Many expats who obtain a trade licence in the Czech Republic receive a “surprise” in their post box no long afterward, consisting of a money order with an accompanying letter. Stay calm. It is just a trick made by a local company to wheedle money from you.
The fraudulent post is sent by the Informatik company who states Lidická 2030/20, Brno as their address. They ask for a payment for registering the new trade license holder into “Rejstřík obchodu a činnosti” (“Trade License Register”). It is possible they send it systematically to all newly registered people – it is easy for them to find out since the Czech Trade Register is publicly accessible.

The letter is not too aggressive (comparing to a similar letter you may receive in other countries) and the requested amount of money is usually less than 2 000 CZK but still, many new entrepreneurs can get mistaken by its official appearance and a Czech bank account number.
What to do then?
Crease the letter and throw it away. Don’t pay for anything. The company doesn’t really commit a fraud – they promise to list in the companies register which is distributed by CD-ROM – but it is only wasting your money for a pointless service.

We have been already contacted by several of our clients who we helped with their trade licence issuance so don’t get stressed if it happens to you as well. Once you obtain your trade license with Foreigners, everything is safe and you are not obligated to pay any further fee.
Thanks guys for letting us know…. you guys are really helpful…