On Saturday the 25th of May, there was an event organized by Eventime. With more than 100 people in the grounds of the Czech Agricultural University in Prague 6 – Suchdol, the event featured Climbing, orienteering run, relay races, and collective sports. It was an exciting day and a great way to meet people from all over the world.
The site
The event took place in the huge and luxurious sport complex of the Czech Agricultural University. There is a stadium (football and Athletics), tennis and basket-ball fields, and a street-soccer field.
When I arrived, I saw several stands at the entrance, which represented some organism and associations. There was a Czech tourism organism, another who proposed language courses, Jedlicka Foundation who helps handicapped children, and one who sold kids’ clothes, Nahoda, an organism of single date and even a small massage stand.

Of course, there was also a catering stand (burgers, bagels, Czech food, and drinks). The Medical assistance was also here with the team of Canadian Medical Care.
The different trials took place on the complex, and the orienteering run permits to go around it.
All of teams had to do 5 trials. Each team was from 4 to 6 members.
We, the Foreigners.cz team, started with climbing relay. Once a member succeeds in climbing the wall, he has to run to meet the next member and hand over to him. I had never done before so it was new for me. It doesn’t seem difficult when you are at the bottom, but it’s another story when you are paralyzed near the top of the wall. I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore! Hana and Ria didn’t have any problem with it and Martin met some difficulties but less than me. But I succeed to do it and in spite of the pain in my forearms and fingers, it was a great experience.

Our second trial was the orienteering run. Equipped with a map of the complex, we had to join 6 different places, answer the question, remember the response and go to the next checkpoint. Running of course! Riddles was about Czech Republic cities. I show you the questions but I let you guess! 🙂
- I am one of the biggest cities of Czech Republic, situated on the Vltava, and the capital of Bohemia. Franz Kafka and Mozart have lived here during several years. About sports, you can support Sparta or Slavia, which city am I?
- My flag has red and white stripes, my most famous historical building is the Villa Tugendhat, I have more than 400 000 inhabitants and I am the capital of Moravia. About sports, each year there is the Czech Republic motorcycle grand Prix. Which city am I?
- I have around 100 000 inhabitants, and I am situated where Elbe River and Orlice River connect together. My name is in 2 words, it means the Queen’s Castle. I am at the East of Prague. Which city am I?
- I am a very small city in the south of Czech Republic, counting around 14 000 inhabitants only but I am famous thanks to my medieval village, a World Heritage Site of UNESCO. I am on the Vltava, where you can do canoeing. My flag has a five-petal rose. Which city am I?
- I am a small city but I am famous thanks to my silver mines. Being the World Heritage Site of UNESCO, there is also an ossuary, the St Barbara’s church and lot of tourists. I am a medieval village between Prague and Hradec Kralove. Which city am I?
- I am one of the biggest cities in Czech Republic and I will be the European Capital of Culture in 2015. I am the native city of Emil Skoda. My inhabitants produce a very good and famous Czech beer. Which city am I?
The third trial was the Czech beers game. A trial with 3 mini-games:
- For the first one, 3 glasses of beer was on a table, whose 2 of them was 10° beer and the last was 12°. And the goal was to find which one is the strongest. (looking, smelling or drinking it)
- For the second one, we just had to guess the brand of the beer tasted, among a list of 20 beers.
- The last game was more playful. We had to serve a beer as well as possible, without too much froth, then do the same thing but with blind eyes. I have tried this game and during the part with blind eyes, I was so scared about the beer overflows that I filled it just ¾ of the way full.

The fourth trial was a dexterity game. We had to extinguish a light stick with waterguns as fast as possible. It was fun and if the weather had been better, there would have been a big water fight.

The fifth trial is named the Czech Biathlon. As for climbing, it was a relay. The first part of the biathlon was a 400m running with a scooter, and then join a tennis field. Once at the tennis field, we had to do archery. When the 5 arrows were launched, we had to go back to the stadium then give the scooter to the next member. And 400m in scooter, as fast as possible, it is really tiring!

The last trial was postponed later in the afternoon. It was the good time to eat something, rest, or play different activities like tennis-foot, and Cricket, which I have never played before. It’s something like Base-ball but with different rules like, for the putting, the ball has to touch the floor before to be able to shout it. This sport is very fun, and the activy was proposed by Czech Cricket

After the break, the fifth trial was a slalom, in relay, with hockey player equipment. It’s not easy to handle the stick and the tennis ball in a small area, especially when it’s a race! And it was a little bit special because when the first team member finishes the slalom, he has to take off his equipment and give to the next member.

Immediately after the last trial, Jan Plachy, the organizer, announced the ranks. At the beginning, I wasn’t listening because I was too focused on the cricket game. Then he called Foreigners.cz for the awards and one of my team-mate said me that we won Expats Games 2013! Even if the main thing is to participate, it was really pleasant to win. 🙂

After the awards, we attended 2 shows. The first one was a percussion instrument band, playing a very rhythmic music, with voice, so pleasant to listen it. The second show was Indian dance by a group of 8 dancers, on a typical Indian music.

My impressions
This event merit meeting more attendees for the next edition, and a better weather, because it was a very nice day! Trials are for everything, are playful, and if you like sports, this is a good mean to exert yourself! The organization team was very agreeable, food and beer were good, and I got to try rock climbing and cricket for the first time. This day will stay in my good memories!
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