Big Changes in Employment for Foreigners in Czechia Starting July 1, 2024

#ImmiUpdatesCzechia From July 1, 2024, there are important updates for expats working (or considering  working)  in the Czech Republic. These changes aim to simplify the employment process and open the job market to more foreign professionals. Find out what you need to know in our article. 

Free Access for Citizens of Nine Countries

A major development is that citizens from the following countries will have free access to the Czech labor market:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • South Korea
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

This means citizens from these countries will no longer need work permits to be employed in Czechia, similar to EU citizens. However, they still need to have valid visas or residency permits to stay in the country.


Residency Permits Still Required

While work permits are no longer necessary, expats must secure a valid residency permit. This is crucial for ensuring their legal stay in Czechia. Simply entering the country on a tourist visa or through visa-free arrangements does not grant permission to work. 

If someone from these countries wants to come to Czechia for short-term work (up to 90 days), they must apply for a short-term visa for employment purposes. The new regulation simplifies this process by not requiring a work permit to be included in the application.


Existing Employee Card Holders

If you already hold a dual Employee Card, this status won’t change automatically on July 1, 2024. Your card will still be considered dual until its renewal or if you change employers. At that time, you can switch to a non-dual Employee Card, taking advantage of the free access to the labor market.

Those who are in the Czech Republic via assignment and hold a non-dual Employee Card + work permit will only have to extend their Employee Card when the time comes – the work permit will no longer be needed. 


Advantages for Blue Card holders

Although you can work with free labor market access, there are still benefits to choosing a Blue Card:

  • Family Inclusion: Your family members can apply for long-term residence permits for reunification purposes immediately (= at the same time that you’re applying for your first Blue Card), allowing them to work in Czechia as well. In contrast, family members of Employee Card holders must wait six months before applying.
  • Permanent Residence: Time spent with a Blue Card counts towards permanent residency in EU countries, under certain conditions.
  • EU Mobility: If you hold a Blue Card from another EU country, you can apply for a Blue Card in Czechia and start working 30 days after application submission. With an Employee Card, you would need to apply at a Czech embassy and wait for approval.


Implications for Work and Stay

Even with free access to the labor market, you must ensure that your residency status is correctly updated. This is vital to avoid any legal issues and to benefit from the rights granted to foreign workers in Czechia.


These legislative updates reflect the Czech Republic’s efforts to create a more flexible and efficient framework for employing foreigners, which is expected to benefit both employers and employees by simplifying procedures and expanding opportunities.


Sources: zakonyprolidi, MPSV, SUIP, MVCR


Image sources: pexels

Nicole Hulinská

Hello readers! My name is Nicole and I am working for Foreigners Pilsen. Besides my job, I love dancing, good food and traveling. Even though I am a Czech native, I have been living in the US for a while, so I know the struggle of being a foreigner, that's why I hope I will make your life easier by some of the posts. Enjoy!

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