New Payment Options for Application Submissions

In our previous article, we provided a detailed explanation of the changes related to the abolition of revenue stamps and how to prepare for them. This article will bring you further useful information on how the new payment options work.

With the new system, remote payment options have been introduced, which can significantly simplify the process. It is essential to fill in the details correctly and provide proof of payment.

What payment methods are now available?

Administrative fees for submitting applications can now only be paid by cashless methods, primarily via bank transfer. Additionally, an online payment details generator has been launched for applications submitted remotely. This tool helps to generate accurate payment details, including a variable and specific symbol.

Any inaccuracy in the provided data can lead to issues with matching the payment and may delay the entire process. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that all details are filled in correctly according to the provided instructions. When entering payment details, it is necessary to include the applicant’s personal details correctly, including minors.

Each applicant must provide the correct:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Passport number

If an accommodation provider submits a request to cancel a foreigner’s registered place of residence, they must include the foreigner’s details when making the payment.

Do you have any questions? Contact us – we are happy to assist you with all the details.

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Kristýna Stará

Ahoj! Jsem studentka posledního ročníku na VŠ Ambis v Brně, kde studuji marketingové komunikaci. Psaní a čtení jsou mou vášní a těším se, že mohu své dovednosti a kreativitu uplatnit v praxi. Ráda také sportuji a cestuji, což mi pomáhá udržovat čerstvou perspektivu. Je mi ctí přispět ke kvalitnímu obsahu a pomoci vám prostřednictvím blogu.

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