Xmas Meet Up in Prague
for the last Meet Up in Prague, we have organized in Café Domecek as the previous month. For this last event of the year, more than 60 people, a new game to get acquainted, win gifts and a small interview with an expatriate.
The event
Last month, we held our first Meet Up who had met a nice start. We would like to thank you because you were a little over 60 people for the second edition.
We also organized a lovely surprise with the video projector, we were connected at the same time Meet Up Brno and Hradec. The idea was gret for the guests and some even stop to say hello.
The ice breaking game
Like last month we organized a game to mix and chat with everyone. But this time everyone received a sheet and had to go ask other people if they ux them were ever this event and whether you simply marked the name.

This is the Meet Up Christmas, most came with gifts, so obviously if you bring a gift you will leave with a gift. All the gifts were put under our Christmas tree original, beautifully decorated with a garland 🙂
Those who responded most quickly in this game and who collected the most first names could choose their gift.
After we announced the winners we continued partying.
I was very happy during the evening to see some people last month as our Italian friends, but also to meet new people who come from Russia, Bulgaria … but also Czech.
If you want to see more photos of the event, I remind you that they are available on our Facebook page right here.
The interview
To compliment our evening and to know the state of mind, I did a mini interview with a person who wore glasses and a red hat. I told him of course asked if he had a little time to give me.
Surprised I was chosen because my credibility was so full with my Christmas hat, I wanted to thank him.
Question: What is your name and or just you?
Answer: I call Arman but my friends call me and I just Orman Turkey.
Q: When did you arrive in Prague, what are you doing?
A: I arrived in Prague one month ago, I’m a bit of an artist without being pretentious, I try to improve myself and I teach to children origamy in prague 5. So I’m trying at the same time be able to share my knowledges.
Q: What do you think about Czech people?
A: At first glance, they look cold, but they are really friendly, and especially what I like most is when you discuss their facial expressions on their faces, their mimics are totally different from my country.
Q: What is really different here compared to your country or to your city?
A: I come from Izmir in Turkey, it is near Greece, and what is really different here is the difference between minus and plus. I am of course talking about the weather, my home, the sky is blue, here it is darker but the beauty of the buildings in this time gives a little more charm to the city. The weather color is not a critic, but what I really like is when there is fog, I rarely see at home.
Q: What is your next travel or next travels?
A: My next travel is to leave Prague, go to Warsow, Minsk, Moscow, Kiev and come back to Prague. Ant after my next travel will be destination unknown 🙂
Q: Where did you find the Meet Up and what did you expect?
A: I cauchsurfing and this is my friend who I talked about the event. I thought it might be a good idea to meet new people. My only concern is that people are too young, they will see that teenagers have not quite adults. And finally what a good surprise everyone with whom I spoke casual look, it’s simple to share ideas, much work and do not hesitate to speak simply of their work is really cool. People are really open minded. I’m happy and it gives me the same time to discover Foreigners.cz. I really appreciate the ice breaking game, good idea! I hope to come to the next Meet Up 🙂
Next appointment
I will have the opportunity to make a new interview the next Meet Up so I’ll be lucky and happy to meet you. I know, according to the Mayan calendar, the end of the world is scheduled for December 21, but it’s the same thing every year, it is always the end of the world when we have all the gifts to buy 3 days before Christmas! But we still made especially more than a few days before finally being able to laugh about the movie 2012.
I give you an appointment next month around the 10th January for the next Meet Up.
From here, I wish you all a very happy Christmas holidays , see you next year with more and more people 🙂