MeetUp spirit
Many people may wonder, but “what is a MeetUp?” A MeetUp in spirit is the opportunity to meet locals and expats living in Prague. This will be offered throughout the year at the beginning of each month.
For, it is important that a meeting takes place in a friendly place. Games and activities to enhance the usability and it is also a good way to break the ice.

How to get more easily to others?
I’m a boy nervous by nature, but I’m never afraid to express myself with new people. Who can judge you?
I share with you a few of my techniques if you’re shy and you have to meet someone new. There are many traditional questions, what is your name? Where are you from?
But a simple question that relaxes your partner is, how do you say cheers in your country?
It is maybe the French way, but it will prove the interest you have for this person and your curiosity about his culture.
What are they doing in Prague? What are their desires? What differentiates their culture with their impressions of the Czech Culture?

My impression
I enjoyed this first MeetUp, it is always good to meet new people and new nationalities. It increases your desire to travel, it helps to improve your English, it is essential to be understood. And especially your openness will especially be greater than ever.
It is also a good way to expand your network and you will never be alone.
The event took place on November 8 at Café Domecek and it was a success. There were over 50 people, not bad for the start. Most people who attended found us through facebook.
I had the opportunity to meet people who come from Taiwan, Serbia, Italy, Bulgaria, but also local people.

An appointment
The next MeetUp will be held in December in Prague. But if you’re not in Prague we also organize MeetUp in Brno, Pilsen and Hradec Kralove.
If you want to see more pictures from MeetUp in Prague check it at our Facebook page Prague.
Join us if you have difficulty finding a new home, you need insurance or a driving license we are here to help you. And we look forward to seing you at the Rendez-vous in December.