Quarantine they said, it’s going to be fun they said… Ok, well, they didn’t. But who says we cannot make it fun?
Are you on the verge of starting talking to yourself or your imaginary friend Margi, that you thought was left far behind in your kindergarten years? Did you suddenly start acting like Alice in the Wonderland?
Then join us on our new Instagram challenge and let’s kick this self-isolation on the butt!
Now it’s your chance to show us how CRAZY you got during your quarantine (see finally it paid off) and win a LIFE-SAVING PACKAGE from Foreigners.
- The only thing you need to do is to let quarantine-craziness fulfill your soul and just document the moment by taking a selfie. Show us how you pass your time at home. Give us your own tips. Anything to overcome boredness!
- Then just put our hashtag #crazyquarantined in the picture.
- Tag one of our insta profiles (@brno.foreigners / @cz.foreigners / @prague.foreigners) and
- Nominate 2 of your friends to keep the challenge alive.
- The last step is to follow us on instagram ( @brno.foreigners / @cz.foreigners / @prague.foreigners) aaaand you’re finally done!
On Monday, March 30 we will randomly choose the winner and we’ll deliver their package directly to them.
May the odds be ever in your favour!
Let the quarantine games begin! Go to Instagram and start!