved after a few months-long silence. The courses started taking place on January 1 as originally planned and are mandatory for some non-EU expats who have received or will receive a residence permit in the Czech Republic after January 1, 2021.
Some Expats in the Czech Republic Will Have to Undergo Integration Courses
Some expats living in the Czech Republic will have to undergo special integration courses that are expected to start taking place from January 2021 according to a new decree proposed by the Ministry of the Interior. During these courses, they should learn for example, about customs and the Czech language, but also about the issue of domestic violence. The draft of this decree was recently sent for the comment procedure.