If you’ve lived in the Czech Republic for long enough, you should by now have a Resident Permit validating your stay. When it comes to its expiry date, you may wonder how to prolong it.
To extend your Residence Permit you have to apply for its extension at least one day before the expiry date. Applications made earlier than 120 days from expiry will not be taken into account.
The application must be filed at the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. If you don’t apply on time, it can be considered a violation and you may have to pay a fine.
First of all, check the application requirements. There, you can find the application form you will have to fill in when prolonging your Residence Permit.
In case you can’t report on time the willingness to extend the validity of your residence permit due to a problem out of your responsibility (which you’ll need to prove), you have 3 working days since problem disclosure to state it to the relevant office.
If you can’t attend the process, you can also appeal to the power of attorney – a document that allows you to appoint another person to manage your case if you are unable to do so – which should be signed for this specific purpose.
When the residence permit is approved, you’ll have to provide your biometric data (your fingerprints, plus a picture of you) at the MOI. It’s mandatory to make an appointment at the relevant office.
The fee for the prolongation of your Residence Permit is 1500 CZK in the form of stamps (KOLEK in Czech) available at any post office.
Once you provide the biometric data, you will have to schedule another appointment to pick up the residence card: this might take up to 2 weeks. The fee for collecting the residence card is 1000 CZK.
Image source: Pixabay
Bonjour Madame Spingaux
J’interviens pour le compte d’un ami cubain, Yohendris TORRES COCA, qui vit à Prague depuis 2 années. A la fin du mois d’avril son permis de séjour arrivera à son terme. Il souhaite donc le renouveler. Comme il ne parle ni l’anglais, ni le tchèque, il devra être assisté pour effectuer les formalités requises. Peut-être êtes-vous la personne souhaitée ?
Je signale qu’il a obtenu l’asile politique du gouvernement tchèque, et c’est donc à ce titre qu’il réside légalement en République Tchèque.
Je m’appelle Laurent CHARLES-ALFRED. je suis français et vit actuellement en Martinique.
Mon téléphone : + 596 696 929212
Malheureusement je ne suis pas en charge de ce genre de services mais, mes collègues se feront un plaisir de vous aider! Svp, envoyez votre demande à prague@foreigners.cz ou appelez nous au +420 211 221 492
Bonne soirée
Good day! I would to ask if a temporary residence permit for a family member can be prolonged after it expires?.I have been in Czech republic for over 4 years and next year will be my 5th year here but my temporary residence permit expires in 2024 ,so i wanna ask if next year i will eligible to apply for a permanent residence before my temporary residence expires a year after? Next will be five years in Czech but my temporary residence was approved a year after i arrived in czech republic .thank u
Hi Brian,
Yes, your temporary residence permit can for sure be exdended after it expires.
I would definitely advise you to try and apply for permanent residency once you’ve been here for 5 years in total though. The one year you were in Czechia before getting your temp. residency can be proved by other means to make sure you have the 5 years – e.g. insurance contract, lease contract, energy bills from that time, etc.
If you need help with applying for an extension or applying for permanent residency, we’d love to help! Contact us at info@foreigners.cz and one of our immigration specialists will take care of you 🙂
Good day, I want to ask if I can renew my permanent residence of my kids card in the czech consulat in Munich as the family is living in Germany?
Hi Zeina,
Unfortunately, you have to visit the MOI in Czechia to be able to extend the permit. However, you will have to prove that you still have an accommodation/address here as well as insurance.
Also, make sure you don’t extend the limit of living abroad – more on that here https://blog.foreigners.cz/permanent-residency-staying-outside-czechia/.
My temporary residency expired 2 years ago. Do I need to apply for a new one?
Thank you
Hi Bluey,
Does that mean you’re currently living in the Czech Republic without any permits?
If yes, you’re here illegally and you definitely need to re-apply again. If you need help, please email us at info@foreigners.cz.
Hi. My permanent residence will expire in April 2023. Regarding this: “you can find the application form you will have to fill in when prolonging your Residence Permit”, I can only see the form applying for permanent residency for the first time. Is there a form the extending the validity or do I have to apply like new for the first time?
Hi Ross,
It’s the same form. If you look at the top of the form, you’ll see there are 4 checkboxes to indicate what you’re applying for. Extension of PR is one of them. Hope this helps!
Thank you for replying. So I’m confused. When I go to the MoI website, click application forms, then permanent residence, it gives me the option: application form for a permanent residence permit for an EU citizen:https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/third-country-nationals-application-requirements-application-forms.aspx?q=Y2hudW09Nw%3d%3d.
But this is like a form for applying for it the first time, and I don’t see any the 4 checkboxes at the top of the form to apply for an extension. I expected something like that, but I can’t see anything. Am I looking in the wrong place? Could you link to the form that I need by chance? Much appreciated! Ross.
Hi Ross,
I’m confused. I can see the boxes in the forms. Both the non EU one https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/file/tiskopis-zadosti-o-vydani-povoleni-k-trvalemu-pobytu-obcane-3-zemi.aspx and the EU one https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/file/tiskopis-zadosti-o-povoleni-k-trvalemu-pobytu.aspx. It’s the last box in both forms.
Maybe we’re miscommunicating?
Let me know if this helps, we can get to the bottom of this!
I was puzzled by the form you sent, which didn’t correspond to the one I downloaded. Then I realised they updated the forms, and it seems to renew permanent residency you have to use the OLD form (the one you linked to!) I hope that’s right… Thank you for the info. on this blog.
Hi Ross,
I found these forms on the MVČR website. Maybe double-check with the MOI office to make sure these are the correct ones? But it should be ok, in my opinion :).
Thanks and have a lovely day,
My Wife’s residence permit expired 21/05/2023. We couldn’t manage to acquire all the needed documents in time & find a suitable appointment with MOI in time. The earliest appointment we could get was on June 26th. Will we be fined for this? If so, how much will it be?
Thanks for your support.
Kind regards
Hi Dev, please send a message to our consultants at info@foreigners.cz or contact them via +420 533 533 787
Hello, my biometric expired and I realised a few days afterwards, I m a British citizen, but in Czech since 2007, can I still renew it? They told me I have 90 days to leave. But my entire life is here. Including my Czech partner of 11.5 years, not married but living together for 10 years.
Hello, thank you for your question! Please contact our office at +420 533 533 787.
My temporary residency as family member of CZ will be expiring in few months and permanent residency application is on-going, just incase it doesn’t get approved before the expiry, will MOI automatically extend my temporary one? Or will they give me a bridge visa instead? And will I be allowed to continue working on bridge visa just incase?
Thank you in advance.