We would like to draw your attention to the planned reconstruction of the street “Milady Horakove”. Reconstruction will begin Saturday, the 15th March 2014 and will continue for about 16 months!

This will make street “Milady Horakové” completely impassable to all traffic. This will change all public transportation links of Brno. This includes tram numbers 3, 5 and 9, and bus line number 67, 82 and the night lines as well as number N92 and N93.
Given the extensive transportation arrangements timetables will change. As a result of this change in schedules, timetables will vary and other connections including stop “Janáčkovo divadlo” for exclusions changed to “stable”.
Tram lines will be diverted down by “Cejl” street. It will not be in the section of “Moravské náměstí” on “Jugoslávská” to introduce a replacement bus service to which passengers are normally accustomed to, so the operator will stop ” Náměstí 28.října” and ” Dětská nemocnice” solution in a specific way.
The area at the stop “Dětská nemocnice” serves as the new terminal station for the tram line track, which will be at the city center across the street from Cejl .
“Náměstí 28.října” will be accessible by bus lines 67 and a replacement bus service from X5 “Černá pole” to stop “Janáčkovo divadlo”.
Stay tuned, detailed information including floor plans and timetables we will post on our FB page!
For more information, please see the official website of public transformation Brno – DPMB, a.s.